Sentences with phrase «enemies of mankind»

Of course the killing of Osama bin Laden was not a miracle of Pope John Paul II, but a «miracle» of Jesus Christ, who used the higher powers of the USA to liquidate one of the most dangerous enemies of mankind beside the pope.
The message that has been passed and exchanged among generations was that (God is One & Only No Mate, No Son, No Partner and that Iblis (Satan) is the Etenal enemy of Mankind and that he has taken an ought to make stray mankind ending them into the eternal Hell fires!?
The important thing, they tell us, is the promise of increasing power, increasing scope, increasing ability to vanquish the long - term enemies of mankind, such as disease, ageing, incapacity and death.
The exhibition surveys the representation of the Devil from the 16th through the 20th century, tracing his evolution from the bestial enemy of mankind and Christ in the earlier period, to his perception by the Romantics as a sort of noble rebel against patriarchal authority, to an insinuating dandy, to his virtual absence in the 20th century (in all but advertising and entertainment) as people increasingly recognised that we create our own hell on earth.
They are enemies of all mankind.
I alleged these reasons to those who so often accused my visions of being the work of the enemy of mankind and the sport of my imagination....
In fact it accounts for one of the accusations leveled against the Christians by Celsus: by running away from military service and refusing to defend the empire and their country, they greatly weaken the army and prove themselves enemies of mankind.
Reluctantly, Royce joined the chorus of voices clamoring for American intervention in the war, but added, «Unless the enemies of mankind are duly rebuked by the results of this war, I for one, do not wish to survive the crisis.»
Obscene and barely earned wages is the enemy of mankind, let alone merely footballers.
As leader of Cerberus, an underground pro-human group, the Illusive Man has the perfect plan to study the enemy of mankind: implant a human with Reaper technology.
As part of the elite unit called the HELLDIVERS, players must work together to protect SUPER EARTH and defeat the enemies of mankind in an intense intergalactic war.
This third person shooter showcases Relic's unique interpretation of the Warhammer 40,000 universe where players take the game's signature arsenal of weaponry to deliver bone crushing violence and dismemberment to the enemies of mankind.
As part of the elite unit called the Helldivers, players must work together to protect Super Earth and defeat the enemies of mankind in an intense intergalactic war.
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