Sentences with phrase «endangered species list»

They were placed on the federal endangered species list in 1967.
And gray whales were recently removed from the federal endangered species list.
More info: International Union for Conservation of Nature Endangered Species 6 Ways to See Endangered Species Without Endangering Them More Yellowstone Grizzlies Back on Endangered Species List 7 Weird Endangered Species Only a Mother Could Love
More on Economics New Federal Budget Cuts EPA 16 %, Removes Wolves From Endangered Species List Budget Kills New NOAA Climate Agency
Polar bear in the dock - The polar bear was put on the official endangered species list by the US government back in 2008, after a previous successful court action.
The Gray Bat has been on the US endangered species list since 1976 due to habitat loss.
The North Atlantic population is now extinct, due to overhunting; the Western North Pacific population is critically endangered; the East North Pacific population has recovered significantly and was removed from the US endangered species list in 1994.
One of the key and underlying issues is concern about endangered species: More than a third of species on the U.S. Endangered Species List live only in wetlands and almost half use them at some time during their lifecycles.
NOAA finds endangered species listing for Atlantic bluefin tuna not warranted.
You report that bird species are hopping on and off the critically endangered species list due to changes in habitat (16 May, p 6).
Thanks to a combination of factors and the hard work of bird lovers and scientists, peregrine falcons are once again common across the U.S., graduating off the national endangered species list as of 1999.
The Bush Administration yesterday kicked off a process to determine whether polar bears should be added to the United States endangered species list because their habitat is melting.
You report that bird species are hopping on and off the critically endangered species list due to changes in habitat...
Many sempre - vivas species were recently removed from Brazil's endangered species list owing to deficient data.
For example, upon removal of the wolf fromthe Endangered Species List in the northern Rockies, the state of Idaho proposed to eliminate 40 percent or more of its wolves to help create more elk for humans to hunt.
Like thousands of organisms that live off imperiled plants and animals, the sucking louse is missing from many endangered species lists — and that, says evolutionary ecologist Rob Colwell of the University of Connecticut at Storrs, is an unfortunate oversight.
Scalloped hammerhead sharks are on the globally Endangered species list, and are often targeted by fishermen for their fins, which attract high prices primarily for the Chinese market.
Read more about endangered species: Obama Protecting Fewer Endangered Species than Bush AP Reports Proposal to Drastically Alter Endangered Species Act Endangered Species List is Itself Endangered 7 Weird Endangered Species Only a Mother Could Love
In March 2013, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species listed certain shark species on Appendix II — the first time shark species with high commercial value have been granted such protections in the 40 - year history of the convention.
Delisted and in danger: Gulf oil spill threatens brown pelicans months after they are dropped from endangered species list
Legal Protection: The Mission blue was added to the Federal Endangered Species List in 1976, and is protected under the Endangered Species Act.
Oil companies want the American burying beetle to be the first recovered insect taken off the U.S. endangered species list.
What does it all mean for the long - term survival of the species — just months after they were taken off the US endangered species list?
Digital Extremes, based in London, Ont., is exactly the kind of operation that is on the endangered species list.
In 2007, the bald eagle was removed from the threatened and endangered species list.
They have come off the endangered species list and are now abundant.
A species shouldn't be listed as endangered if it's abundant, or else the endangered species list loses all meaning.
Lyle Schaller places congregations with 85 to 200 members on his endangered species list.
In the wake of Cecil the lion's death, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that two subspecies of Africa lion are being added to the endangered species list.
The Bald Eagle is a wild animal that just came off of the endangered species list a little less than 5 years ago.
Give these tribes the right to kill Bald Eagles and rely on their responsible stewardship of the land we will see our national bird back on the endangered species list in 5 years.
Are chickens now on the endangered species list?
More likely «the crappy independent liquor stores are officially on the endangered species list»
«the independent liquor store is officially on the endangered species list» I'm not so sure.
And so in 1981, alligators were removed from the endangered species list.
Giant Pandas have been removed from the endangered species list, though that doesn't mean they're entirely safe.
Added to the Endangered Species list in 1967, a 2009 census of the species pegged the national population of Indiana bats at fewer than 400,000 animals.
The gray bat was added to the Endangered Species list in 1976.
«Being on the endangered species list is not bad,» Whitworth said.
The rusty patched bumblebee, Bombus affinis, recently became the first U.S. bumblebee species to be placed on the endangered species list, but a Kansas State University entomologist says bumblebee endangerment is nothing to be bugged about.
The courtroom battle had raged since the Bush administration had announced in January 2009 its decision to take gray wolves — 66 of which were reintroduced to the region in 1995 after their forebears were wiped out by hunters and ranchers a century earlier — off of the Endangered Species List.
Off the List Thanks to repopulation efforts during the past few decades, the gray wolf (Canis lupus) now thrives in the U.S., and since 2003 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been trying to move the top predator off the endangered species list — a plan opposed by groups that believe the wolves are susceptible to being overhunted [see «Out of the Woods»; SciAm, April 2003].
The bill also forbids adding the sage grouse to the endangered species list.
Alas, these slugs are now on the endangered species list here in Louisiana.
In 2007 the federal government removed the bald eagle from the Endangered Species List.
Schwartz now wants to do a Yellowstone - wide hair study to help pin down grizzly population trends — information that could prove pivotal in the hot debate over whether the animals are prospering enough to be removed from the U.S. endangered species list (Science, 23 April 1999, p. 568).
These shellfish were the first marine invertebrate added to the endangered species list — in the late 1990s.
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