Sentences with phrase «endless energy for»

I still haven't gotten to the bottom of the appeal of kids» club, but it seems to have something to do with young staff having endless energy for games and craft activities (unlike middle - aged mummies).
The long - haired German Shepherd abounds in fun and has endless energy for daily activities with it's beloved caretaker.

Not exact matches

I've found that the very traits that make entrepreneurs capable of starting new businesses (a passion for their product, the endless energy to get it off the ground) are also the things that can limit their sustained success.
I've found that the very traits that make entrepreneurs capable of starting new businesses (a passion for their product, the endless energy to get it off the ground) are also the things that can limit their -LSB-...]
As for me, if I could not believe that your real Presence animates and makes tractable and endless even the very least of the energies which invade me or brush past me, would I not die of cold?
During these weeks, I sleep well, make homemade muffins for us to snack on all week, and I find that my energy is endless.
Take a look at the expensive «energy» drinks and vitamin waters invading the supermarket and health food store shelves — energy we could all be getting in endless supply and for free just by eating whole foods and nothing more.
I'd been feeling overwhelmed with the endless activities that were being planned, the feeling of obligation to attend events that I had no energy for, homesickness, friendships that were being strained and the difficulties of being an expatriate in a land that is no longer foreign but still isn't mine.
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Powell is quiet and feeds off Corbett's energy and her propensity for filling dead space with an endless stream of chatter.
Snacking on healthy foods like carrot or celery sticks and fruit is good for keeping up the endless resources of energy you need.
Since we know that children can have an endless supply of energy, we decided to share even more Easter crafts for kids, just in case you run through all the rest.
The only thing that has work is to put him down at night drowsy and pat him to sleep.We can now after weeks put him down awake and pat him to sleep but none of this works during the day thus Ive been searching for answers everywhere and I refuse to do CIO Ive felt like such a failure when sleep training does not work largely due to the fact that I have an individual and real mothers do nt always have the energy to deal with sleep training as you want to enjoy your baby too and not just faced endless hours of tears and fustration.
He's been actively fighting for Medicare, Farmers, Women and more and I like that he's got what seems to be endless energy and focus.
Now that he's more of a known quantity, Governor Paterson may want to take advantage of his talent and endless energy by sending him to Washington — and at the same time eliminating a thorny problem for the state Democratic machine.
A lot of unnecessary energy is being exerted for useless institutions like Governors forum, endless book launches, useless presidential library, presidential lodges in every state, state governors residencies in Abuja, endless and curious salaries, deductions from the treasury, arbitrary donations to causes of dubious importance.
But yes, if you stick to scientifically - proven, good - quality products (don't get sucked into the endless over-marketed, junk products out there) such as whey protein among others can help make your bulking / cutting diet plan easier and more convenient, as well as give you a little boost in certain other ways (ie creatine for slight strength increases, caffeine for more workout energy, multivitamins as nutritional backup, etc).
One of my favorite snacks are energy bites because the ingredient combinations are endless, and you can make a big batch and they'll stay good for a few weeks in the fridge.
Join me for a FREE, fun ENDLESS ENERGY 101 Challenge!
The good news about aerobic metabolism is that the supply of fuel (body fat) is nearly endless, and you can exercise for many, many hours using this energy system.
Although Anne and Adam famously insisted on vegan - only reception food for their wedding, Hathaway recently confessed that eating endless meals of tofu and garbanzo beans seemed to be sapping her energy.
The shakes I use for myself, my family, and my patients are my very own Endless Energy Protein Shakes — I wanted to take the guesswork out of it for them and for you.
To help you stay healthy this holiday season, I want to give you a coupon for $ 5 off any of my Endless Energy Protein Shakes.
Ordinarily I don't care for this kind of thing at all, but something must be said for Jackson's endless reserves of giddy energy, which are clearly meant to be silly.
Though perhaps a bit too overstuffed for such familiar fare, Dirty Deeds succeeds through sheer force of quirk and a seemingly endless supply of hyper - kinetic energy.
