Sentences with phrase «endless discussions of»

It is a difficult decision for her clients, especially in a child - obsessed world, with its endless discussions of celebrity baby bumps and attachment parenting and «having it all.»
Emancipation from the endless discussions of committee meetings, trying to solve problems in both religious and political communities that had hitherto occupied so much of my time, was a desirable freedom from the chores of a democratic society; but it also meant an emancipation from responsibility — a doubtful boon, because responsibility engages us in the causes of moral, political and religious movements.
Likewise, endless discussions of the evils of gay marriage are a convenient mechanism for diverting attention away from the greatest threats to our families.
Against the endless discussions of the «crisis» of Catholicism — a crisis of authority, a crisis of priestly vocations, a crisis of identity, etc. — Greeley offers a rather sanguine view of the state of the Church.
We do not need to construct a qeneral theory of civil society in the context of contemporary political philosophy: that could lead to an endless discussion of different positions and the myriad attempts in the with the practical question of the role of Christian communities in attempts to refurbish, or newly establish, participatory democratic societies across the globe.
I am not going to enter an endless discussion of the optimal level of regulation that a modern society should enact.
Are there any ideas here, any concrete engagement with the world, or was the aim merely to have an endless discussion of branding strategies?
The endless discussion of aspirational hotels like the Park Hyatt Sydney and others has even resulted in The Deal Mommy coining the phrase «Vendoming» to refer to the endless blogger reviews of the Park Hyatt Vendome.
Either way, the endless discussion of female bodies being realistically represented in video games will only continue to be fiercely debated.
You display an astonishing lack of knowledge in your seemingly endless discussion of this topic.
I don't want an endless discussion of CA's moderation policy — I think you've made that point loud and clear.
Seeing the endless discussion of the «ancient reconstructions» of Mann or Briffa in skeptic blogs is pointless, because since then we have so many hockeysticks, the Mac's have to work much harder to refute them.
For the last several years there has been seemingly endless discussion of the rules regarding the discovery of electronically stored information.

