Sentences with phrase «end of the nail»

If your dog has dark nails and you can't see the quick, I recommend just taking off the pointed end of the nail for now.
If it is the wrong size, you can sometimes trim the open end of the nail cap to adjust it.
If it doesn't fit, trim the open end of each nail cap until they fit your dog's claws snugly OR, before altering the nail caps, send the complete package back for an exchange.
Just cut the tips: The sharp end of the nail is the part that can puncture furniture and give leverage to cause damage.
JJ, that would have been funny, except that you used the toe clippings with an ending of a NAIL.
Babies who don't do much moving (such as the crawling and grabbing that will come later) don't naturally wear down the ends of their nails at all really, either.
Using a brush, apply this to the ends of your nails as seen in the image.
Once you've allowed the white stripe to dry completely, use french manicure tip guides to tape off the end of your nail.
Each trunk is just one swipe of the brush all the way to the end of my nail curved towards me.
Who do you think Katniss will hold by her side at the end of this nail biting journey, Gale Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth) or Peeta (Josh Hutcherson)?
However, if grinding is not an option, then it is best to take off the end of the nail, usually just below the place where it gets thinner.
Using a nail trimmer for dogs, cut the nail below the quick on a 45 - degree angle, with the cutting end of the nail clipper toward the end of the nail.
Trim very thin slices off the end of the nail until you see a black dot appear towards the center of the nail when you look at it head on.
The «quick,» a blood vessel that runs down the middle of your dog's nail, grows as the nail grows, so if you wait a long time between cuttings, the quick will be closer to the end of the nail.
This will cause the end of the nail to dry out much more quickly and the quick will recede faster, too.
Start by cutting just a small amount off of the end of the nail.
Dab it on the end of the nail and hold it there for about a minute.
Make your cut in front of the quick, towards the end of the nail.
Make sure you don't cut past the quick, which is the blood vessel inside the nail that runs almost to the end of the nail.
You can safely trim the white narrow hook that is at the end of the nail and well beyond the «quick.»
Quickly pack some of the styptic powder on the end of the nail to stop the bleeding.
These are generally made of smooth plastic and attach to the end of the nail with special glue.
His name was Zorba, and he was over eight feet long from the tip of his nose to the end of his nail.
A pinch of cornstarch pushed into the end of the nail will work, too.
Trim very thin slices off the end of the nail until you see a black dot appear towards the center when you look at it head on.
Using a nail trimmer for pets, cut the nail below the quick on a 45 - degree angle, with the cutting end of the nail clipper toward the end of the nail.
A pinch of flour applied to the end of the nail will work but more effective is a product like Kwik Stop that is designed especially for that purpose.
Using a cotton swab, apply some clotting powder to the end of the nail and press against it firmly for about two minutes.
It will extend down from the paw, part way to the end of the nail.
If you still hear clicking after you've trimmed your pet's nails, just wait about a week and cut a little more off the end of each nail.
When he's finished, just move the pet clipper or Dremel around near his toenails and touch the end of his nails with the device.
Clip off the end of the nail the sticks out past the end of the quick.
You need to cut between the end of vein and the end of the nail, avoiding the vein.
These are generally made of smooth plastic and attach to the end of the nail with a special glue.
Trimming or filing a small amount off the end of the nail each day will cause the blood supply to gradually recede.
If the quick is close to the end of the nail, don't trim — file.
Dog nails have a blood supply or quick but the end of the nails are dead tissue and can be clipped without pain.
Sometimes, putting pressure right above the nail on the scaly part of the foot can help a little bit, but it is best to put a clotting agent on the end of the nail where it is bleeding.
A blood - clotting agent should be applied to the end of the nail and, if needed, pressure can also be applied at the base of the nail where it meets the skin of the toe.
Take a good amount on a cotton ball and press into the end of the nail and hold for a minute or two.
Once the blood stops, don't disturb the clot at the end of the nail for at least 24 hours.
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