Holding a few of the shots for more than half a line could encourage the various performers to play their energy off of each other, but instead, we get endless edits that chop up the experience into an awkward jumble.
Jurassic World was probably the worst offender in this regard with its endless «we used THIS reptile's DNA which is why the blah - blah - saur can do THAT» exposition, but for a movie like this, all we really need to know is that good animals took some sort of crazy serum and now they're big and angry; the script's four authors, including Carlton Cuse (Lost, The Strain), devotes way more energy than they — or we — need trying to explain why a 500 - pound albino gorilla doubles in size overnight, and why later, a wolf develops porcupine - like quills and «wings» like a 200 - foot - long flying squirrel.
I can do this I will get through this I will be okay I am capable of amazing things I am a good person I deserve to be happy I am stronger than I think I am amazing I can do anything I set my mind to I will keep going Do not give up Keep moving forward I can handle change with ease I am unique I believe in my abilities and skills I can face every situation with confidence There is always a solution to every problem I am responsible for how I respond to others I have the power to choose to let go of any emotion Any difficulty that comes my way is an opportunity to grow I am full of energy and joy I have the power to create change My possibilities are endless I am in charge of how I feel I choose happiness I can, I will I can make healthy choices
Channel this restless energy by sharing books showcasing nature's endless opportunities for creation and discovery.
Aira, known for the frenetic energy of his short stories and his seemingly endless imagination (he's published more than 80 books!)
The German Pinscher is known for being a playful friend with a seemingly endless amount of energy and this contributes to its fast gait.
Here are some suggestions on how to provide creative «demand» for your dog's seemingly endless supplies of energy!
If you're the only chew - toy in town and your puppy is insufficiently exercised, then you'll end up being the brunt of his seemingly endless energy and enthusiasm for social interaction «doggie style.»
However, they have endless energy and require a lot of time and attention, which makes them suitable for active families only.
Coco's spunky and has endless puppy energy for playing.
These dogs have an almost endless supply of energy, and they absolutely need positive outlets for it or they can wind up getting themselves into trouble.
If you're looking for a companion animal and are slightly nervous about the younger age of your prospective animal and the potty training issues, obedience training, and endless energy, an older dog or cat might be the right choice for you.
They went above and beyond for this little family, and without their dedication and sacrifice of time, sleep, and energy, Sophie and her puppies would not be living lives full of belly rubs, good food and endless toys.
He seems to have endless energy and even playing for a solid hour before we walk doesn't help.
If you have the time to give a lot of attention to a pet and the energy for plenty of play as well as an endless capacity for accepting affection, then the angelic and enchanting Singapura cat could be just the feline for you.
The Bichpoo has loads of energy and loves to play for what may seem like endless periods of time to his owners.
Non-motorized water sports, clubs and activities for kids of all ages, and spectacular dining with multiple specialty themed restaurants and bars serving domestic and international beverages along with an endless list of things to do for the whole family guarantee plenty to do day and night in this exciting, high - energy resort.
While in air, enjoy the endless scene below from the floor - to - ceiling windows of the helicopter, but save your energy for the two landings.
Key full game features include: The official 2017 Monster Energy Supercross Season Official bikes, iconic tracks, and athletes from both 250SX and 450SX Classes: Chad Reed, Ken Roczen, reigning champion Ryan Dungey, and many others An exciting career mode with both rider and bike customization options, providing maximum potential for progressing through the Supercross ranks The Track Editor, for creating endless gameplay possibilities.
Paul McCarthy, a central figure in the international contemporary art world and an inspiration for generations of artists, brings the energy and endless reinvention of the city of Los Angeles to his first major solo exhibition in a Paris institution.
It is without doubt the most energy greedy part of the Island; air conditioning, electrically generated endless hot water (solar hot water heaters are amazingly absent from this sunny place), huge swimming pools and more cars per person than the rest of Bali, or the rest of Indonesia for that matter.
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