Not exact matches

Tolkien's unfinished, sprawling corpus of work is so vast, so rich in detail, so full of wide - ranging moral and philosophical issues, drawing on so many different sources, that the possibilities for discussion are endless.
We and the world in which we live would, in my opinion, be the better for it if we followed and did as Jesus taught, which so few do, rather than spend our hours and days in endless discussions and arguments defending what we suppose to be a group of perfect, from the mouth of God, writings.
Having engaged in far too many seemingly endless and usually fruitless discussions about the word «inerrancy,» I am both convicted and encouraged by McKnight's reminder here that «having the right view [of the Bible] isn't the point of the Bible... We must begin an entirely new conversation that gets us beyond the right view of the Bible to one that seeks to answer this question, «What is our relationship to the God of the Bible?»
When there lacks voice inflections and tonality variations in phone call conversations and, facial emotions, body proximity and an endless array of other nonverbals during in person discussions, a text message is forced to carry the load of the entire human message being sent.
This particular missive from the red - carded Buffon got a little buried among the endless sharing, discussion and dissection of the goalkeeper's «rubbish bin for a heart» swipe at referee Michael Oliver and the incident that preceded it.
By feeding true believers a steady diet of similar red meat, blogs and online discussion sites helped to spread these and other less - than - flattering tidbits far and wide, with the most «successful» ending up in endless rotation on cable news.
In the article's wake, a flood of reports began to appear about culture in other species, and the debates roiled on, with endless discussions about the meaning of the word itself.
We won't spam your inbox with endless amounts of emails, but we will send you updates of the latest discussions taking place within the singleroots community.
We won't spam your inbox with endless amounts of emails, but we will send you updates of the latest discussions taking place within the SingleRoots community.
Putting aside that a steady barrage of profanity and endless sexual discussions leaps from funny to redundant quickly, the movie fails miserably when it comes to originality.
When the gala screening ended and the endless river of spectators started pouring onto Toronto's King Street West, there were heated discussions, tears - wiping, and so many other spontaneous reactions — like a comparative study of 12 Years a Slave and Django Unchained.
But all of these positives are muted when it comes to the endless discussions among Brosnan and his former IRA compatriots or the mustache - twirling performance of his wannbe Lady Macbeth wife (Orla Brady).
Keep in mind that gifted kids don't learn the same way the others do - they make great leaps in understanding in a very short time - they don't need endless repetition and worksheets, and depth of discussion makes a lot of difference.
After presentations on the superintendent and financial issues, the charter discussions seemed endless, even with the two hot topics of the day / night not even discussed.
They don't do it while sounding and feeling exactly the same as in the past, which will no doubt cause endless forum discussions and debates — wholly appropriate given the car's history of mixed opinions about it.
Richard Carter, the epitome of public - relations perfection in dress and in diction (South African, when he isn't doing a fine impression of my Michigander nasal quacking), recalled endless discussions over naming the exciting new shape, designed by Andreas Thurner.
You won't be able to participate in breathless discussions about this week's revelations, but you'll have access to a nearly endless supply of older comics, including Marvel events such as House of M, Civil War, Secret Invasion, and World War Hulk.
We might all agree that the purpose of a well - funded emergency fund is to help you meet unexpected events without going into debt, but the question of how much to save is a topic of endless discussion... and virtually no agreement.
Every time a new third - party game was released, the discussion wasn't over the merits, it was how much worse the Xbox One version ran compared to the PlayStation 4, with endless and exhaustive message boards fights over the merits of 900p vs. 1080p.
Adjustments are still in the works for Ultima Online's free trial: «We know there has been a lot of discussion related to the amount of storage that Endless Journey accounts will have access to.
After a month of research and discussion with the A.I. «E.N.F.E.R.», the community managed to get it into quarantine, and during a special stream last night, the devs were able to lock down the A.I. for good, which resulted in Endless Space ® 2 launching a day earlier than expected.
The complexities of psychonautic exploration, as with most contemporary queries, find their first home in digital discussion board relay chats and subreddits with headers like — When you facilitate consciousness its best to no [sic] your material / Causes for an agitated mind and how to mind - control it / Bowel problems and the second circuit / Implementation and Inception / I'd like to learn math that is condusive [sic] to psychedelic perspectives — which are perhaps a bit like navigating the endless bricked maze of the nauseating Windows 95 screensaver.
Larger teams can quickly stagnate in endless levels of approval or discussions over strategy.
But all of the kerfuffle over the Mail story and the endless discussions over short and long term temperature trends hides what people are actually arguing about — what is likely to happen in the future, rather than what has happened in the past.
Discussions of climate science and policy have seen endless fights over the appropriate role of scientists.
It's time to leap past the cloud of endless discussion and advocate / force / achieve effective action.
As if, another dead end discussion, as this one is, it is a common tactic among warmist to engage in endless futile debate that resolves nothing, it's in the brochure from 2002... I am well aware of the geologic past.
I though I might have been at the wrong place... there was little substantive discussion of environmental issues, but endless tirades on the evils of capitalism, material wealth, and differences in income between rich and poor.
Romm's intent as a professional blogger working for an advocacy group appears aimed at making discussion of the Climate Shift report an endless debate over uncertainty and data, all fixed to a supposed personality clash between researchers, a strategy that he often accuses Republicans of doing on climate science.
All what I said above is to briefly inform on my background and my position on AGW, it was by no means written to start endless discussions about some of the controversial issues mentioned.
Why no discussion of endless stacked Oscillations.
While I'm interested in the political discussion, endless energy is expended on trying to figure out why scientific illiteracy reigns and nature is being ignored; how wealth promotes self - interest at the expense of the future; and what can be done about it.
Practicality is Key For those of us who don't easily open up to lengthy workshops and endless discussion, we need to know that there's a reason for all the talking.
This kind of management by debate leads many a management committee down the blind alley of endless discussions and meetings.
This has led to weeks of fun, with ransom notes, «Have You Seen Randy» posters, proof - of - life photos, suspect lists, and endless rounds of funny discussions about what might happen next — all because Chris needed something to put on his shelf.
Similarly, the endless navel - gazing discussions about teaching pedagogy, exam writing and exam - taking advice, practical credentials for doctrinal faculty, curricular reform, law school rankings, and the very identity and purpose of a law school and its relationship to lawyering would benefit from some thought and understanding about the role of the LRW course.
I do think that employers should be careful in differentiating between kinds of workplace violence in order to craft disciplinary penalties, but this is a strategic, labour relations, consideration (i.e. you don't want to get into endless line drawing discussions with the union) and not one founded on current arbitral jurisprudence.
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