Sentences with phrase «end of the ice age»

CO2 did come from oceans as they heated up at end of ice age cycles with significant contributions from eurasian swamps as well.
Artifacts, artistic depictions and human bone chemistry combine to show that fishing did not really get going until the Solutrean, and only became important in the Middle and especially the Late Magdalenian, at the very end of the Ice Age.
By this interpretation, it seems to me, nothing is more wrong than to treat the Human as though it has been biologically stationary since the ending of the Ice Age.
The end of an ice age is associated with about 10 - 20 F ° of temperature rise, according to interpretations of the Vostok ice cores.
«Our true dawn: Pinning down human origins» «The great thaw: Charting the end of the ice age» «The shape of life: Biology's biggest mystery»
At the end of each ice age, the ocean exhales carbon dioxide.
The silica pulses corresponded exactly with the end of each ice age.
It takes a few steps to get from the end of an ice age to an exodus of carbon dioxide from the Southern Ocean.
Today, we are in a warm period at the end of an ice age.
The real killer came at the end of the ice age 12,000 years ago.
It is generally accepted that different point types were developed in Africa and Eurasia and brought to Alaska before the end of the Ice Age.
Scientists used to think that dogs were domesticated toward the end of the Ice Age, about 14,000 years ago (SN Online: 7/22/10).
Most supposed impact indicators at 29 sites are too old or too young to be remnants of an ancient comet that proponents claim sparked climate change at the end of the Ice Age, killed America's earliest people and caused a mass animal extinction.
Meltzer is lead author on the study and an expert in the Clovis culture, the peoples who lived in North America at the end of the Ice Age.
New research shows that a comet didn't spark climate change at the end of the Ice Age, killing the Clovis peoples and causing mass animal extinction.
Famished after the end of the Ice Age by a diet of low - nutrient mosses, and increasingly harried by human hunters, the big grazers dwindled to extinction.
«The end of an ice age, you have a sense in your bones what that means: a big, significant change for the planet,» Shakun says.
As population densities of hunter - gatherers slowly rose at the end of the ice ages, bands had to choose between feeding more mouths by taking the first steps toward agriculture, or else finding ways to limit growth.
«The rise at the end of the Ice Age and today is about the same [a rise of 100 ppm] and we're going to be well above and beyond,» most likely increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases by hundreds of parts per million from preindustrial levels, Shakun notes.
Skeletons from Greece and Turkey show that the average height of hunger - gatherers toward the end of the ice ages was a generous 5» 9» for men, 5» 5» for women.
«CO2 was the big driver of global warming at the end of the Ice Age
«This gives us the opportunity to provide the long view on global temperature and sea level rise, from the end of the Ice Age to today and then onward another 10,000 years into the future,» said Shakun.
While the world's human population currently grows at an average rate of 1 percent per year, earlier research has shown that long - term growth of the prehistoric human population beginning at the end of the Ice Age was just 0.04 percent annually.
«What our analysis shows is that this era of global warming will be as big as the end of the Ice Age.
«During the major climate warmings ending an ice age, periods of slower change alternated with periods of faster change,» he said «but it was unclear if these alternations were always the same at the end of every ice age
The study covers a period that begins at the end of the Ice Age and when there still was an ice sheet covering Canada, Shuman says.
«We have now added a view of the climate changes at the end of another ice age, for comparison, and we found that the patterns were different,» said co-author Professor Eelco Rohling, from the University of Southampton and ANU.
The ends of ice ages were different, but we can still use them to learn more about the sensitivity of the massive Antarctic ice sheet to climate change.»
These findings will help scientists understand the processes that control Earth's dramatic climate changes at the end of an ice age.
At the end of an ice age continental ice sheets, oceans and atmosphere change rapidly.
When large parts of the ice sheet melted at the end of the ice age, the weight of the ice sheet decreased, and the crust began to rebound.
In Greenland, the end of the Ice Age started 15,000 years ago and the temperature rose quickly.
Despite the rising sea level and therefore increasing pressure, the simulation showed that towards the end of the ice age large amounts of gas hydrate became unstable and the released gas escaped through the sediment to the seawater.
The numerical simulations of the seafloor also showed that the pockmarks in Nyegga are likely associated with this phenomenon because they are located right in the area of the largest gas hydrate dissociation event at the end of the Ice Age.
The dominance of forbs prior to the end of the ice age may help explain how the frigid tundra and steppe environments could support large herds of humongous herbivores such as mammoths (background of artist's representation), reindeer, and musk oxen, the researchers contend.
Humans were probably already deliberately burning down forest areas at the end of the Ice Age, in order to create a more variable landscape.
The invention of fat - burning lamps toward the end of the Ice Age helped to transform European culture.
It makes me wonder if the rest of the changes we think we see are also caused by natural conditions much like what causes the end of an ice age and the warming that follows.
[7] It has been suggested that the end of this ice age was responsible for the subsequent Ediacaran and Cambrian Explosion, though this theory is recent and controversial.
Like the Milankovitch cycles, sunspot cycles» effects are too weak and too frequent to explain the start and end of ice ages but very probably help to explain temperature variations within them.
A profile and examination of the recent findings of human settlements submerged at the end of the Ice Age when the sea level rose, giving credence to the notion that the story of Atlantis has its roots in actual historical events
When sea levels rose at the end of the Ice Age, the once dry cave filled with sea water producing the hole that now measures 1000 feet across with a depth of over 460 feet.
Measuring some 300 meters across (985 feet), the Belize Blue Hole was created more than 10,000 years ago when rising waters at the end of the Ice Age submerged a vast series of caverns and caves.
The 74 Islands of the Whitsundays are the tops of all that remain of a coastal range, situated between Townsville and Mackay and some 900 km north of Brisbane, which was submerged when sea levels rose at the end of the ice age.
«I many times say to people, «I'm really lucky to be able to watch the end of the Ice Age,» because that's where we are,» he says.
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