Sentences with phrase «energy effects»

This game is full of color and has a lot of interesting energy effects all over the screen that are just nice eye candy.
I just got an android and it's magnetic energy effects me in a negative way.
This fibre provides a slow, steady release of energy to keep your brain chemistry and blood sugars stable, but steer clear of the «one - minute» varieties, which don't have the sustained energy effect.
Brain Octane - This oil is known for have instant and prolonged energy effects.
Chances are you'll know that Evil Ryu's present on the new roster, and he's brought a couple of new moves with him such as his axe kick and a teleport, plus if you decide to play with him you'll be treated to the glowing energy effect that surrounds his body.
The main source of the global warming observed in recent decades is an increase in solar activity on a secular scale, the chief channel of action of solar - geomagnetic activity is the control of the condensation - cluster mechanism of cloud nucleation, and the strongest energy effect is the regulation of the thermal radiation fluxes of the underlying surface by optically thin clouds.
Note the recent slowing of the aggregate real wage measure at the end of Figure 3, largely a function of faster inflation growth (the energy effect noted above) and some slowing of job and (blue - collar) wage growth.
This study suggests that stiff musculo - tendon complexes are good for storing energy; the cycling study (which doesn't involve this stored - energy effect) suggests that stretching does something to the muscle fibres or neuromuscular signalling.
Especially noteworthy are the fire and energy effects, which definitely have a next gen look.
In fact relativity makes the latter statement an approximation (for most purposes more than adequate) that ignores (very small) mass / energy effects of bond formation.
EPA: EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issues an emergency memorandum to change how federal clean air laws are made, saying the agency's advisers should consider any adverse economic or energy effects.
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