Sentences with phrase «end of the experiment»

At the tail end of the experiment in 2010, fewer than half the city's residents had installed smart meters.
Having been on separate ends of the experiment when it failed, they both pursue conflicting routes in an effort to fix the fracture.
(Once before their mood was manipulated and once after, and again at the very end of the experiment.)
He has experimented with different coffees and I don't mind being on the receiving end of these experiments!
Their teachers were told which pupils showed outstanding promise and, lo and behold, by the end of the experiment those children started performing exceptionally well.
If they can resist eating the marshmallow, they're rewarded with a second marshmallow at the end of the experiment.
I would be interested in a follow - up at the end of this experiment.
There is no problem with micro - evolution which has been demonstrated in laboratories testing mutations in the fruit fly and significantly a fruit fly still remained a fruit fly at the end of the experiments.
At the end of the experiment (either one or two days, it depends on how vibrant you want your flowers to be) gather the carnations into one bouquet.
At the end of the experiments, they are killed.
Patients recorded the level of pain they felt every 15 seconds during the injections and completed a pain questionnaire about their experience at the end of the experiment.
Non-transgenic Desiree plants were 100 % infected by early August while all GM plants remained fully resistant to the end of the experiment.
The child was told that at the end of the experiment, one choice would be drawn at random from the ten decisions the child made and the child would be obligated to purchase the chosen snack.
By the end of this experiment, the sheep chose a familiar celebrity's face over a stranger's face about 79 percent of the time on average.
These differences over time, not detectable with traditional root washings at the end of an experiment, would have been lost.»
«During our initial trial of the mini-Horhizotron, root dry mass of the herbaceous species tested and root length measurements showed little difference in growth between the substrate treatments or between the mini-Horhizotron and containers for the species tested at the end of the experiment,» the authors wrote.
At the end of the experiment, the bullied mice were socially withdrawn.
These experiments all measured how extra CO2 in the atmosphere affects plant growth, microbial production of carbon dioxide, and the total amount of soil carbon at the end of the experiment.
To find those genes, the team sequenced the genomes of flies at the beginning and end of the experiment and looked for genetic variants originating in Dark - fly that became more common only under the dark conditions.
At the end of the experiment, all volunteers showed an improvement.
«At the end of the experiment, it is thus no longer possible — in whatever form — to identify which of the two atoms is number 1 and which is number 2,» explains Dr. Andrea Alberti from the IAP.
At the end of the experiment, the bubbly drinkers were visibly worse for wear.
By the end of the experiment, the marsh crabs had eaten an order of magnitude less cordgrass than they usually did.
To see if the insects reached a consensus about where to gather (an indicator of group personality), they tallied how many insects were beneath each disk at the end of the experiment.
Despite these individual personality differences, by the end of each experiment the groups always ended up crowded together beneath the same shelter.
At the end of the experiment, the satellite will be reeled back in, so it can be used again.
«At least they haven't fessed up to it, but at the end of an experiment, you've got tissue, so why not bread it and fry it up?»
In a second experiment, a new group of subjects was given # 20 and told that any money they held at the end of the experiment would be multiplied up to 10-fold, giving them as much as # 200.
The average testosterone levels in the control group showed no significant change over the course of the treatment — it was around 2.3 ng / ml at both the beginning and the end of the experiment.
Finally, Relman cautions that the composition of the mouse microbiome was measured only at the end of the experiment.
All the frittatas had disappeared by the end of the experiment.
Each electron - positron pair should carry away a large chunk of the neutrinos» energy: Cohen and Glashow calculated that at the end of the experiment, the neutrinos should have had energies no higher than about 12 gigaelectronvolts.
But by the end of the experiment — when performance was at its peak — one species, Brevibacillus agri, made up the majority of the electron - producing microbes.
During cooperative trials, the scores of the subjects and the other players were summed together for points that could translate into a monetary reward at the end of the experiment.
Toward the end of his experiment, he struggles to fight off depression and says he feels good only when he's eating.
After three minutes, the cavitating jet had removed about a third more plaque than the water jet did, leaving little plaque stuck to the implant at the end of the experiment.
«At a large state university, I would have more access to people who are willing to have you do strange things to them and not tell them why until the end of the experiment,» Williams says wistfully, glancing around at the boxes of soda and candy stacked against the walls of the lab, which the researchers use to bribe volunteers.
It's been accepted for more than 200 years that a scientist, at the end of the experiment, has a duty to publish, so it's better to accept at the very start of your career that papers are your product.
The results indicate that the highest number of new hippocampal neurons was observed in rats that ran long distances and that also had a genetic predisposition to benefit from aerobic exercise: Compared to sedentary animals, HRT rats that ran voluntarily on a running wheel had 2 - 3 times more new hippocampal neurons at the end of the experiment.
By the end of the experiment, the groups on restricted and unpredictable diets had eaten the same amount of calories.
At the end of the experiment, researchers sequenced the genomes of the flies and found a number of genes that became more common when harassment was not allowed, but these same genes became rare when male harassment was allowed to occur as usual.
Because the chinese greens and cucumber seedlings flooded with SSW died at the end of experiment or two weeks after flooding, growth data were not collected for these two vegetables.
All six mice with pancreatic cancer were still alive at the end of the experiment, 113 days after treatment with 5E5 CAR T cells.
Meanwhile, only one - third of those treated with CAR T cells that did not target Tn - MUC1 survived until the end of the experiment.
At the end of the experiment, one of these choices was randomly selected and carried out: The decision - maker got paid, and either they or another person — waiting in a different room — got a series of painful zings on the wrist.
Soil samples were taken from the floor of the nests and the nestlings were examined at regular intervals and at the end of the experiment.
In reality, they weren't: By the end of the experiment, the striped lizards were moving 5 % faster on average.
Overall, the study found that the lights either encouraged or discouraged settlement in 39 % of the taxa, or groups of species, living on the panels by the end of the experiment period.
This version of the game focused on the refugee crisis, and all participants were randomly presented with fabricated news articles on the topic at the end of the experiment.
And those factors made the progeny even more attractive to bumblebees at the end of the experiment: a sign the plants had adapted to their pollinators» preferences.
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