Sentences with phrase «end of the continuum»

But it is also possible to understand a great deal about the nature of physical reality by beginning from the other end of the continuum.
But because they didn't, this suggests ADHD is not a clear - cut disorder and is rather the extreme end of a continuum of behaviors.
So we really need to see mental health difficulties as being at an extreme end of a continuum of behaviour.
Those scientists and institutions — the ones sitting at the experienced far end of the continuum — are exceptional.
I will say this: As with most things, the farther toward the science end of the continuum you fall, the more accurate you're likely to be.
The can be used to represent two ends of a continuum for learners to self assess against the behaviours.
There are two ends of the continuum in the investment market.
At the less severe end of the continuum, adults may even differ on whether a particular behavior is seen as challenging.
However, on the other end of the continuum is poor health and high inflammation.
Children who are on the extreme end of the continuum can be in terrible trouble; medication might help those children.
«Imagine social fear and social confidence are like hot and cold; related to one another, but at opposite ends of continuum.
Unfortunately, some church institutions, and / or church leaders, have over-taught that left end of the continuum.
Consider the creatures at the high end of the continuum: members of the primate family, porpoises and whales, and at the very top, humans.
Between these two ends of the continuum range a number of views both questioning and compassionate.
There will be a very few on the other end of the continuum also, who are so righteous they do not need any purification and therefore go straight to God.
The final vignette, placed at the visible end of the continuum, involved a planned unit of study on planets.
With a number of important events exacerbating uncertainty through year - end, we think it makes sense to keep risk at the low end of the continuum now.
There was no suggestion that the PKK fell at the extreme end of the continuum referred to in R (on the application of Gurung).
At different ends of the continuum, the texting between M.T. and her paramour D.B., on the one hand, and President Obama, friend to and of both new and old media (so far, anyway, although there seems to have been some resiling from free and easy use of social / new media — if only that had been the case with M.T. And D.B.), on the other, are reminders of how peripheral I feel — am — to how one interacts with society.
The Germanic law underpinning seems to be that literally anyone may, indeed must make an arrest, with the lynch mob being at the less - civilized end of the continuum of detaining miscreants, and acting under the authorization of a justice of the peace being at the more - civilized end.
Conversely, at the disengaged end of the continuum boundaries are inappropriately rigid, underpinning an affective involvement that the McMaster model had described as «lack of involvement».
At the enmeshed end of the continuum (as in that example), boundaries between family members or between one sub-system and another are diffuse.
The far end of the continuum includes children who are violent, destructive, unmanageable, dangerous and sociopathic.
Past versions of FACES have not been capable of capturing the curvilinear aspects of the Circumplex model (i.e., cohesion and adaptability were found to be linearly related to adjustment instead of extremes on either end of the continuum predicting maladjustment).
It stands to reason that the typical entrepreneur has a high value for freedom and autonomy, or that they have an ownership mentality, opposed to the employee mentality at the other end of the continuum.
Trespassers, at the opposite end of the continuum, are to be given little duty by businesses to protect them from harm when they are illegally on the business» grounds.
But, typically, along the continuums of attributes listed below, traditional assessments fall more towards the left end of each continuum and authentic assessments fall more towards the right end.
I mean that on that fifth dimension of the Big Five personality inventory, «agreeableness,» they tend to be on the far end of the continuum.
Progressive critics presume there to be an opposition of the two councils, when in fact they are only two ends of a continuum of Vatican reform.
Fred Phelps is only the extreme end of a continuum... churches have had to put signs up letting gay people know they were welcome to come... not necessarily to condone the behavior, but to let people know they won't be turned away or treated badly if they come in.
But the entrepreneurs who have a high value for freedom and autonomy, and have the ownership mentality necessary, but who are naturally at the «Systematic Organization» end of the continuum have their challenges too.
Most entrepreneurs I work with fall toward the «Fluid and Responsive» end of the continuum, so the hats that they continually fight to make fit because they require traits that are not natural to them, are scheduling, follow up, organization, replication, and delegation (which is both a mindset challenge and a natural traits challenge.)
Most entrepreneurs I work with fall toward the «Fluid and Responsive» end of the continuum, so the hats that they continually fight to make fit are scheduling, follow up, organization, replication, and delegation (which is both a mindset challenge and a natural traits challenge.)
But those at either end of the continuum may find it impossible.
It merely moves back toward the Vatican I end of the continuum, in order to protect both revealed truth and modernity» against modernity itself.
Both ends of the continuum must be regarded as limits never fully reached on the concrete level.
The grossly disturbed persons are represented by the «high» (right) end of the continuum, the mentally healthy by the «low» end of the bar.
So, I'm calling on all expecting moms: Take a deep breath and give yourself a mindful moment — and ideally many more — and some space to merge both ends of the continuum.
The researchers used emoticons with smiling or frowning faces at each end of a continuum to get people to identify whether the music made them feel good or bad.
Meanwhile, in our example of the hypothetical athlete, who is not working a lot on that low load and high - velocity end of the continuum, he might do more work on the other end of the continuum with high loads and lower speeds.

Phrases with «end of the continuum»

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