Sentences with phrase «end of the eighteenth century»

The amazing appeal of Chateaubriand derives from his ability to turn the privileging of nature (the great innovation at the end of the eighteenth century) into an argument for sacrality, and to legitimize the spheres of the emotional and the aesthetic as valid replacements for those of the rational and the social.
By the end of the eighteenth century, knowledge of these commonalities was widespread and accepted by nearly everyone, even the emerging skeptics, agnostics, and lukewarm believers.
It is not sufficient to distinguish capitalism from the pre-capitalist systems that prevailed everywhere until the end of the eighteenth century and still prevail in most of what is called «the third world.»
Yet there has been a change in science since the end of the eighteenth century.
In Saudi Arabia, these ideas were first introduced by a man living at the end of the eighteenth century: Muhammad ibn «Abd al - Wahhab.
Political economists first divorced economics from theology at the end of the eighteenth century, and economists of the nineteenth century went on to free it from political theory.
Within the Methodist movement, by the end of the eighteenth century, there were divisions.
Before the end of the eighteenth century trends in philosophy were beginning to discredit Deism, but not necessarily to the advantage of Christianity.
By the end of the eighteenth century, the twin challenges of the natural sciences, along with their philosophical interpreters, and of scientific historical study profoundly challenged the credibility of received forms of Christian faith.
Revivalism beginning at the end of the eighteenth century rescued the Church from deism and indifference, finding an answer to the question of how to present the judgment and redemption of God, but also limiting their message and binding it to emotionalism.
Some have argued that the kind of moral vision upon which these revolutionaries rested had fragmented by the end of the eighteenth century.
A riveting history of the men and women whose discoveries and inventions at the end of the eighteenth century gave birth to the Romantic Age of Science.
They had come to the Ukraine at the end of the eighteenth century at the invitation of Russia's Catherine the Great, lured by the promise of religious freedom, exemption from military service, the right to own land and to speak German in school and church.
Deep within the bowels of the city are the bones of more than six million Parisians, the result of overcrowded cemeteries at the end of the eighteenth century.
«The figure of the doppelgänger appears in fiction at the end of the eighteenth century.
THE ART - HISTORICAL CATEGORY of «late work,» which emerged around the end of the eighteenth century, has itself begun to show signs of age.
The original suggested onset was the end of the eighteenth century, when the European industrial revolution's large - scale coal - burning triggered rising concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Quite frankly, I find it bizarre that some would defend the practice of making anonymous comments on Slaw by referring to the practice of publishing anonymous pamphlets at the end of the eighteenth century.
By the end of the eighteenth century, the term asylum was used, and some reforms were being implemented when the notion was introduced that psychological disturbances, like physical ailments, could be viewed as diseases requiring treatment rather than crimes calling for imprisonment.
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