Sentences with phrase «endless arguments»

Sitting around pointing blame, closely followed by endless arguments, will not get us anywhere.
This can lead to endless arguments about the wrong things, or to the expression of frustration that drives a wedge between partners rather than brings them closer.
Until then there will be endless arguments on the internet and Silent Stan will just be getting richer.
There will be a couple of weeks / months of this bull shit, there will be endless arguments here and finally both sides will settle on somewhere between a 60 — 40 and 70 — 30 split and we will all have the fight we want.
I only come close to AndrewW's screeching hyena cage because he's gone from his usual histrionic dismissals of history and OCD need for attention via endless argument across the blogosphere to outright lying about current history and some readers might believe him.
That is important to me — if one side foists their view on the rest then we just have endless arguments, but if we can move past our selfish desires to not be challenged — then who knows what God might do.
Blane: Generally reasonable advice — endless argument is futile.
As a former Parliamentary candidate for a Scottish constituency, I find the endless arguments on ConservativeHome about the state of the union and the Barnett Formula tiresome.
Classification can be a useful tool, but at other times it leads to endless arguments, because the world (or, in this case, the solar system) is usually more complicated than theories imply.
The endless arguments over how an effective muscle building program should be structured will most likely continue until the end of time.
Even President - elect Trump has written: «Look, I know that people both for and against school choice can roll out endless arguments and statistics showing charter schools are either very successful or make no difference at all.
His parents also had to deal with the clutter of magazines, brochures, and sketches littering his room as a kid, to say nothing of the endless arguments between Brett and his older brothers about which vehicles were best.
Resolution has become a hot topic amongst the gaming community at large, and in all honesty I almost hate writing about it, because it's become a consuming disease that sparks idiotic and endless arguments.
Constant bickering, endless arguments, and more just make it a pain to tune into the national news sometimes.
First, it means that the endless arguments about what is a good estimate for climate sensitivity have found a powerful resolution: Sensitivity looks high.
There is going to be an endless arguments about the exact contributions of aerosols, other GHGs, black carbon etc. when deriving TCR from observations because we are following the model centric viewpoint.
In other words, the endless argument symbolizes some profound difference between the two of you that needs to be addressed, before you can put the problem in its place by openly communicating about it.
-- I'm exhausted from the endless arguments that we have.
In our roles as Relationship Experts, we often hear partners making comments like: — I'm exhausted from the endless arguments that we have.
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