Sentences with phrase «enemies they encountered along»

The game's main character, Scarygirl, looks great and all the enemies you encounter along the way have their own unique look and traits.
In Titanfall, I used the extra buttons for my futuristic melee abilities, while in Heart of the Swarm, I ordered my Terran soldiers to move across the map, attacking enemies they encountered along the way.
Doing this gives you the opportunity to Fast Travel to other activated Forge Towers, thus saving you a lot of time traveling, along with less enemy encounters along the way.
In Titanfall, I used the extra buttons for my futuristic melee abilities, while in Heart of the Swarm, I ordered my Terran soldiers to move across the map, attacking enemies they encountered along the way.

Not exact matches

Along the way, players will interact with characters made popular by the films, like Jack Sparrow, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, and will also encounter a host of new characters and enemies unique to the game.
As explained by Josh from Crescent Moon, you'll travel down a path in various environments and encounter evil knights and other types of enemies as you collect gems along the trail.
Along the way the Dragon brothers will encounter 10 unique enemies (some with multiple skins like in Neon), and eventually face the gun - toting boss Willy and possibly another mystical threat or two.
It can feel a bit like having an annoying younger sibling tagging along on otherwise deadly adventures, but her vocal cues and vast knowledge about monster types are helpful when encountering new enemies for the first time.
It throws in some great information and tactics on the enemies you'll encounter and tools at your disposal, and even a few developer comments along the way.
While it can be used to swipe at the many foes you'll encounter along the way and dig up treasure, its most interesting offensive feature is how it can be utilised as a pogo - stick, a skill that lies at the heart of the game as bouncing off of enemies is key, often being used to reach high platforms or make it across otherwise impassable gaps.
Siren is not crap, it is truly scary and the controls are crazy along with the characters and enemies you encounter... The game is in the realm of nightmares, right where a truly scary game should be.
Some of the enemies from the previous game do make a comeback on American Nightmare, although they are much more subdued and easier to tackle as compared to other enemies that you encounter as you go along.
Along the way, you'll encounter destructible objects, enemies, traps, chests, and other interactables that make up the procedurally generated islands.
Along the way she will encounter disturbing new enemies, discover new mysteries, and uncover new horrors.
We've put together a short video showing some of the different enemies you'll encounter along the way, as well as some of the various missions you'll be tasked to complete.
There is a strong assortment of enemies to encounter including various types of demons that fire different projectiles such as flames and some demons even attempt to capture the pilgrims; various enemies that roll along the ground that the pilgrims are walking on that will kill any of the pilgrims they come into contact with; vultures that attempt to peck at the pilgrims; plants that fire projectiles into the air; a woman's face with white make - up and red lips that blows fatal kisses; and many more besides.
He's also incredibly knowledgeable about Norse mythology — knowing everything about the old Norse language, which allows him to teach Kratos about the many characters and enemies he'll encounter along the way.
Along the way, you will encounter enemies like Cheep Cheeps and Bloopers, who are reappearing again, as well as Big Berthas (who are debuting in this game).
While the enemies primarily are found in the Village of Outcasts, Hyu are also encountered along the pathways that lead into the Skeleton Forest.
Legacy + splits down divergent paths at several points during the story, offering different missions to engage in on future runs along with remixed enemy ace encounters.
The over-world map is very Mario Bros. 3, wherein you move along and can have encounters with some enemies as move on the map if your character comes in to contact with theirs.
Along the way, you will encounter a variety of enemies like Buzz Bombers of Newtrons which require you to either avoid or destroy in a kid friendly fashion by jumping or bouncing on them.
Along your journey you will encounter a multitude of different enemies scattered around the level.
This acts like a bestiary for the game, listing all the materials, weapons, enemies and other objects you encounter along with some useful details about them.
As the story snakes along, you'll encounter a wealth of side quests and hours of challenging turn - based battles where you must coordinate monster skills, rider skills and enemy attack patterns.
However, there will be enemies and wild animals that you encounter along the way, while having to negotiate some dangerous weather conditions and an accelerated day - night cycle is active.
Along the way, Thomas will encounter enemies and very light puzzles that hinder his progress.
Together they will encounter and fight enemies such as «the adorably deadly hedgehogs of the Owl Woods, the violent Goat Clan along the Old Man Mountains, Hairclump spiders deep in the Stinky Swamp, and the most enemiest enemies of all: the clueless crossing guards around Bad Town.»
In it players take on the role of a cave explorer or spelunker as they wind their way through the dark, underground caverns collecting treasures, encountering enemies and rescuing damsels in distress along the way.
You'll encounter a relatively broad range of enemies, some more mobile than others, along with an arsenal of Covenant and Promethean weaponry, each with their own distinct feel.
Common enemy encounters become fairly trivial after you learn their attacks, which are easily dodged, but thankfully things move along at a brisk pace and you'll encounter new enemy types consistently.
Along the way she encounters enemies and bosses who try to stop her, as well as weapons and powerups to destroy them, in this storied version of an endless runner.
Basic light and heavy attacks along with blade twisting is simple to master at first but enemy encounters do rise up the difficulty curve with forces that are more than capable of dishing out just as much damage as our main protagonist.
Along your journey you will encounter huge boss battles, avoid traps, stumble upon precious loot and equipment to customise your character and learn new kick ass abilities to turn your enemies into rubble.
You will be encountering a generous variety of enemies along your journey, each with its own specific behaviour and form of attack.
Now players can travel alongside Aloy to the frigid north, along the edge of the Banuk lands, where they'll encounter new enemies, new secrets, and new mysteries that they'll have to solve.
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