Sentences with phrase «energy reform»

«Voters in our groups are willing to weigh competing claims about the real costs of clean energy reform,» the memo advises.
We advise them on emerging areas from blockchain technology and cybersecurity to Mexican energy reform and impact finance.
«Some of them don't even realize what energy reform entails, and they don't realize how much it really controls their lives,» she said.
Postscript, 5:25 p.m. ** Via Twitter, I was pointed to a Heritage Foundation blog post by Joel Griffith criticizing Young Conservatives for Energy Reform for supporting renewable - energy subsidies and taking a sizable grant from the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, which focuses in part on addressing climate change.
Of course, if Obama had put up a proper legislative fight for comprehensive clean energy reform in the first place, we wouldn't be quibbling over some sorry tax breaks.
Dems are worried there aren't enough votes for comprehensive energy reform (the kind US citizens want), so they're looking at a bevy of weaker options like the utility - only bill and an energy - only bill.
According to NY Times reporter Andrew Revkin, who's live blogging the forum, there was in - depth discussion of energy reform strategy.
With the fast approaching global climate talks in Copenhagen occupying climate watchers, a far overblown non-scandal hogging the limelight, and health care reform distracting American politicos, the status of the Senate clean energy reform bill may have fallen a bit out of focus as of late.
WA's experience with energy reform suggests the current system has failed to deliver the stated goal of a competitive market.
It's an analysis of clean energy reform by researchers at Yale,
More on US Government Energy Policy Sarah Palin's Energy Plan for the US: Oil, Oil, and More Oil The 7 Biggest Obstacles to US Energy Reform
«The comprehensive New Energy Reform Act of 2008... lays the groundwork to transition the nation's motor vehicle fleets to fuels other than gasoline and diesel.
Ever since clean energy reform legislation faded far, far into the background during the last months» health care reform brouhaha, all we've had to go on have been the occasional reminder that Senators Kerry (D - MA), Graham (R - SC) and Lieberman (I - CT) were still indeed working on crafting a bipartisan effort to spur clean energy growth and create green jobs.
Global Climate Change Clean Energy Reform Opposition Bankrolled by Oil - Rich Nations Anti-EPA Propaganda Spreads Through Tea Party Movement Exxon Spends More on Lobbying than Entire Clean Energy Industry Combined
Just last week, I looked at the awful Politico article that attempted to make news out of the fact that some Democrats who had never supported clean energy reform still weren't supporting it now.
Mexico Energy Outlook Mexico's wide - ranging energy reform provides a solid foundation for robust economic growth in the coming decades 26 October 2016
While the nation has been growing as one of the leading markets in Latin America for rooftop solar, renewable energy kicked into high gear when a system of renewable energy credits was created as part of Mexico's far - reaching energy reform last year.
While the nation has been growing as one of the leading markets in Latin America for rooftop solar, renewables kicked into high gear when a system of renewable energy credits was created as part of Mexico's far - reaching energy reform last year.
These incidents, argues Gustavo Ampugnani, lead energy and climate campaigner for Greenpeace Mexico, foreshadow worsening oil - and gas - related disasters as the country's massive energy reforms open Mexico's vast fossil fuel reserves up to international companies that are even less regulated and scrutinized than State - owned Pemex.
«The ambitious and successful energy reforms of recent years have put Mexico firmly on the global energy policy map.»
However, Congress is in the midst of negotiating the first energy reform package in almost a decade, including language to repeal Section 433 and its requirement to hold federal buildings to the 2030 Challenge targets.
Let's hope this massive energy reform and climate action bill can pick up some momentum, or reach some consensus soon — lest it go the way of the ill - fated Lieberman - Warner bill, RIP.
The «Gang of Ten» Bill Introduced last Friday, a bill which has become known as the «Gang of Ten» bill, otherwise know at the New Energy Reform Act of 2008, the legislation aims to bridge the gulf between supporters of alternative energy and supporters of offshore oil drilling.
Old news: oil companies are bankrolling the efforts to stop clean energy reform from taking root in the Senate.
