Sentences with phrase «endocrine problems in»

There are plenty of places where it can go wrong and given the high levels of thyroid and endocrine problems in western women, it's a wonder that so many nurse successfully at all.
This disease is the exact opposite of another endocrine problem in dogs called Addison's disease (hypoadrenocorticism).

Not exact matches

Plastic eventually breaks down into micro particles, which then make their way into plankton, and thus the entire seafood chain (including any fish you might eat)-- potentially causing immune system disorders, endocrine disruption, and developmental problems in children;
Exposure to these can lead to endocrine and immune dysfunctions or even problems in the nervous system during these developing times in their life.
In rare cases, failure to gain weight can turn out to be a result of a lung problem, such as cystic fibrosis; a nervous system problem, such as cerebral palsy; a chromosome problem, such as Down syndrome; heart disease; anemia; or a metabolic or an endocrine disorder, such as growth hormone deficiency.
Early puberty may lead to increased risk of diabetes or reproductive problems later in life, according to the research, which will be presented Sunday, March 18 at ENDO 2018, the Endocrine Society's 100th annual meeting in Chicago, Ill..
«The higher incidence of prolonged problems among women has been associated with a number of gender differences including physiological differences in the laryngeal system, differences in the endocrine system, and differences in pulmonary usage,» said Eric Hunter, the lead investigator and Associate Chair of Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders at the Michigan State University.
The drug also has been linked to endocrine disruption and reproductive problems in zebrafish.
Endocrine disrupters — pollutants that unbalance hormone systems — are known to harm fish, and there is growing evidence linking them to health problems in humans, including infertility and various cancers.
The work, which is published in EMBO reports, suggests that endocrine disruptors may contribute to widespread fertility problems in the Western world in a way that hitherto has not been recognized.
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Traumatic Brain Injuries Leave Women Prone to Mental Health Problems April 3, 2017 Traumatic brain injuries affect the body's stress axis differently in female and male mice, according to research presented at the Endocrine Society's...
In order to keep up with the demand to grow them faster and fatter, they are injected with hormones, which is a huge cancer risk and also disrupts our own endocrine system making us gain weight and creating real problems with our metabolism.
If you think your adrenals and thyroid might be at the root of your problems, I urge you to connect with your doctor, get the tests, and in the meantime, eat, sleep, and live in a way that supports your body's endocrine systems.
The upshot is that the scientific evidence is weak in pointing a smoking gun at silicones, but the questions and uncertainty are there, so it's worth keeping a close eye on them — especially given the growing concerns about endocrine - disrupting chemicals that might produce health problems a generation after a minuscule exposure.
In his upcoming Adrenal Reset Diet book (I highly recommend it), he explains how many factors can contribute to these problems, but that they all share the trait of negatively affecting the endocrine system, especially the adrenals.
The chemicals in plastics are known endocrine disruptors, and this common thread may explain why we are seeing these problems in many species of animals around the world.
Endocrine - disrupting plastic chemicals from the pods can end up in the finished coffee, and these plastics have been linked to various health problems.
This over-simplified idea is great in theory, but doesn't always occur, especially in those with damaged metabolisms or endocrine problems (which includes most overweight people).
Even with the change to soy protein isolate, FDA bureaucrats engaged in the «rigorous approval process» were forced to deal nimbly with concerns about mineral blocking effects, enzyme inhibitors, goitrogenicity, endocrine disruption, reproductive problems and increased allergic reactions from consumption of soy products.31 One of the strongest letters of protest came from Dr. Dan Sheehan and Dr. Daniel Doerge, government researchers at the National Center for Toxicological Research.32 Their pleas for warning labels were dismissed as unwarranted.
The only drawback is that Softcups are made of Polyethylene and Mineral Oil, both of which are known endocrine disruptors, which are linked to fertility problems (the fact that they claim that they use the same materials as in medical catheters, baby bottles and nipples doesn't make those chemicals any less offensive).
Examples include the Strom study (funded by the Infant Formula Council) that declared soy formulas «safe» in a great media blast but did not look at thyroid problems or asthma and whose data actually indicated reproductive problems; or the Klein literature study (carried out at a DuPont Children's Hospital; DuPont owns Protein Technologies, a manufacturer of soy protein isolate) which declared that there is no evidence in the literature of endocrine effects.
So, especially in women, men have their own host of issues when it comes to hormonal imbalance, but women, because our hormones are cycling and going through different phases all month long, we're more susceptible to problems with proper hormone regulation, especially in the face of female endocrine disorders such as PMS, PMDD, PCOS, all of the acronyms, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, and just dysmenorrhea, so painful and heavy menstruation, or irregular cycles.
Our primary problem with them is that they damage developing tissues in the endocrine system, which includes the thyroid, the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland, the testicles and ovaries, and the pancreas (which produces insulin).
