Sentences with phrase «end shopping cart»

File quality and security are of utmost importance to us and are evident in all of the eBook services we offer, including multi-platform file conversion, a direct - to - consumer platform with back - end shopping cart functionality for your website, enhanced conversion and XML tagging, and worldwide distribution with payment management and sales reporting.

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On a shopping frenzy, you've probably ended up with a lot of items in your cart that frankly you don't need.
Whether you're at the low end of the eCommerce spectrum or the high end, it should be very clear that there is a major return on your investment when you start to use abandoned shopping cart emails.
Unfortunately old habits die hard and more often than I'd like to, this type of bread still ends up in my shopping cart.
Hall of Fame tight end Shannon Sharpe and screeching ball of sinew Skip Bayless will hype the big game the only way they know how — as the NFL's equivalent to two old ladies arguing over a shopping cart at the grocery store.
Many parents end up placing the baby in the larger area of the cart and using two carts, or only making small shopping trips with their baby in tow with this system.
From 2003 - 2007, more than 43,000 babies ended up in the E.R. because the bucket seat they were hanging out in fell off of a counter top, shopping cart, or other surface while not in a car.
Published in the Journal of Retailing, the study found that consumers are concerned about eating a healthy diet, but junk food still ends up in the shopping cart.
This is like grocery shopping on an empty stomach; you end up choosing foods that you might not normally put in your cart.
If you're anything like me, you might end up with enough dresses to last you the whole year in your shopping cart!
By the end of today, I suspect my online shopping cart will be full of new beauties for spring.
Here are some of the things on my wishlist that will probably end up in my shopping cart (click on the picture):
If these shoes are still in stock when #NoSpendFeb wraps up they might just end up in my shopping cart!
Next time you're cruising down the aisles of the infamous Tar - jáy, keep this more discriminatory shopping strategy in mind and I guarantee you'll end up with a (slightly) lighter cart and a fuller wallet.
Browsing options for blog posts gets me every time, too — something always inevitably ends up in my own shopping cart!
Both of the blouses Dawn and I are wearing above ended up in my shopping cart.
Do scour the internet for hours searching for the perfect outfit, only to abandon your shopping cart at the end?
Unlike Apple, which is catering to the high - end with professional - grade hardware like the new iPad Pro and its accompanying Pencil, Amazon tablets» lower price points make them practically impulse buys that you can throw into your cart while shopping on its site for something else.
Amazon uses another algorithm here, and it all depends on products in the customer's shopping cart at the end of their purchase.
But also take some cash when you go shopping, and make it your rule to only pay cash when you spot a luscious chocolate cake as you pass by the bakery and it ends up in your cart.
Many parents end up placing the baby in the larger area of the cart and using two carts, or only making small shopping trips with their baby in tow with this system.
Positioned on the end of the Esmeralda condominium development, there is plenty of privacy, yet it is just a five minute golf cart ride to shops and restaurants inside of the Puerto Aventuras Marina.
These companies can range from the most innovative major corporations to the small businesses that are end - users of basic technologies, such as shopping cart software or Wi - Fi routers.
The shopping cart patent is a good example of what happens when low - quality patents end up in the hands of bad actors — Soverain, the patent's owner, has reportedly made more than $ 70 million in settlements and lawsuits claiming it owns basic, obvious shopping cart technology.
In an open source environment helped develop PHP ecommerce style shopping carts for clients of [company name] as well as designing the front - end look and feel of various clients in the fashion sector.
Architect of the EasyLink project, performing requirements analysis, design, service and technology sourcing, and extensive front - end cross-site scripting in JavaScript with HTML5 LocalStorage, cookies, HTTP / HTTPS coordination, shopping cart and session migration; prototype on a mean.js stack, production with Java and Spring.
Instructed 11th and 12th grade high school students on creating high - end graphics, websites, banner ads with sound clips, shopping carts, chat rooms, and introduced them to database languages and programs.
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