Sentences with phrase «endless process»

You might not buy it from the shelf but soybean oil is cheap, and thus found in donuts, pizzas, cakes, cookies — endless processed foods.
The finalizing of an initial draft is often just the start of a seemingly endless process of editing and re-editing.
Play and joy occupy crucial roles for Filliou, who believed art making was part of a permanent, universal and endless process deeply embedded everyday life.
He was incredibly knowledgeable about the home buying process (a huge help for first time home buyers) and patiently answered our endless
What occupies the mind of citizens here are material concerns that are subject to the law of necessity — that is, the circular, endless process of sustaining one's natural lives and of satiating natural needs and wants.
Choosing the right ones to add to your wardrobe can be an endless process because there are simply so many options available, and you can't buy them all.
One of the central postures of Christians has been that we're saved and you're not, so let us reach down and reach out and help you become like us, rather than a people that are in the endless process of essentially being saved.»
Unless we are totally blind to human situations as they really exist, we can not avoid the conclusion that without a revolutionary quality of living the human race is doomed to an endless process of unproductive suffering or even of total extinction.
For example, after noting the obvious incompatibility between the Whiteheadian belief that the world is an endless process and the evangelical belief that this world has both a definite beginning and an end, Wheeler presents, with seeming approval, a position which claims to «mediate at this point between biblical eschatology and process - relational cosmology.»
However, a cosmology based strictly on the thought of Whitehead seems to have no place for a true end (finis) or beginning; the world is an endless process of becoming, and there is no being that is not becoming.
Finding a baby carrier for men does not have to be an endless process involving searching, inventions, or other modifications.
All that has happened is that the hapless Owen Smith's pathetic «I'm a Bevanite» Summer long Leadership challenge will now be simply dismissed by the Right as «just part of an endless process of sabotage and disruption, to make a Left oriented Labour Party unelectable».
Doing good research is an endless process, because every finding yields new questions that need to be answered.
Establishing a financial target doesn't make saving seem like an endless process that goes on in perpetuity with no tangible benefit.
I love the beauty of the «KISS» idea and I believe becoming a professional trader is an endless process so I keep on improving myself on every point you discuss above.
Plan it now; Retirement planning is an endless process of reassuring the goal set in advance uninterrupted but carefully motivated.
Is it just the endless process of crafting?
Similarly, the Neo-Concretists and Arte Povera «aimed to reconnect art with daily life, to liberate the art object from its formalist inertia by creating «living objects» in which could be glimpsed the primary energy, the endless process,» de Zegher explains.
This is not altogether unfamiliar territory as artists like Lucio Fontana and Alberto Burri defined an entire generation through the act of negation, i.e. excavating the canvas to the point where parts of it shatter, burn and even disappear; like Fontana and Burri, and Burden too perhaps, Duffy also formulates the endless process by which an artist creates anything as simultaneously creative and destructive.
Attia shows that an endless process of repairs and exchanges is inherent to this reality.
I see life as an endless process of becoming in which we'll never be perfect and can always do more to build better companies and a better society.
I believe that knowledge is the greatest power and that learning is an endless process beyond years.
«Thirdly, as there's no stated goal, no milestones along the way to get to that goal and no timeline to get to the goal, it just degenerates into an endless process of positioning and justification of positions, with years of limited, if any, progress.
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