WTF is going on?Well, the short of it is, at face value, that senator Graham has been uneasy about climate legislation for a little while — after health care reform passed, he made comments about energy reform being dead in the water, and long before that he'd drawn fire from his own party for working with Democrats and pursuing a bill that would price carbon.
It is not an exaggeration to call Mexico's recent energy reform revolutionary.
Based in Chicago, she has been pushing for clean energy reforms at the state and federal levels for twenty - three years.
The 2013 energy reform ended the decades - old exploration and production monopoly of state - oil company Petroleos Mexicanos.
The greatest strength of the Five Stars movement is its network of genuinely motivated citizens who mobilize consensus by championing popular causes like anti-nuclear campaigns, direct political participation, renewable energy reform and the end of conflicts of interest between the public and the private sectors.
Consumers who have shopped around for the cheapest energy tariff are likely to lose money when the government's energy reforms come into force.
A prime force behind this push is Michele Combs, a longtime Republican and evangelical organizer who founded the national energy reform group in 2012.
Which of the following energy reforms will you campaign for to be installed in all new developments: solar energy panels; tougher energy efficiency standards; «green energy» sourced power supply; wider house eaves; restrictions on air conditioning.
Based on this study, countries already undergoing energy reforms (like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Morocco and Zambia) would especially benefit from SWAPs — the transfer of funds that normally go towards fossil fuel subsidies into sustainable energy investment, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency.
The prospect of Congress passing climate change legislation this year has led to a lobbying boom in Washington with industry groups — as well as environmental organisations, on a more modest scale — seeking to influence energy reform.
In 2007, the Pentagon began to look at military energy reform in a more systemic manner.
The German government has shoved a quixotic program of structural energy reform on its own people, but German consumers and businesses have only begun to take the bitter medicine.
«In terms of scope, depth and pace of implementation, Mexico's energy reform ranks as the most ambitious energy system transformation worldwide in a long time,» said Paul Simons, the IEA Deputy Executive Director.
To back up its pledges, Mexico included in its formal submission the following instruments: a national strategy on climate change, carbon tax, national emissions and emissions reductions registry, energy reform laws and regulations, and on - going process for new set of standards and regulations.
But Mexican energy reforms permitting direct foreign investment in the Mexican oil and gas sector, which has been capital starved for decades, could be a huge boon to North American energy independence and security as well as cross-border energy trade.
Canadian oil sands development is now operating at scale, the shale gas and tight oil revolutions are upon us in the United States, and major institutional energy reforms in Mexico are under way that could enable substantial new investment in the Mexican oil and gas sector.
And meaningful energy reform is something that Representative Jay Inslee
It looks like Senate Democrats are indeed going to make one last push for energy reform before the November election circus takes the main stage.
With international corporations like Apple launching a massive push for solar (and sustainable forestry) in China, the Wall Street Journal reporting that Chinese energy reforms could spell even more trouble for coal, and Tesla announcing potentially game - changing energy storage that could transform the energy landscape, we can be cautiously optimistic that there may be a real energy / emissions transition underway.
More: Climate Progress Global Climate Change On the Climate Bill Green Groups Mustn't Surrender When the Battle is Just Starting The 8 Dirtiest Tricks Played by Foes of Clean Energy Reform Forged Letters Urging Opposition to Climate Bill Sent to Virginia Congressman by Lobbyists
The post details where the money trail for anti-clean energy reform efforts leads.
Why the Climate Bill is Alive and Well Here are a few more highlights from his piece (which is a must - read for clean energy reform watchers) that explain why there's still a good chance we'll see the bill come to a vote this year:
Combs called the ramp - up strategy «a good first step» on the path toward energy reform.
With nearly one - third of Obama's 17 - minute speech devoted to long - term energy reform, critics complained that the president gave the immediate crisis short shrift and provided no new details.

Phrases with «energy reform»

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