Sentences with phrase «endocrine regulation»

The light information registered by these cells is partially processed in the retina and subsequently forwarded to the brain for further processing and integration with other sensory systems, eventually leading to outputs such as endocrine regulation of behaviours.
The emerging role of the endocannabinoid system in endocrine regulation and energy balance.
Endocrine Regulation of Energy Metabolism by the Skeleton.
Dioxin, by far the most toxic of chemicals regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency, is linked to cancer, birth defects, liver damage, skin diseases, immune system disorders and changes in endocrine regulation.
While greater knowledge about human milk has helped scientists improve infant formula, it has become «increasingly apparent that infant formula can never duplicate human milk,» write John D. Benson, Ph.D, and Mark L. Masor, Ph.D., in the March 1994 issue of Endocrine Regulations.
(Quoted from FDA pediatric - nutrition researchers at Abbott Laboratories, writing in March, 1994 issue of Endocrine Regulations.)
THE STUDY «Endocrine Regulation of Energy Metabolism by the Skeleton» by Na Kyung Lee et al., published in Cell, August 10, 2007.
«Through the creation of these mice, we can turn off endocrine regulation of [calcitriol] production exclusively in the kidney,» said Mark Meyer, the research associate who led the new study.
Hormonal signaling ensures this organ - to - organ communication, and defects in this endocrine regulation in humans often cause diseases including obesity and diabetes.
Hormonal signaling ensures this organ - to - organ communication, and the failure of endocrine regulation in humans can cause diseases including obesity and diabetes.
Endocrine regulation of energy metabolism: review of pathobiochemical and clinical chemical aspects of leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin, and resistin.
The Emerging Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Endocrine Regulation and Energy Balance.
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