Sentences with phrase «energy forum»

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will be holding informal talks on the sidelines of the International Energy Forum in Algiers, which will run from Monday to Wednesday of this week.
The state - run Ekhbariya TV announced the royal decree, along with a cabinet statement, on Monday, just as Saudi Arabia began its participation in the International Energy Forum in Algiers.
And his climate and energy team held a clean energy forum at the White House to publicly discuss reform plans.
At yesterday's energy forum at MIT, Representative Edward Markey (D — MA) asked the Obama science adviser to say «what you believe is possible technologically if we get the policies right in terms of solving this problem.»
He was the Chair of two major conferences: the SOLAR 2006 national solar energy conference and the 2012 World Renewable Energy Forum.
That was the message at this week's annual Michigan Conservative Energy Forum conference in Lansing, where Republicans rallied around renewable energy and free - market principles.
Brown will headline the Under2 Clean Energy Forum on Wednesday in Beijing, a gathering of 170 cities, states and nations working to keep the global average temperature increase under two degrees Celsius.
Go to BraveNewClimate and read the presentation to the current World Energy Forum 2012 in Dubai.
The Sustainable Energy for All Global Tracking Framework Report, released at the Vienna Energy Forum on May 28, answers these questions.
Today at a well - attended energy forum hosted by Politico, I shed some light on the role of coal lobbyist Jeffrey Holmstead in blocking pollution reductions for his coal utility and mining clients after he said we can't «regulate our way to clean energy.»
The Minnesota Conservative Energy Forum released a survey in March showing Republicans and independent voters in federal congressional districts 1, 2, and 3 — all expected to be closely contested races — support public policies that pursue clean energy, efficiency and a greater choice of energy providers.
This activity report presents the discussions during the Second Energy Forum for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency and the role of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), which was held in Hurghada, Egypt, 18 - 19 June 2014.
NEW DELHI — Dr Fatih Birol, the IEA's Executive Director, arrived in New Delhi on Wednesday for an official visit to meet with government leaders and participate in the 16th International Energy Forum Ministerial.
IEA Executive Director Nobuo Tanaka made his first visit to the Slovak Republic to attend the fifth European Nuclear Energy Forum and to meet with Lubomir Jahnátek, Slovak Minister for Economy.
At this week's annual Michigan Conservative Energy Forum conference in Lansing, Republicans rallied around renewable energy and free - market principles.
«It's not just the Chinese who are eager to come in,» says Wenran Jiang, a University of Alberta professor who organizes an annual Canada - China energy forum.
Each year at our annual Energy Forum, we host a «big - picture conversation» on how B.C. and Canada are currently positioned in global energy markets.
As a March newsletter sent out by the European Energy Forum (EEF) details, Moore was invited as the main speaker at the dinner hosted by EURACOAL on 2 February in Strasbourg entitled «Climate Demons or Climate Gods: Coal Industry Stakes Its Future».
However, the Scottish Climate & Energy Forum does do this from time - to - time as resources permit.
The independent electricity production and showcase status of the town help to explain the electric vehicle charging infrastructure, with a plug - and - pay service station at the center of town (in front of what will become the New Energy Forum complex, with a restaurant and educational facilities) as well as a private box at the parking lot of the Energiequelle facility.
The IET Future Energy Forum founding event will be providing you with an opportunity to take a comprehensive look at the future of energy in the UK and plan for what is to come.
The business is quite challenging and I quit at some point but I can't afford to let people down especially those that see, believe in and have supported my vision such as the Tony Elumelu Foundation, NEF (Nigeria Energy Forum) and our esteem customers that are encouraging us.
0828 - FCO - Alistair Burt opens 1st British - Algerian Energy Forum with Minister Benyounes and Amb Martyn Roper.
The idea for a simple and cheap non-freezing stock tank came out of some discussions on the Homesteading Today Alternate Energy Forum.
This stark fact will top the agenda in Manila as the 2015 Asia Clean Energy Forum gets underway today.
This activity report presents the outcomes of the workshop on «Sustainable Energy Access for Rural areas» on 22 September 2016, within the context of the 7th Beirut Energy Forum, held on 21 — 23 September 2016.
Two to three percent, as James Coan from the Baker Institute Energy Forum reminds us in a column for the trade publication FuelFix, is all the difference that Americans will see in their carbon footprint if they open up pipelines, like the pending Keystone XL, to the oil sands, instead of importing conflict oil from the oppressive and persecuting regimes of Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Nigeria.
IEA executive director joins Canada's Natural Resources Minister at Generation Energy forum Forum hosted by Minister Jim Carr aims to forge consensus on a Canadian energy plan 11 October 2017
It doesn't appear to be the large majority of Ohio conservatives that a recent poll commissioned by the Ohio Conservative Energy Forum showed want more renewable energy and greater energy efficiency.
«With this final step, Mexico enters the most important energy forum in the world,» said Joaquín Coldwell, Mexico's Secretary of Energy.
Meanwhile, at the UN energy forum in Vienna, India's energy minister Piyush Goyal, reaffirmed his country's engagement with Paris «irrespective of what happens in the rest of the world».
In advance of the 2014 Pacific Energy Forum, NBR spoke with Armond Cohen, Cofounder and Executive Director of the Clean Air Task Force, to explore the implications of coal's growing role in the fuel mix of China and ASEAN countries — as well as India — and assess the tools and policy options available to reduce the environmental impacts.
Denver Business Journal: The boom in oil and natural gas production in North America, largely due to the new technologies of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, is changing the balance of power across the world, former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice told attendees at the Vail Global Energy Forum.
Following Prime Minister Modi's opening address that called for responsible energy pricing that balances the interests of producers and consumers, Dr Birol provided a keynote scene - setting presentation to the International Energy Forum Ministerial.
The following is the complete transcript, modified and supplemented for completeness and readability, of the closing speech that the author of this blog (pictured below) delivered on November 11 at the JUCCCE Clean Energy Forum in Beijing.
Her recent participation in conferences, juries and design reviews, both nationally and internationally, includes: the Bamiyan Cultural Center Design Competition (UNESCO Afghanistan); the Alvar Aalto International Café (Jyväskylä, Finland); Imagining America National Conference (New York); The World Energy Forum (Dubai).
The second edition was launched at the Second Annual SEforALL Forum in New York in May 2015 and at the Vienna Energy Forum in June.
Former Labour MEP Donnelly also set up the Transatlantic Nuclear Energy Forum (Tanef), a body that seeks to form «strong relationships» between nuclear power firms and governments.
The Des Moines Register has pointed out that on the website of the Iowa Energy Forum, the fine print reveals that the American Petroleum Institute (API) is their main sponsor.
(To see another variant reshaped by diplomatic necessity, check Chu's presentation on the energy and climate challenge from the International Energy Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, back in February.)
The reception and debate - watching party has been organized by Young Conservatives for Energy Reform, the Christian Coalition of America and the Ohio Conservative Energy Forum.
Conference Energy Chair New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell in a keynote address before a smart grid technologies conference discussed the energy priorities of the nation's mayors as set forth in the New Bedford Principles adopted at a special Conference of Mayors» energy forum in mid-September.
These events included the B.C. Tech Forum featuring Chris Hadfield (in partnership with the BC Innovation Council), the B.C. Economic Forum (in partnership with the WEB Alliance of BC), and the Clean Energy Forum (in partnership with Clean Energy BC).
Written by: Jeremy Moorhouse, Clean Energy Canada and Paul Kariya, Clean Energy Association of B.C. on behalf of the Energy Forum — a collaboration of clean power producers and non-governmental organizations in British Columbia.
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