Sentences with phrase «endomorph who»

Not exact matches

For instance, a skinny hardgainer needs more calories and a higher carbohydrate base than an endomorph like myself who has a slower metabolism.
For example, a person with an ectomorph body type (Someone who is slim and finds it hard to gain weight) should both train and eat completely different to a person with an endomorph body type (Someone who has a large frame and gains muscle and fat easily) even if they both have the same muscle building goal.
Make Your Weight - gainer «Healthy» For Endomorphs When your «weight - gainer» shake is full of simple sugars and saturated fats, it's fine for an ectomorph who needs all calories he can get, but the endomorph body frame puts on body - fat easily.
Fast twitch muscle fibres make the gains faster and again raise the overall potential of lean muscle gains; Sure, there are some tall people who are not exactly mesomorphs (there are many mixtures of mesomorph, endomorph and ectomorph genetic types).
Ectomorphs, who are naturally skinny and have a hard time gaining muscle should multiply by 16 to 17 and endomorphs, who naturally carry excess fat should multiply by 13 to 14.
For example, people who are endomorph needs to have more cardio days so they can lose weight.
Running does build a bit of muscle but is only usually a problem for women who are shorter endomorph body types.
Usually only people who are shorter or are the endomorph body type (or both) have issues with building too much muscle with running.
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