Sentences with phrase «end the day without»

In the end, Alsup ended the day without issuing an injunction.
Ever since then, I can't end my day without a little bit of chocolate.
This night I knew I wanted something sweet, but also something crunchy, and I just couldn't end the day without my chocolate fix.
But, I couldn't end my day without telling you about it.
But I can't end the day without talking explicitly about some aspect of the whole «participatory democracy» thing.
I found it extremely difficult to drain the battery completely in just one day, and even the heaviest of users will still probably end the day without encountering the much maligned low juice warning.
«Jesus, knows us well, he teaches us a secret: to never end the day without asking for forgiveness, without returning peace to our house, to our family.»

Not exact matches

If you obsess over the manuscript for days on end, without giving yourself time away, you won't do as good a job at revisions.
Robert ended the day with the most inspiring talk; his career started when he, a Croatian immigrant, landed a computer job without any experience.
I dealt with running out of clean drinking water for days on end (which is truly horrifying when you are actually without water); countless illnesses and protests that forced my team and I to be put on lockdown.
How do you find people who can focus relentlessly for days on end, without being distracted by the noise around them?
Check your offers email a couple evenings a week as you are ending your day to stay on top of it without it interfering with your work.
At the end of the day, no business can sustain itself without cash — this is especially true for a bootstrapped startup.
His initial goal was to raise $ 1,000 for the 30 - day launch, but he ended up making $ 66,533 in just 30 days without having a full - time job.
Without so much as a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, the thought of slugging along yet another day can seem boring in itself, but this is why entrepreneurs are cut from a different cloth.
At the end of each day that passed without receipt of the video, Kate would reassure me that it was only one more day away.
Should the rule make it without congressional nullification, the rule would go into effect 241 days after its entry into the Federal Register, which will likely happen before the end of July.
If you create a budget and follow it, you can confidently spend each dollar that you have budgeted without worry of debt at the end of the day.
The long streaks without 2 % down days tend to be strong trends, and the 2 % down day at the end tends to signal a sudden change in direction.
But many other Houstonians weren't so lucky, with scores in the city and beyond left in the dark, without electricity and light for days on end.
At the end of each period, there is a ten - day window where the funds may be accessed without penalty.
The day ended without a decision from Alsup.
Then I traveled the world for a year without working, and added up formal employment until the end of 2009, when I left my day job for good.
Shares of Spotify Technology SA ended up 12.9 percent on their first day of trade on the New York Stock Exchange, a smooth debut that could pave the way for other companies looking to go public without..
«We love The Church of England but would like to end our days in a church where we can live and worship in anonymity and without constant fear.
Since the days it was written, every time Five Iron plays it, an entourage of vocals accompanies the words, «In the soundless awe and wonder / Words fall short to hope again / How beautiful, how vast your love is / New forever, world without an end
He ends in the middle of a verse without reading, «and the day of vengeance of our God.»
Some of the sayings seem to distinguish clearly between Jesus and the celestial figure so named; one or two might almost be translated «man» in general, or «men»; some of them identify Jesus with a celestial apocalyptic figure of the end of days to such an extent that the term is little more than an equivalent for the first person singular; and others view the celestial figure almost without reference to Jesus.
I know that unfortunately, the universal acceptance of gay marriage and pro-abortion laws will come in our days with or without Obama, as we approach to the end of the age Jesus talks about in Matthew 25 (I wonder if President Obama has read that chapter too); but we don't have to settle right now for a Mormon Priest and President.
At the end of the day, great nations are liberal enough to provide opportunities for people to work hard and live a life of purpose without being so liberal that those who choose to not work (as opposed to being unable to work) are given food, shelter, and medical care.
God who is the Fullness of Light could not be in the region of night and day without putting an end to the darkness.
It must be soberly realized that no human enactment, whether old or new, has advantages only and no disadvantages; that the old days were good only for those who enjoyed the benefits of them, but not for all without distinction and that for the most part they only begin to look splendid when they are past and gone; that even the new age will produce tribulation, inadequacies and defects, and that the reform of the Church is never at an end.
If we trust our heavenly Father to deliver us out of all sin — we can't deliver ourselves — from the day that we start with Him, until the very end, while also trusting Him to forgive us every time we repent of a discovered sin, and so, are able to receive that forgiveness without any continuing guilt, or shame, what is wrong with that?
this just shows that the world is getting weirder by the day... the pope is right, the world is experiencing amnesia nowadays... people especially in the west tends to have this amnesia coz they believe that they can live without God... they believe that they do nt need Him coz, they still able to survive... BUT what they do nt realize what these are all temporary... just look at the crisis going on right now... maybe God is still a mystery coz only FAITH can conquer mystery... can anybody out there lead me to any person who can create simply a tree, a true living tree... we know for sure that there are some who can create furnitures out from a tree... im really bothered that the world will end sooner than later... GOD FORBIDS... history just keeps on repeating itself... what a pity for the small children and the coming generation...
At the end of the day one thing is certain without a doubt.
And, oh, when the hour - glass has run out, the hourglass of time, when the noise of worldliness is silenced, and the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despair.
Up in northern Canada, friends report a never ending night on this day without even a glimpse of sunrise or sunset.
You have forgotten Me, days without end, thus must I also forget you in the Day of Harvest.
Yet some either deny a concept of God based on a human like diety... without logically understanding it has to be something more than that... or worse only see a chaotic uncaring universe..., without understanding the complexity of the infinite miracles, defined by science alone, not to mention the influence of noy yet known to science, occurences... that have occurred for billions of years to end up in their creation and also supporting their every day survival.
Perhaps we honor it best when we joyfully refuse to conform to anything but the image of Christ, and when, without even knowing the final score at the end of the day, we can turn to one another and exclaim, «What a great game!»
No one could have attended the meeting of the International Missionary Council at Jerusalem during the two weeks ending on Easter Day without discerning that momentous changes are taking place in foreign missions.
She usually comes right home from school and does it without us asking but that day we had picked her up early and she had to go to the doctor office with me which ended up being a very long visit and we forgot about homework that night.
that's just a perfect way to end the day (or start a day without kids around).
Not the discouraging kind of exhaustion that makes you feel like there's no end in sight, but the kind of exhaustion that leaves you cheerfully spent at the end of the day — content, but without much left to offer.
This spared «decisional power» can be particularly handy at the end of a stressful work day, helping you walk by that lovely ice cream parlour without feeling compelled to run in and grab a banana split.
I ended up spending almost 3 days without being able to use my computer, and have been using it with a temporary fix over the weekend.
The day of giving thanks can not end without a big slice of pumpkin pie.
But on the days that we craved a sweet treat to kick - start our mornings, we made two - ingredient banana pancakes that were so easy and turned out so well (that we ended up eating them three days in a row)-- and I'm fully convinced that no kitchen is complete without bananas.
I can't tell you how happy this new blog segment makes me!!!!!!! I'm pursuing a post graduation diploma in marketing and it drains even the slightest vestige of energy from me at the end of the day and I still have to stay awake like an owl to get the blog functioning without any issues!
Like, for Monday mornings where someone who is 90 % asleep complete with a terrible hair day and fourteen tests she needs to study for would be perfectly capable of making them without catching said terrible hair on fire, ending up with no breakfast, and / or dying.
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