Sentences with phrase «energy someone produce»

In 2005, the country was already using 18 % of energy produced by wind, which grew to 22 % in 2010.
The work out of the battery represents the amount of energy produced by the regenerative brakes.
More importantly, the source of energy produced in each muscle fiber was different.
Renewable energy produces small amounts of very expensive energy that needs fossil fuel back up 24 7.
Community solar — also referred to as solar gardens or shared solar — addresses this challenge by providing a way for multiple customers to share the solar energy produced by a solar array.
The effect is to use energy produced at night, such as from wind power, to do work when it is needed during the daytime.
At the end of the month, you pay only for the solar energy produced on - site and purchase the remaining energy you need from your utility.
Even when they are spinning much of the wind energy produced is thrown away.
Since those vast fields of panels and mirrors eventually turn into waste products, solar power creates 300 times as much toxic waste per unit of energy produced as does nuclear power.
That is about 50 times more energy produced by the rest of the visible universe!
The battery is charged by plugging into an external source and by kinetic energy produced under braking and periods of trailing throttle.
Turning houses into green energy producing homes is just the first step.
Adolescent male dogs, however, often benefit from more exercise to help burn off the excess energy produced by their hormones.
For example, lawmakers might eliminate the requirement that only energy produced in - state can satisfy the mandate.
It is charged by both plug - in means and electrical energy produced under braking.
Long chain fatty acids unfortunately don't boast the same energy producing quality that medium chain fats do.
This way, the branches can still grow, but they don't waste energy producing fruit.
You need to make sure that your body is packed with fatty energy producing foods that will help you face the decrease in nutrients that will follow.
In addition, this unique food blend may increase cellular oxygen consumption in blood and mitochondria (energy producing parts of the cell).
The potential energy produced from wind is directly proportional to the cube of the wind speed.
The state has more wind farms than most states and holds the potential to be the # 1 wind - energy producing state in the nation.
It appears that this planet contains unique energy producing properties, something that the locals of this star system use to power their other more habitable planets in the system.
If there is additional energy produced, it is directed to the battery.
A Bachelor's Degree in a relevant engineering field is required by all employers from energy producing industries.
On - site distributed generation can be a valuable resource that benefits the energy system, while empowering consumers to control their energy bills and receive payment for the local energy they produce.
That is over twice the national average of utility energy produced by coal.
Different sources of energy produce different amounts of heat - trapping gases.
We have to fight the system if we want to make a change and turn our homes into green energy producing homes.
It has energy producing carbohydrate which is needed to fight the fatigue.
And number three: we have to recognize that energy produces pollutants as it burns, so it affects our environment.
I like to try to make all my balls bursting with flavor while still including lots of amazing, energy producing ingredients.
Because the mitochondria (energy producing structures in cells) in the brain are so susceptible to damage, proper clearing of waste products is absolutely vital to prevent and fix brain fog.
The utilities complain people are using more energy in the early evening hours, and are using this to justify paying people less for solar energy they produce outside of that time.
Thus energy produced from biomass is carbon neutral as long as the region practices sustainable forestry.
Owners of highly efficient or renewable energy producing buildings who want to demonstrate the quality of their investment, and their commitment to a low carbon future.
The technology turns the traditional equation of «more energy equals more emissions» on its head — in this case, more energy produced equals more carbon reduced.
So, what they want to achieve is to suppress this green energy producing idea.
But it doesn't matter how much renewable energy we produce: if we burn more than 60 % of current fossil fuel reserves we get more than two degrees of warming.
Our hydro generators are scaled back to accommodate wind and solar so all wind and solar energy produced is redundant renewable energy!
Specifically, what if you could heat your water using the excess energy produced by a hot compost pile?
People who read these stories are understandably left with the impression that the more solar and wind energy we produce, the lower electricity prices will become.
Natural gas, when extracted and burned without leakage, produces about half the carbon dioxide per unit of energy produced compared to coal.
This «bold and ambitious scenario» demonstrates that it is possible to have almost 100 % of the world's energy produced by alternative means by 2050.
An Atmospheric Vortex Engine (AVE) uses an artificial vortex to capture mechanical energy produced when heat is carried upward by convection in the atmosphere.
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