Sentences with phrase «endorphins surged»

Meanwhile, the rich flavor of chile peppers was heavenly enough to keep us chomping through bites of fire, while the rush of endorphins surged through our bodies like volts from an electric chair.
It's a Bulletproof product that allows you to reach a deeper sleep more quickly by triggering an endorphin surge.
It's a brand - new Bulletproof product that allows you to reach a deeper sleep more quickly by triggering an endorphin surge.
Here's what you get during those minutes, according to new reports: an instant endorphin surge and drop in blood pressure, regulation of hunger hormones that may help you keep weight off, and key vitamin D synthesis that alters the expression of 291 genes responsible for everything from controlling how quickly your bones age to how fast you bounce back from tough workouts to how fertile you are.

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Unlike endorphins, which surge immediately after exercise, GABA doesn't just immediately increase after exercise.
This workout will not only result in a surge of endorphins with its high - intensity efforts, but will also save you some serious coin, requiring only a chair to complete.
Think about how good you'll feel once your workout is complete and try to drum up those feeling of accomplishment that you get from the surge of endorphins a sweat session provides!
Move your body We all know those post-workout feels; that surge of energy, those endorphin highs, which is primarily what keeps us coming back to it!
So much so that researchers still don't fully understand the implication of oestrogen on your mood - we know that it can cause the neurotransmitter serotonin to surge, which decreases depression and increases buzzy feel good endorphins, hence why when oestrogen levels plummet after ovulation and pre-period, you can feel so crappy.
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