Sentences with phrase «energy highway»

"Energy highway" refers to a network of infrastructure, such as power lines or pipelines, that allows the transfer of energy, like electricity or natural gas, over long distances. It is like a road for energy, connecting different areas and ensuring a smooth flow of power or fuel to meet the demands of homes, businesses, or industries. Full definition
The significant delays on the key energy highway decision make construction transmission lines less likely, he said.
«Improved model of energy highway along protein strands: Lessons from self - trapped electrons in crystal lattice offer better predictive power for transport model.»
Last week, Gov. Cuomo announced that 85 private developers, investor - owned utilities, financial firms and other entities have responded to the New York Energy Highway Task Force's Request for Information (RFI), submitting 130 proposals to upgrade the state's energy infrastructure.
Mr. Quiniones was Co-Chairman of the New York Energy Highway Task Force, which helped carry out Governor Andrew M. Cuomo's vision for reimagining New York State's energy system through partnerships between the public and private sectors.
Claverack's regular Town Board meeting drew a large crowd Thursday as the board approved a resolution opposing the expansion of existing power lines through the county as part of Cuomo's New York State Energy Highway.
For example, he called for an «energy highway system» to link hydropower plants in Quebec and northern New York with energy - hungry consumers in the downstate region.
DeFrancisco said that the state was behind on its replacement of transmission lines, part of the Cuomo administration's Energy Highway plan, which would become increasingly important under R.E.V.
«Shouldn't we be improving that energy highway now before it becomes non-usable, since it's going to take a while to get the R.E.V. in place?»
Last year, the state delayed a major part of Cuomo's Energy Highway initiative to bring more power downstate to accommodate for CPV's entrance into the energy market.
Governor Cuomo's Energy Highway Initiative has ambitious goals to move New York State to a lower carbon emission, renewable future.
The CHPE project on its face is absolutely unnecessary since the unveiling of the Governor's Energy Highway Blueprint which will upgrade the transmission system for all sources of power generation, not just the Western New York coal fleet but also for the renewable sources who are trying to come online and be competitive.
Cuomo's New York Energy Highway Task Force members will hold a conference at the DoubleTree Hotel in Tarrytown at 12:30 p.m. to give comprehensive overview of the Energy Highway.
When New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed the Energy Highway in 2012 to bring power from generation plants upstate to load centers in and around New York City, Upstate New York Power responded that the plants could play an «important role» for the proposal.
Since the 2012 projections and the Energy Highway Blueprint recommendations, over 5,000 megawatts of electricity have been added to the system through transmissions upgrades, efficiency, and demand reduction from distributed generation.
And his proposal to make massive investments in decaying critical State infrastructure and to build an «energy highway» provide a dynamic blueprint for job creation and economic revitalization.
New Plant in Haverstraw up for Debate GenOn, a Haverstraw energy plant that has been involved in ongoing negotiations with the Town of Haverstraw concerning taxes, recently proposed building a new natural - gas power plant at the Bowline Generating Station under Gov. Andrew Cuomo's «Energy Highway» initiative.
The new convention center and Javits transformation, energy highways, gaming, the $ 1 billion for Buffalo comprise the economic development blueprint that will meld the government and private sector to help generate funds for New York.
«The full details of The Energy Highway and REV initiatives have not yet been fully disclosed,» the bill states.
The Energy Highway Task Force issued the RFI in April, seeking proposals in support of an energy highway.
The Governor outlined his vision for the Energy Highway in his 2012 State of the State Address, calling for «a private - sector funded $ 2 billion «Energy Highway» system that will tap into the generation capacity and renewable energy potential in Upstate and Western NY to bring low - cost power to meet the tremendous energy needs in Downstate New York» and for the repowering of old and dirty plants to stop pollution in urban neighborhoods.
Administration officials said the energy highway project was not delayed and that more approvals were forthcoming.
Also testifying at Wednesday's hearing were a coalition of business groups, local elected officials and labor unions that have been pushing for transmission lines in the stalled part of the Energy Highway.
However, the state continues to delay a key piece of Cuomo's energy highway, which would run transmission lines down the Hudson Valley from the Albany area to the larger New York City metropolitan area.
During a hearing on the administration's most significant initiatives, including the energy highway, the Reforming Energy Vision and the state energy plan, Republican senator John DeFrancisco of Syracuse repeatedly questioned the officials about the lack of specific project timelines and why key details of financial costs have been slow to materialize.
The state's website boasts that the energy highway is a «bold proposal» that will transform the electrical grid.
The energy highway is supposed to increase capacity, which will bring down energy prices.
«Each one of these decisions make it harder for the energy highway to have any short or long term victories,» he said.
The most powerful opponents of the energy highway are protest groups and local elected officials from communities all along some of the earlier proposed routes.
«Modernizing and strengthening our state's power transmission system is a centerpiece of the Energy Highway Blueprint.»
Seek a clear definition of what the Energy Highway is, what purpose it serves, and how investors will be chosen
Governor Cuomo has called for a private - sector funded ($ 2 billion) «Energy Highway» which would bring excess renewable energy from Canada, Upstate and Western New York, to Downstate to meet demand in that region.
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