Sentences with phrase «endorsement for one's book»

However, have you also thought about getting endorsements for your book?
It is best to secure endorsements for your book while it is still in manuscript form.
A book publicist stakes her reputation on every author she represents; her association with a book is an explicit endorsement for that book.
I often speak with authors who want to hire us to get them early endorsements for their book and are ready with the wish list of big names.
When a talk show host interviews an author, or an editor writes a feature story about a book, this provides automatic endorsement for the book.
Think of it as word - of - mouth endorsements for your book.
If you're feeling particularly tech savvy, you could even host mini interviews with other authors or create a compilation of video endorsements for your book.
Authors who don't have endorsements for their books often use fake or cute blurbs they've made up, but to their detriment.
Vanessa Diffenbaugh, whose first novel, The Language of Flowers is at # 6 on the the Indie Hardcover Fiction Bestseller list and debuted at # 13 on the 9/18 NYT list, got a hearty new endorsement for her book in the form of a movie deal, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Getting back to the «social proof» angle of things, the second reason that it's important to receive a review from a top Amazon reviewer (particularly a badge holding top reviewer), is that in leaving a review on your Amazon sales page they are placing a huge endorsement for your book, which can have a powerful effect on the purchasing decisions of others.
Advance reader copies, or sometimes called advance review copies or galleys (but frequently shortened to ARCs), are advance copies of your book that you offer to booksellers, book reviewers, potential media outlets, those you're asking for endorsements for your book, etc. prepublication.
One of the questions I often get asked is, «Why would someone provide a free endorsement for my book
If you don't know who to approach for an endorsement or don't desire endorsements for your book, galleys are useless.
Shelley Hitz reveals 7 steps to successfully get endorsements for your books
I was pleased to write an endorsement for the book, and am thrilled to review it here on my blog, on Amazon, and interview him for my podcast (coming soon!).
The author, Mark Karris, also asked me to write an endorsement for his book, which you can read in the first couple pages.
Of course, today, I have a completely different view of preaching and church growth and how discipleship occurs... some of these changes I attribute to Vince Antonucci (who wrote an endorsement for my book Adventures in Fishing for Men.).
I had the honor of reading an early copy and writing an endorsement for the book.
I feel so honored that Nate Berkus wrote the endorsement for my book.
Have you ever seen a book cover where the name of the celebrity providing an endorsement for the book was larger than the author's name?
It's impossible for readers and potential book buyers to take blurbs seriously since, after awhile, all endorsements for books sound the same.
They may be willing to give you endorsements for your book or help get the word out.
Let the agent know if you have a degree in creative writing, know a few popular authors who would write an endorsement for your book, have any publication credits, or if your writing has won any contests or awards.
Want to learn more about how to get reviews, testimonials, and endorsements for your book?
I feel so honored that Nate Berkus wrote the endorsement for my book.
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