Sentences with phrase «ending of the film»

I especially enjoyed how they pulled the very end of the film together.
Just when the natural ending of the film ends, the film keeps going.
The more one begins to thing about the loose ends of the film, the more it tries to unravel.
I did like the beginning and end of the film quite a lot though.
It's very simple, but it might be an improvement over the very end of the film, the only part it alters.
Carol features the best ending of any film this year.
We're given the «secret ingredient» to the inevitable happy ending of the film early on when Po sees Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) working hard to master inner peace.
In contrast, the slits at either end of the film continued to stick to the underlying surface and remained closed.
About me: MY PHOTOGRAPHY i have been into photography since i was a small boy i remember running around with my little camera taking picks with a 110 roll of film that is almost obsolete lol i remember begging my mom in 5th grade for a polariod camera did nt get till the end of
Meanwhile, at the other end of the film food chain, I failed to see Ned Benson's The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him and Her, described in the catalog as an «unprecedented cinematic event» — but I did see Raya Martin and Cinema Scope editor and Locarno Film Festival programmer Mark Peranson's La última película.
Danna is a composer at the top end of the film music spectrum at the moment, one able to bring his own ideas to the table and execute them expertly.
The surprise ending of the film shows it be a follow - up to «Unbreakable», which starred Bruce Willis as security guard David Dunn who discovers he has super-human strength and resistance to injury.
Hugh Jackman plays Barnum with all the energy we've come to expect from the actor, and the supporting cast — from Zac Efron as Barnum's young partner, to Zendaya as a high - wire artist, to Michelle Williams as Barnum's loving wife who sort of vanishes from the back end of the film — all bring their A-game.
This sequence (4:10) is not a great deal different, except that it's lacking the more upbeat follow - up that appears in the actual ending of the film.
The specific ending of the film, which wisely avoids the worst mistakes of the book and at least cuts things mercifully short after a series of catastrophes, is not successful or convincing; in fact, it's rather clichéd and banal, but the intuition that violent, terrible acts flow inexorably in part from Americans» unawareness and incomprehension of the simplest facts of their own lives is undeniably true.
He can barely hide his anger at Ira & Christine's presence, as well as Ira's apparent wealth (unfortunately this is the beginning and end of the film exploring class tensions between the two couples), making his presence add a slight amount of unease to some scenes.
And I suspect that, based on the exciting cliffhanger ending of this film, Mockingjay is just going to keep upping the ante.
And now I know to stay until the real end of the film... groovy.
They picked a film that has a 72 % rating on Metacritic, which is on the way low end of the films they've chosen in years prior:
Running nine minutes, it goes just as much into Irving's story than it does the actual production end of the film.
Alas, the tonally awkward ending of the film puts a lesser supporting cast on the screen too much, introducing subplots involving unrest among refugees that don't shake out well with the rest of it, causing the storytelling to become less than satisfying for these characters given the steady simmer of the dramatic build - up without these elements.
At the very end of that film moviegoers were introduced to Thanos, and comic fans went berserk at the thought of a movie version of the Infinity Gauntlet storyline.
Unfortunately, almost none of the characters or scenarios escape feeling contrived under Gregg's bizarro tonal shifts and plot developments, which include sexual abuse, incest, much expletive spouting, one - dimensional studio execs, and one of the most risible endings of any film this side of The Life of David Gale.
«When he died we had to make sense of the whole end of the film.
While this does help make Prometheus particularly well rounded, the format does send a ton of information your way at a very swift pace, particularly towards the tail end of the film.
One of the main reasons Smith was attracted to «Collateral Beauty» was the payoff, the actor calling it «one of the best endings of any film I've ever been a part of.»
Brad Pitt's portrayal of a bitter individual often lacks the necessary edge, especially in the first half of the film; eventually, after some floundering around, he finds a performance, but it doesn't really come together until just before the very end of the film.
I get chills just thinking about the happy ending of this film!
On the other end of the film, there's some repetition, with the biggest reveal coming multiple times — which is thematically appropriate, as it turns out, but still frustrating.
The end of the film and its accompanying end - credits set up the start of «Infinity War» seamlessly.
I could have easily been redeemed at the end of the film, because I am redeemed in real life, but [Scorsese] left all that out because he wanted to make a statement — and I respect that.
By the end of the film, the Parrs finally realize that if they want their kids to take their powers seriously, they have to learn to trust them with those powers, too.
Though Nolan offered some vague thoughts on Alfred and Bruce Wayne's final encounter in Florence, he was slightly more specific on the mention of Robin's name at the end of the film.
The Winchester Cathedral, one of the largest cathedrals in Europe, was the site of Eponine and her adopted father Jean Valjean's emotional reunion at the end of the film.
I was surprised with how introspective Gibney got towards the end of the film.
By the end of the film, Ziff forms the Model Alliance, a New York City — based not - for - profit advocacy group dedicated to ensuring safe, fair and healthy working conditions for girls (and they often are girls).
The end of the film (very) briefly mentions his worry that Western democracies like America will endorse moral relativism as its public philosophy.
That means all those deaths at the end of the film, with a few exceptions, probably weren't final, and that feels like a cop - out.
Remember the magic moment near the end of the film Driving Miss Daisy: The black chauffeur and the white patrician lady wordlessly clasp their hands in a simple yet profoundly moving gesture.
Mel's embrace of Tracy at the end of the film serves as a potent reminder that we should never let go of kids, including those who most want to distance themselves from us.
At the end of a film which has been so much «loose talk» that mistook itself for reasonable explanations, they find some relief in silence.
That's the question the cast of «Les Misérables» asks viewers at the end of the film as they stand along a barricade.
Toward the end of the film, George Bailey is a desperate man standing on a bridge, guarding the life insurance policy...
And at the end of the film, when Ana finally stands up for herself and leaves, it's after she's been hit six times and realises she loves him.
At the end of the film Places in the Heart, all of the characters present during the movie gather together in church, those living and those who have died.
By the end of the film, I decided I wanted to be as courageous as Webb was.
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