Sentences with phrase «end of the growing season»

What I usually do is freeze my peppers as I harvest them until the end of the growing season and then make my sauces.
The end of summer doesn't necessarily mean the end of the growing season here in Georgia.
A nice substitute for the radishes might be DAIKON, especially when the radishes may get a little too hot near the end of the growing season.
All harvest estimates seem to be holding steady through the end of the growing season.
These beans can also be allowed to mature toward the end of their growing season, and then dried for soup beans.
Black plastic does not decompose and must be removed at the end of the growing season; however, there are some brands of black plastic which do decompose.
It is not biodegradable and must be removed at the end of the growing season.
Often, the first frost of the year does not signal the end of the growing season.
Although the sheets must be weighted down with soil to prevent them from blowing away, the newspaper retards weeds, reflects more light than black plastic, holds moisture in the soil, and can simply be rototilled into the soil at the end of the growing season.
Jalapenos naturally ripen and turn bright red, around the end of the growing season.
At the end of the growing season, they fed wood, root, and soil samples into a mass spectrometer, which measures elemental balances.
Mark D. Schwartz, a distinguished professor of geography at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, explained that fall leaf coloration marks the end of the growing season in temperate climates, so understanding its current and future cycles illuminates what's to come for agriculture, water supplies and animal behavior, among many other areas.
The map reveals that tropical rainforests near the equator are actively sucking up carbon, while the Corn Belt in the eastern United States, near the end of its growing season, is also a sink.
Midwestern growers don't worry much about soybean rust, but the fungal disease has been popping up at the end of the growing season nearly every year since 2006.
Between 1939 and 1940, in his shack journals Leopold noted the effects of deer herbivory on herbaceous plants (plants whose leaves and stems die down to soil level at the end of the growing season) and trees he had planted on his land, which included oaks (Quercus spp.) and aspens (Populus tremuloides).
In a recent paper, «Divergent Responses to Spring and Winter Warming Drive Community Level Flowering Trends,» researchers demonstrated that species were changing at both ends of the growing season.
It grows just past three feet (1 m) tall and produces large, broad leaves and small, yellow petals, the latter of which only appear briefly at the end of the growing season.
These beans can also be allowed to mature toward the end of their growing season, and then dried for soup beans.
Towards the end of the growing season, I buy extra and cut the kernels from the cob once I've cooked them, then freeze them so we can enjoy them over the fall and winter months.
I wasn't sure if September was the end of the growing season.
Just as every garden needs a good tidy - up at the end of the growing season, so the school system needs to pare back the various targets and players, to give clarity to everyone, and the space for school improvers to get on with their job: improving schools.
Records of tree - ring characteristics such as their width (TRW) and density (usually the maximum density of the wood formed towards the end of the growing season — the «maximum latewood density» — MXD) are widely used to infer past variations in climate over recent centuries and even millennia.
1) growing insect resistance is actually global warming related as well, since longer growing seasons lead to greater insect populations by the end of the growing season (as alluded to in the article), and thus more rapid resistance to pesticides and / or naturally resistant plant varieties.
At the end of a growing season it WILL contain elements of the neighbouring GM crop.
Trees tend to produce cells with thicker walls at the end of the growing season, forming a dark band of dense wood.
Relative electrolyte leakage increased toward the end of the growing season (post-hoc P < 0.05) and increased in response to drought stress (P < 0.001, Figure 2B).
The expression of NCED, which is required for ABA biosynthesis, increased from the beginning toward the end of the growing season (post-hoc P < 0.05) and was higher in progenies from moister sites than in those from drier sites (post-hoc P < 0.05, Figure 3A).
In contrast to NCED, the expression of PP2C, a phosphatase involved in ABA signal transduction, decreased toward the end of the growing season (post-hoc P < 0.05).
Drought stress affected NCED only at the end of the growing season, with the strongest increases in progenies from Sellhorn and Unterlüß (moist sites, post-hoc P < 0.05, Figure 3A).
The expression levels of APX were lower than those of SOD and ALDH (post-hoc P < 0.001 for both comparisons) and decreased toward the end of the growing season compared with mid-season values (post-hoc P < 0.05, Figure 4B).
The expression of ERD15, an ABA - responsive transcription factor that attenuates ABA responses, was higher in progenies from moist than in those from drier sites (post-hoc P < 0.05), increased toward the end of the growing season (P = 0.013) and increased in response to drought stress (P < 0.001).
Consider the upscale suburb of Northbrook, Illinois, where a woman was told she had to remove her front yard veggie garden by the end of the growing season, and couldn't plant another.
Each seasonal increment consists of a couplet of earlywood (a light growth band from the early part of the growing season) and denser latewood (a dark band produced towards the end of the growing season), and collectively they make up the tree ring.
At the end of the growing season, teachers select a class winner, based on size, appearance and maturity and that submission is entered in a state scholarship drawing.
I scrub my pots with bleach water at the end of each growing season so I never achieve the mossy or salted look.
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