Sentences with word «endosperm»

With the invention of mechanized steel roller mills and automated sifting devices in the latter part of the 19th century (35), the nutritional characteristics of milled grain changed significantly because the germ and bran were removed in the milling process, leaving flour comprised mainly of endosperm of uniformly small particulate size (35,36).
The Brazilian scientists skinned the kernels of their hulls and puffed up the starchy endosperm in a pressure chamber — the same way Kellogg's makes Corn Pops.
The benefit was not found with refined grain containing only endosperm.
Optimising the fusion of synergid cells with endosperm, he explains, would reduce the chance for multiple pollen tubes to be accidentally attracted following a successful fertilisation.
The ancestors of the modern maize planted today in the US and worldwide had much smaller endosperms.
White rice, however contains only the carbohydrate - rich endosperm of the grain, with these other portions removed.
Refined grains (like white rice or wheat) have had the Bran and Endosperm removed during processing.
Semolina flour is made from the milled endosperm of durum wheat.
In order to receive these health benefits you have to make sure the products you are consuming contain the grain kernel in its original form (with the germ, bran and endosperm intact).
Gluten is the natural protein in the wheat endosperm which, when combined with water, forms a taffy - like dough.
If you look at that close up shot it looks like some of the purple grains are pearled down and they've become speckled with the white endosperm showing through yet retaining some of their bran.
The second part of this process is the fusion of the polar nuclei with a second sperm cell nucleus, thus forming a primary endosperm.
Guar Gum consists primarily of the ground endosperm of guar beans.
Okuda M, Aramaki I, Koseki T, Inouchi N, Hashizume K. Structural and retrogradation properties of rice endosperm starch affect enzyme digestibility of steamed milled - rice grains used in sake production.
For example, it is not completely clear in all cases just how the germ, bran, and endosperm wind up in the final version of a whole grain product that can legally be described as «100 % whole grain» by the FDA.
White flour has been stripped of the bran and germ, leaving behind the fine, pale endosperm.
The bran and germ have been removed, leaving only the unbleached, unbromated endosperm milled into this all - purpose flour.
A single oat grain is composed of several parts, including an outer inedible hull, a thinner inside layer called bran and a soft endosperm composed mostly of starches.
«And in this case the carbohydrate - rich endosperm shrinks to accommodate.»
They found that popcorn starch was about 60 percent puffier than regular corn endosperm.
The plant endosperm has been an important factor in the establishment of a mutualistic relationship with humans - to facilitate their survival and spread, crop plants have evolved larger backpacks to ensure continued utility to humans.
The poster child for such a crop is Golden Rice, which has been engineered to produce a vitamin A precursor, beta - carotene, in the grain (the plant normally produces the stuff in its green tissues but not in the edible endosperm).
They crossed two A. lyrata strains, dissected the seeds by hand, and performed paired - end RNA - seq and bisulfite - seq on the resulting endosperms to identify the species» imprintome.
They lack endosperm and must enter symbiotic relationships with various mycorrhizal basidiomyceteous fungi that provide them the necessary nutrients to germinate, so all orchid species are mycoheterotrophic during germination and reliant upon fungi to complete their lifecycles.
Written by a team of experts, it covers topics spanning pre - and post-fertilization events, embryo and endosperm development, grain filling and maturation, and factors influencing crop yield.
So here's the lowdown — wholegrains are cereal grains that contain bran and germ as well as endosperm.
In addition to a polishing off of the outermost hull, the grain's bran layer, and even parts of its inner endosperm layer, may be removed during the pearling process.
By definition, a «whole grain» contains all parts of the seed, while refined grains often have the bran or germ removed, leaving just the highly starchy endosperm.
Refined - grain foods containing only endosperm were studied in parallel.
The ancestors of the modern maize planted today across large acreages in the U.S. and worldwide had much smaller endosperms.
White enriched flour starts out the same as whole wheat flour, but the bran and the germ are removed during milling, leaving the light white endosperm.
Wheat grains a.k.a wheat berries contain the bran, germ and endosperm of the wheat kernel.
Refined grains are missing the fiber - and nutrient - packed bran and germ that make whole grains so nutritious, so when you eat refined grains you get the carb - rich endosperm and little else.
Whole grains retain the bran and endosperm layer, which contains vitamins A, E and B - 6, as well as zinc, iron, and fiber.
Whole spelt contains all parts of the grain in tact — the germ, endosperm and bran — and therefore contains more fiber and nutrients than white spelt.
Note: For those unfamiliar with cornstarch it is a fine white powder that comes from the inner grain (endosperm) of corn and is used by many as a thickener for gravies and sauces.
White rice, considered a refined grain, consisting only of the endosperm.
In its natural state growing in the fields, whole grain is the entire seed of the plant (also called the kernel), consisting of three parts: the bran, the germ and the endosperm.
But it is simply WHOLE flour — including the bran, germ and endosperm — made from WHITE wheat.
In early 2008, AACCI's Board of Directors decreed that, «Malted or sprouted grains containing all of the original bran, germ, and endosperm shall be considered whole grains as long as sprout growth does not exceed kernel length and nutrient values have not diminished.
Whole grain rolled oats include the oat bran (fiber), endosperm and germ.
The endosperm (which is the fluffy sweet bit), the germ and the fiber, the husky outer layer.
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