Sentences with phrase «ending debt spiral»

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I believe the GOP is focusing on debt reduction now because its spiraling out of control and the don't want to end up like PIIGS over in Europe where you reach a point of no return.
Even though you might only be talking about a few thousand dollars worth of debt, rather than a few million, it's easy to let everyday expenses and luxury spending spiral out of control, ending in bankruptcy or other financial crises.
Some adapt by making only the minimum monthly payments on credit cards, which leads to a downward debt spiral, a journey that often ends with seeking assistance from a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.
They simply couldn't keep up with the repayments and ended up in a spiral of debt with no way out.
This way, you're building savings while making sure your credit card debt doesn't spiral out of control to end up costing you heavily.
A higher credit limit might save you for a few months, but you'll end up even worse off due to the high interest debt that you're accruing while your financial situation continues to spiral out of control.
If you are looking to put an end to this spiral and begin eliminating credit card debt, debt consolidation might be a feasible option.
Generally, real life tends to go in the opposite direction and people end up getting rid of the car before the loan is paid off — often rolling the debt into the next car purchased and continuing the downward spiral.
Spiraling into thousands of dollars worth of consumer debt is frighteningly common, leaving people struggling just to cover minimum payments on increasingly accumulating interest and debt for years on end.
You end up on a debt spiral.
If you are having trouble making ends meet, or your debts are spiralling out of control, a financial counsellor can help you get back on your feet.
If not, you could end up with a poor deal — and costly credit can send you into a downward debt spiral.
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