Sentences with word «endocrinal»

Thorough clinical examination and estimation of the conditions progress may reveal clues related to the underlying cause, such as; allergic or infectious seborrhea is more common in young and old dogs, while seborrhea caused by endocrinal disorders (hormones) are more common in middle to older dogs.
-- Gender: Female athletes have a lower recovery rate due to endocrinal differences, such as the lack of testosterone.
According to evolutionary, genetic, and endocrinal perspectives, gender differences are modulated by the interaction between intra-uterine stress, genetic equipments, and the availability of the facilitating environment during the newborn period.
Moreover, if needed, the condition should be differentiated from dog ring worm and endocrinal disorders through the use of detailed laboratory procedures.
Asanas help in optimal secretions of the endocrinal glands, thereby balancing the emotions and improving relationships and social interactions.
Assessment of the modification of the clinical, endocrinal and metabolical profile of patients with PCOS syndrome treated with myo - inositol].
In addition, since this unique holistic approach, apart from reducing body weight, positively energizes and influences entire human organism including the immune, nervous, circulatory, endocrinal, digestive and all other systems, often those who were willing to follow this plan also managed to reverse coronary heart disease or diabetes, recovered from cancer, depression, arthritis and other chronic diseases.
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