Sentences with phrase «energy stalemate»

National Commission on Energy Policy (NCEP), 2004: Ending the energy stalemate: A bipartisan strategy to address America's energy challenges.
Ending the Energy Stalemate: historic report by bipartisan experts from industry, government, labor, academia, and environmental and consumer groups breaks ground in endorsing plug - in hybrids: grid of options points to PHEVs fueled by cellulosic ethanol or bio-diesel as an optimal solution: see extraordinarily clear Summary Matrix outlining options (view or download 78KB PDF from CalCars) or read pages 70 - 78 in entire report (2.3 MB PDF from NCEP).
It is because of such complications that the National Commission on Energy Policy concluded in its December, 2004, report «Ending The Energy Stalemate» («ETES») that «hydrogen offers little to no potential to improve oil security and reduce climate change risks in the next twenty years.»
Like the devastation in the Gulf, that stark assessment underscores the price that the United States is paying for the debilitating energy stalemate symbolized by this week's Senate showdown2.

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The Australian arm of Spanish infrastructure group Acciona, the world's largest renewable energy firm, has frozen about A$ 750 million of windfarm projects because of the stalemate, said local managing director Andrew Thomson.
2016's Nobel Laureates in Chemistry have taken molecular systems out of equilibrium's stalemate and into energy - filled states in which their movements can be controlled.
«At the beginning of this new school year, we need our district and union leaders to move past the stalemate and instead, focus their energy on the important work of implementing the new system as a tool to have meaningful conversations about how teachers and students keep growing.»
• Great line: «Some environmentalists have blamed energy - dependent industries and the news media for stalemates on climate policy, arguing that they perpetuate a false sense of uncertainty about the basic problem.»
With energy policy reaching stalemate in Congress, there are calls for President Obama to do more to generate new energy production.
Given the urgency of the climate crisis and the pressing need to develop our clean energy sector, this year's stalemate feels particularly frustrating.
Three years after ASP first released «America's Energy Choices» in 2011, the U.S. remains stuck in a political stalemate over eEnergy Choices» in 2011, the U.S. remains stuck in a political stalemate over energyenergy.
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