Sentences with phrase «energy intensive process»

Manufacturing artificial fertiliser is a highly energy intensive process that consumes roughly 1 per cent of the world's energy supply.
As several posts prior to Andy's «update» at 5:00 p.m. deduced, this must be a very energy intensive process — in fact a net energy loser.
The process to create bitcoin, called mining, is an energy intensive process, with many of the miners using specialized equipment for the process.
Digestion is an energy intensive process so this is a great strategy to maintain high energy levels throughout the day.
Digestion is an energy intensive process so this is a great strategy to maintain high energy levels throughout the day.
When food is scarce, the body slows down cell division as it is an energy intensive process.
Digestion is an energy intensive process and the organic acids in these liquids actually help to start the digestion process before you even take a bite of your food.
They soon conclude that recycling is an energy intensive process, far behind reducing and reusing in the order of environmental priorities.
Not only do cars gobble up oil, but the manufacture of cars is a highly inefficient and energy intensive process that consumes loads of increasingly expensive mined metal commodities.
PLA can be sorted and recycled, but it takes some energy intensive processes to do it.
BECCS is another system that uses fast growing trees to be burned for electricity generation, and emissions stored underground in old oil wells, and deep permeable rock formations, but this needs gigantic areas of land, irrigation and fertiliser and expensive, energy intensive processes.
Clearing ice from aircraft and wind turbines can be an energy intensive process, but new technology inspired by beetles could keep ice from forming in the first place.
Mining is an energy intensive process by which new transactions are added to a blockchain, with new coins minted as a reward.
Mining is an energy intensive process by which new transactions are added to a blockchain, creating new tokens as a reward int he process.
GMO, which was founded in the 1990s and already operates its own cryptocurrency exchange, said it would begin mining - an energy intensive process by which new transactions are added to a blockchain - in the first half of 2018.
According to TechWave, GMO, which was founded in the 1990s and already operates its own cryptocurrency exchange, said it would begin mining — an energy intensive process by which new transactions are added to a blockchain — in the first half of 2018.
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