Newer research confirms many of the old findings on these chemicals — endocrine disruption (in adults and babies), thyroid disruption, and increase risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and liver enzyme abnormalities.3 And recently, the Yale School of Medicine found that BPA «causes the loss of connections of brain cells,» which increases the risk for memory problems and even depression.4
This could lead to an imbalance in out immune, endocrine and nervous systems, which could in turn lead to many health problems.
The World Health Organization and United Nations this year concluded: «Exposure to E.D.C.s during fetal development and puberty plays a role in the increased incidences of reproductive diseases, endocrine - related cancers, behavioral and learning problems, including A.D.H.D., infections, asthma, and perhaps obesity and diabetes in humans.»
Even seemingly small deficiencies, especially in micronutrients, can cause imbalances in the endocrine system, lower the strength of the immune system, or even cause constant digestive problems.
When a dysfunction occurs in one gland, another gland will respond to try and address the imbalance and this is why it is important to look at how the whole endocrine system of glands is functioning when looking at how to address the root cause of the problem.
Much of it is related, in what I consider a «perfect storm» of endocrine problems.
In the meantime, read up here one of my favorite sites for background info (esp how veganism, birth control, endocrine disruptors and adrenal problems can lead to infertility).
The products would provide 30 to 50 milligrams of soy isoflavones per customary serving, an amount that exceeds the average daily levels found in the Japanese diet and that has been associated with thyroid problems and endocrine disruption.
Part 2 of a two part series on Hormonal Imbalance and Weight Loss Numerous problems can occur in your endocrine system that may lead to excessive or deficient hormone production.
Increasing studies are linking chemicals in everyday products to a wide range of serious health problems — from cancer, reproductive harm, and endocrine disruption, to learning disabilities, developmental problems, and infertility.
It also can cause abnormal learning, emotional and behavioral disorders and endocrine problems later in a child's life.
One of the biggest problems with soy is that it is estrogenic, meaning it mimics estrogen in the body and disrupts endocrine function.
Pesticides have been linked to developmental issues in children, cancer, and endocrine and reproductive problems, including infertility.
Deleterious effects include endocrine disruption, thyroid suppression, immune system suppresion, suppression of sperm production, DNA breakage and increased incidence of leukemia, breast cancer, colon cancer, infertility, growth problems and subtle changes in sexually dimorphic behaviors.
These cases often aren't even addressed in conventional medicine but are typically easy to correct with diet, supplemental, and overall endocrine support BEFORE it turns into a full blown problem.
Many hormonal problems are due to slight imbalances in the delicate endocrine system, which may alter a pathway by which the body produces hormones.
This system directly or indirectly affects heart, liver, lung, and kidney and skin function so that any problems in these areas may stem from an endocrine system out of balance.
The problems of weight gain, poor skin / hair / nails, moodiness, mental fogginess, poor sleep, worsening PMS, or hot flashes (if at that age), all get worse with age and are accelerated by exposure to endocrine disruptors found in every day products.
Thyroid dysfunction is really part of a broader modern problem in human health: Endocrine disruption from environmental organochemicals.
The problem is that parabens are endocrine disruptors, which means that they have an estrogenic effect in the body — they bind to the same cell receptors as our own estrogen but they interfere with our normal, rhythmic, hormonal process.
PFOA and its replacements are suspected to belong to a large class of artificial compounds called endocrine - disrupting chemicals; these compounds, which include chemicals used in the production of pesticides, plastics and gasoline, interfere with human reproduction and metabolism and cause cancer, thyroid problems and nervous - system disorders.
Acupuncture is also used alone or in conjunction with more traditional treatments to help gastrointestinal disorders, incontinence, various neurological disorders, immunosuppression, lick granulomas and other dermatologic disorders, and problems affecting the reproductive, endocrine, and metabolic systems.
Epilepsy, joint problems, bleeding disorders, heart disease, eye diseases and endocrine system disorders are just some of the known problems in this breed.
Her expertise centers on internal medicine disorders of horses and camelids, and she has particular interests in neurology, endocrine disorders, neonatology, cardiology, equine performance problems, and muscle diseases.
Hyperthyroid cats are rarely presented to the veterinarian for behavioral signs, Perhaps because aggression is primarily wen when the cat is restrained, we as a profession are more likely to experience this aspect of the disease than the cats» owners, Treating the underlying thyroid problem generally resolves the behavioral problems however, and because onset is often insidious, it is only after the endocrine imbalance has been addressed that the owners appreciate the deterioration in their animal's behavior.
Medical problems such as infections, arthritis, metabolic or endocrine diseases and even neoplasia can look like depression, so a full physical exam, blood work, and even radiographs are necessary to make sure there are no medical reasons for the change in behavior.
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