Sentences with phrase «enemy patrols»

Bumping into enemies patrolling around Lumeria will trigger a combat sequence.
You will constantly run into enemy patrols or be harassed by predators.
There are enemy patrols roaming between the outposts and plenty of wildlife to encounter.
Raise up protective barriers using the desert sand surrounding you to shield you from ranged attacks or to hide from enemy patrols.
The first time I finished a level, I usually ended up with a C or B because of my predilection of waiting for enemy patrols and biding my time between moves through levels.
Each excursion you undertake presents you with a huge palette of tactical and combat options, such as silent melee takedowns and relying on sniper companion Quiet to gun down enemy patrols before they even realize you're there.
It's with this mechanic that the foundation of the game is laid; a door blocking the way in the past may not exist in the present, and vice versa, so perhaps you jump to the present but then have to deal with a few enemies patrolling.
there's a good range of missions from race's, defending a place or assaulting estate house's and sneaking through enemy patrols.
Likewise there's the legendary All Ghillied Up in which you quietly sneak through long grass in order to evade enemy patrols, carefully sniping guards out of towers, a sequence which kept me on the edge of my seat when I first played it.
Then, he / she levitates them in a narrow space where enemy patrols pass by regularly.
I'm now all too familiar with it: When I close my eyes, I can see its neon - lit, geometric enemies patrolling the six - sided playing field.
The environments are cramped and mostly linear, giving you almost no alternate routes for avoiding enemy patrols.
Destiny 2 is mostly played from a first - person perspective, although there are areas such as when your guardian falls to The Last City were there is initially a change of pace to a stealthy progression beyond enemy patrols and when exploring the farm in which the camera will switch to a third - person perspective, alternatively when your character performs a celebration or greeting or even when riding a Sparrow amongst any environment.
You can use your binoculars to locate enemy patrols, as well as snipers perched up in watchtowers, and once you lock onto them they will remain on your HUD so that you'll know where they are at all times.
Also taking into account enemies patrolling every square inch and you are looking at a fair few hours of frustration... and how frustrating Wrong Number certainly is.
In addition to opening up safe houses, eliminating these outposts also cuts down on the number of enemy patrols in the area.
Clearing the main mission unlocks four more that alter the camp's layout, enemy patrol patterns, weather, and time of day, creating an entirely new set of challenges.
There's a whole lot of waiting to do while enemies patrol their given routes, not to mention the time it takes to get your bearings in each new area and in some ways, it feels like only the bits of a stealth game before the fun starts.
Enemies patrol around rooms in a semi-random manner that makes it interesting since they never walk in the exact same pattern twice, but it also means you never know when they'll bump right into you and inflict damage.
Imagine if taking down a specific branch of the cartel actually had some consequences like removing certain vehicle types from enemy patrols and the likes.
When rescue finally arrives, it is via an enemy patrol boat.
The game's structure allows players to shift smoothly from covering vast tracts of land in a hurry to tense, hide - and - seek scenarios in which every move counts and getting the drop on an enemy patrol can mean the difference between success or failure.
If you want to be more adventurous you can give the enemies patrol routes to follow, create logic systems for traps and doorways and loads more.
There were many times where I'd make my way through a building or facility, ducking and dodging around enemy patrols, only to reach my objective and discover an air shaft in there that leads directly out of the building.
The lack of A.I. logic is even more obvious when an enemy patrol stumbles upon one of their comrades who was the unfortunate recipient of a well - placed headshot.
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