Sentences with word «endometritis»

Influence of intrauterine administration of Lactobacillus buchneri on reproductive performance and pro-inflammatory endometrial mRNA expression of cows with subclinical endometritis — S. Peter — Scientific Reports
A fever after childbirth is often a sign of endometritis, or an inflammation on the lining of the uterus (womb) caused from infection.
Symptoms of common postpartum infections — such as endometritis, mastitis, an infected wound, or a UTI — include fe...
Un-spayed females: Breast cancer (50 % of intact females develop mamory tumors), uterine infections (pyometra), false pregnancies, mastitis, ovarian and uterine tumors, uterine torsion, uterine prolapse, vaginal hyperplasia and prolapse, chronic endometritis, cystic ovaries, and venereal sarcomoa.
My area of focus is on equine theriogenology, specially pertaining equine maternal recognition of pregnancy and equine endometritis.
Relationships between plasma insulin - like growth factor - 1 and insulin concentrations in multiparous dairy cows with cytological endometritis
Uterine disorders of dairy cows, in particular subclinical endometritis.
It can lead to endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, epididymitis and infertility.
Influence of intrauterine administration of Lactobacillus buchneri on reproductive performance and pro-inflammatory endometrial mRNA expression of cows with subclinical endometritis
Prevention of other uterine disease Although cancer is the most common disease of the rabbit uterus we see many cases a year of other uterine disease such as pyometra (infected uterus full of pus), uterine aneurism (uterus full of blood) and endometritis (inflamed uterine lining.
«Feline uterine infection (pyometra or endometritis) is seen in female cats (queens) that have not been spayed and are greater than 5 years of age.
These infections are known as pyometra or endometritis.
Metritis and endometritis are different types of inflammation of the uterus that usually occur within three days of parturition.
The syndrome is associated with reproductive failures, endometritis, pyometritis, repeat breeders, fetal resorptions, abortions, stillbirths, congenital malformations, neonatal deaths and weak small kittens that fade away due to congestive cardiomyopathy.
So we go from a normal uterus... and this start's with the first cycle of her life... to an endometritis to endometrial hyperplasia, which some of you have been asking about - this is when the uterus starts to thicken and we start to get bubbles in the lining of the uterus - these changes affect the uterine lining so much so that eventually the uterus can not control the bacteria, and the ultimate end stage is pyometritis.
Acupuncture is used successfully for a large number of conditions including sore backs and necks, lameness, neuropathies (peripheral nerve paralysis), gastrointestinal motility disorders (including ileus and chronic mild colic) and reproductive disorders (including fluid retention and endometritis).
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