Sentences with phrase «energy costs»

The phrase "energy costs" refers to the amount of money or resources required to power and operate devices or systems that depend on energy, such as electricity, fuel, or natural gas. Full definition
But it does point to long - term declines in energy costs in areas with heavy solar investment: in many regions, solar is already cheaper than wind, coal, or gas.
Keep these tips in mind, and consider sending them to homeowners and clients who are concerned about the high energy costs of entertaining.
This way they can enjoy the benefits of compression at the key areas, but with severely lower energy costs in terms of putting the products on.
Stem's software - driven storage can enable businesses to reduce energy costs by reducing their peak demand.
Though aiming to build in renewable - heavy areas would be environmentally beneficial, it could also result in higher energy costs for companies.
However, support information is developing quickly as more longitudinal studies are published, especially on energy cost savings.
The utilities board is recommending the provincial government set up a program to help offset rising energy costs for low - income earners.
They allow for budget allocation and charging to take place and can also act as an incentive for kitchen managers to reduce energy costs by providing rewards for doing so.
Research on the effectiveness of energy efficiency labeling programs for appliances reveals that the most important element for consumers is a simple estimate of energy cost savings.
At the most basic level the sector should plan for rising energy costs in the future whatever political party is in power.
For parents, it can mean the same, along with increased energy costs, more water usage, and higher utility bills.
Some studies have shown that green roofs help cut energy costs by keeping homes cooler in the summer months.
Lenders use this information to determine how much you'll save in energy costs with each improvement.
American industry would have the further advantage of lower energy costs as it would not have to pay for its emissions, or bear the costs of complying with a carbon trading scheme.
The study also found that projected future renewable energy cost reductions yield further increases.
There has been no warming for 17 years and yet he is going to raise energy costs in this fragile economy which will kill jobs and raise the cost of everything.
The panel is designed to help block light, reduce noise, and save on energy costs while adding an elegant flair to your decor.
Why is it that wind energy costs keep declining while mainstream electricity generation costs continue to climb?
As a result, consumers can save as much as $ 245 on energy costs over the life of the efficient dryer.
As companies, cities, and states work to keep energy costs down and meet ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction goals, the choice should not be energy efficiency versus renewable energy.
No, it does not make sense to spend $ 20,000 to reduce annual energy costs by $ 300.
The smart grid and real time information about energy cost and usage is elemental in giving customers that information, and studies show that when we have it, we make the changes.
Here are nine energy - saving features that, over the long term, can also save you in home energy costs.
When the concept was explained to them, 58 % supported the policy — though when household energy cost increases crossed the $ 15 / month barrier, support dropped to 40 %.
Keeping your thermostat no higher than 68 degrees when people are home will help control energy costs.
The authors have not documented their wind energy cost estimate.
With that in mind, we now turn to the second lever at our disposal: making clean energy cost competitive with fossil fuels.
Importantly, the study emphasizes the pivotal role energy efficiency must play in keeping clean energy costs down.
The program can also help reduce monthly energy costs for low income residents who spend a higher proportion of their income on utility bills.
They have a good record of energy efficiency gains in recent years, driven by the need to manage energy costs, but great potential exists for further efficiency gains.
The amount of energy and materials used to build a house accounts for just 1 / 10th of the house's total energy cost over its lifetime.
They aim to rewrite the rule book and finally make solar energy cost - competitive with coal and natural gas.
These systems reduce transmission losses, and they may increase power reliability and decrease energy costs by supplementing or replacing utility - supplied electricity.
And they're evidently willing do it even if energy costs rise.
Reducing embodied energy costs, increasing efficiency and increasing depth of discharge will also further improve the energetic performance of batteries.
In short, the answer to your question is: Yes, an overall decrease in energy costs compared with fossil fuels.
Why it's happening: As energy costs continue to increase, the search is on for ways to save.
Setting renewable targets is a popular way to diversify a state's energy mix and lock in long - term prices, they said, while alternative energy costs continue to decline.
The bad news is that half of your household energy costs go towards just two things — heating and cooling.
These can help drive production costs down until other energy costs rise to make large - scale fuel production worthwhile.
These policies, which help make green energy cost - effective, are essential to the ultimate success of green power programs.
This will help demonstrate how much energy costs your family and its impact on the world at large.
, is legislation to improve the accuracy of mortgage underwriting used by federal mortgage agencies by including a home's expected energy cost savings when determining the value and affordability of energy efficient homes.
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