Sentences with phrase «energy needs»

Many older buildings have thick, solid walls, resulting in greater thermal mass and reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling.
By contrast, the amount of energy needed for building and powering irrigation systems, factories, and cities, is very large.
This doesn't come as a surprise, given the region's ambitious goals to meet energy needs with increasing amounts of renewable energy.
A nutritious whole - foods breakfast will provide you with energy needed for optimal mind and body function.
The report comes when the British government is promoting wind power as a means of getting 10 % of energy need from renewables by 2010.
If we can improve the efficiency somewhat, we may be able to make a real difference in meeting energy needs in the future.
In a ketogenic diet, the carbohydrate content of the diet is so low that the body has to break down even more of its fat to supply energy needed by most tissues.
As it happens, many countries have government departments or independent countries that provide estimates of future energy needs.
The accelerator has already hit the high energies needed for these new particles and exotic effects to pop up.
If they were truly interested in finding realistic answers to the dual challenge of providing energy needed for modern life and protecting the environment, they would welcome debate and open discussion.
A few studies have put forth plans detailing exactly how we can meet 100 % of global energy needs from renewable sources.
By the same token, evidence of coastal adaptation can also mark human activity and a strategy for meeting the brain's growing energy needs.
It is particularly relevant to the challenge of meeting energy needs while protecting the environment.
It gives you the long term energy you need without the crash that you experience with most energy drinks.
Like all animals, a pregnant female dog has increased energy needs in order to sustain herself and the fetus.
While progress is being made, much more needs to be done to address current and future development and energy needs on the African continent.
Your body will then use stored body fat to cover the amount of calories needed to either produce breast milk or to supply energy needed for other tasks that the body performs.
The oil and natural gas industry is also focused on how to meet national and global energy needs as efficiently as possible.
The above recommendations should be fine - tuned with individual considerations based on total energy needs, specific training needs, feedback from training performance and carbohydrate tolerance.
Being farther away from the tower requires more energy needs to be used to get a good signal, as does being inside a building.
Old fashioned methods of producing energy need to be left in the past.
Senior dogs should consume fewer calories due to decreased activity and reduced daily energy needs.
It also determines how much energy it needs as it is growing.
A new century demands new approaches to satisfy energy needs while limiting the human influence on climate.
When pregnant, both mother and baby have extra energy needs that require regular intervals of eating.
For the foreseeable future, the hard truth is this: only nuclear power can satisfy humanity's long - term energy needs while preserving the environment.
In fact, it can give you that boost of energy you need when exercising.
Your metabolism converts calories found in food into energy needed to power everything we do from moving to thinking and growing.
His projects examine practical ways to reduce food system energy use and meet farm energy needs using renewable resources produced on - farm.
Muscle glycogen was discovered in the 1960s to be a critical energy source for athletes, which led to decades of emphasis on high - carb diets to support energy needs during intense exercise.
People with lower energy needs will have a deficit that's more appropriate for their calorie intake.
It says residential customers, on average, could provide 29 per cent of their own energy needs by 2020.
A structural transition is already begun, yet we must explore methods to speed this transition to reduce dependency on foreign oil as well as address energy needs and concerns.
Why not get all the nourishment and clean energy you need from a cup?
This article tells it all about energy needs and out ability to expand it for all.
This study explains that intermittent fasting consists of a dramatic reduction in the body's energy needs between 75 % and 90 % on 1 or 2 days of the week.
Most mature cats have decreasing energy needs until they are about 11 years of age.
As animals age, they have less energy needs because of decreased activity and because they have less lean body mass.
An hour's worth of sunlight holds enough power to meet a year's worth of human energy needs.
These foods will help give you the sustained energy you need to take care of your baby.
Third, sustainable energy needs to be used for transportation, which is why electric vehicles are so important.
Compared with the normal population, we would expect the overweight population to have higher transportation fuel energy use because of the additional fuel energy needed to transport heavier people.
This high protein, low ash formula allows your lively dog to tap into just the right amount of energy needed throughout the day.
After this is achieved, the next step is to generate the remaining energy needs from renewable sources.
In other words, cheese doesn't promote weight gain any more than apples do (when consumed as part of your overall energy needs).
When a customer's solar panels do not produce enough energy to match their needs, the grid provides the additional energy needed.
We can not deny developing countries their basic energy needs.
While wind power currently supplies less than 1 % of national energy needs, construction of turbines is rising sharply with 2,000 new installations anticipated this year, according to the association.
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