Sentences with phrase «energy claims professional»

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While many industry professionals claim to understand energy efficiency, there is little consistency in their definitions.
Environment groups that have supported the wind industry and taken their thirty pieces of silver, «health professionals» who have no expertise in acoustics and no interest in faraway rural communities, but do have an overblown interest in climate health effects, have jumped on the wind energy bandwagon eager to claim the high moral ground despite the human collateral damage.
Cons: the health risks are potentially very high, ALL spray foams contain toxic ingredient Isocyanate (even those that have a percentage of soy and claim to be «eco»), embodied energy is extremely high while R value is relatively low and equivalent to so many other cheaper and more eco products, soy or castor oil content is at most 10 %, the potential for off gassing and making inhabitants ill are significant, must hire a professional to install.
If you are looking for an experienced and dedicated Claims Management professional who will amplify commitment, trust and confidentially as well as someone with a high - energy, can - do attitude, look no further.
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