Sentences with phrase «engaged in working relationships»

In this regard, Relay Ventures» policy applies to all workers and extends to and includes all persons with whom a worker is engaged in a working relationship on behalf of the Firm, including all persons associated with a former, existing or potential portfolio company investment, or where any working relationship on behalf of the Firm may otherwise be involved.
And I will be actively engaged in our working relationship as we find the individual solutions that are right for you.»

Not exact matches

And while you might think you have nothing in common with Brian, think again: he took over the family business from his father (who took over from his father, the legendary Bill France, Sr.), needs to balance the needs of current customers while making smart changes to his product, must constantly work to build better relationships with partners, and must constantly revamp digital and social offerings and strategies to communicate with customers the way they want to engage.
Most want very similar things — stable relationships with colleagues, engaging and challenging work, progress toward goals, and a sense of control in meeting those goals.
But the truth is, when we only choose to engage in relationship with people who are sure things, with people who fit easily into our lives, with people who don't require work, we lose something.
These youth share and engage in relationship with those present, not to necessarily teach, but to — as you so wisely pointed out — share what they feel and know in their hearts are ways in which God and Christ work through them and around them.
It is healthy for engaged couples to broaden their relationship by exploring many dimensions of sharing — intellectual, aesthetic, creative, work, commitment, and spiritual intimacy can be added, in addition to the usual pattern of emotional, recreational and romantic relating.
If God is really actively engaged with and in the world, adapting the divine intention to it, taking into the divine life what occurs there, and hence seriously affected by it quite as much as sustaining it creatively and working within it to accomplish an enduring purpose, then indeed God must be understood in a fashion that is most suitably symbolized by what we know of relationship at the human level — granted, of course, that we say this with an O altitudo, to use Sir Thomas Browne's phrase.
One need not look far in the average workplace to find people listless in their work or human relationships, occupied but not engaged, bitter without any discernible grievance.
As I thought about how to apply these teachings practically, a lot of strategies came to mind — putting the needs of others before my own, buying less and giving more, humbling myself when engaged in political or theological debates, embracing rather than complaining about those «one - way relationships,» praying for others more sincerely, saying «yes» a little more often, working on that ubiquitous sense of entitlement and pride that keeps me from going the extra mile.
Nexus 2016: The Christian Union Conference for Professionals April 1 - 3 John Seel, James K.A.Smith, and Baroness Caroline Cox will speak from the Word and the implications in how we live life and engage the world (in our work, our relationships, and the local community).
Whether a neighbor, a barista at your favorite coffee shop, or a fellow commuter on the train to work, instead of averting eye contact and keeping necessary interaction efficient, consider who you might engage in a deeper relationship.
* Due to the amount of cash applications posted in a short time, the analysts can work towards value added tasks such as engaging with customers and enriching the relationship
Our graduates emerge from school ready to engage in the global community through meaningful relationships and purposeful work.
API is proactively engaged with organizations with diverse missions and activities in order to jointly leverage and expand our work in supporting all parents, children and families to promoting secure attachments and strong, positive relationships.
API is proactively engaged with organizations with diverse missions and activities in order to leverage and expand our work in supporting all parents, children and families to promote secure attachments and strong, positive relationships.
The Fatherhood Institute, with the Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships, are offering a FREE mini conference and support to practitioners and managers working in local authorities across England to engage with couple / parental relationships with a more father - inclusive approach.
If you are currently engaged in relationship - based practice with infants and their families, receive reflective supervision and have consistently updated your knowledge and skills through specialized in - service training or enrollment in university or college course work specific to infancy, early parenthood and infant mental health, you will most likely be very well prepared.
These parents are engaged in the intense emotional work of building a new adult relationship, at a time when their children may need them the most.
The only way to fix the life you have already is to be fully present in it, engaged with the person you love, and willing to do the work necessary to bring the security and happiness back to your relationship.
In the meantime (my last long relationship 11 years) He cheated on me, I forgave him (trying to make things work) he left me, (he came back) he didn't pay any bills because I could, he left me because he wasn't happy (he came back) every time he left I got a little more distant, but I still loved him full heartdly, we got engaged (2 months later, he left) said I bitched too much.
We have a lab space downstairs where we bring in couples who are engaged or married and we interview them about their relationship to figure out what makes their relationship work, what makes them strong and satisfied.
Some are married and engaged, some are in relationships, and some simply have the confidence to know that online dating does work.
For women who were raised to believe that sex is something you engage in for the purpose of entering into a long term relationship, sex at this stage could be wrought with guilt if the dating doesn't continue.
(1) The political issues explicitly confronted in Haneke's work — the alienating rituals of late capitalism, immigration, multiculturalism, the legacies of colonialism, the origins of fascism, the media's relationship with violence — further encourage the idea that he is attuned to the contemporary world, and prepared to engage with it, with a commitment matched by few other directors today.
Billie chooses to engage in both a working and sexual relationship with Dice.
Dashiell Hammett meets Woody Allen's Manhattan Murder Mystery in Lawrence Michael Levine's Wild Canaries, the story of a Brooklyn couple's already troubled relationship thrown for a loop after they engage in some slapstick - y DIY detective work.
Rachel Tompkins is president of the Rural School and Community Trust, a nonprofit educational organization «dedicated to improving student learning and community life by strengthening relationships between rural schools and communities and engaging students in community - based public work
We need to engage in the difficult work of understanding and addressing relationships of power, authority, and knowledge in the classroom.
As David Zinger, Employee Engagement Speaker put it «Employee engagement is the art and science of engaging people in authentic and recognized connections to strategy, roles, performance, organization, community, relationship, customers, development, energy, and happiness to leverage, sustain, and transform work into results.»
In the long run, greater social and emotional competence can increase the likelihood of high school graduation, readiness for postsecondary education, career success, positive family and work relationships, better mental health, reduced criminal behavior, and engaged citizenship (e.g., Hawkins, Kosterman, Catalano, Hill, & Abbott, 2008; Jones, Greenberg, & Crowley, 2015).
Working with the Daily News, Brown found 128 New York City school staff members who had engaged in sexual misconduct or inappropriate relationships with students since 2007; just 33 were fired.
Hear from one student how relationships, humor, choice, and displaying his work engaged him in learning.
They work collaboratively with colleagues to identify, implement, and monitor the effects of instructional practices; share responsibility for making changes and promoting risk taking and innovation to achieve positive student outcomes; use their expertise productively to engage in problem solving; and contribute to a positive school culture by encouraging commitment to continuous improvement, developing trusting relationships, and fostering communication.
As a vast body of research now makes clear, young people's success in school, college, the workplace, and the rest of life depends not just on their mastery of core academic content and skills but also — and often to a greater degree — on their beliefs and attitudes, personal dispositions, relationships, emotional intelligence, creativity, nutrition, mental health, knowledge about college and work opportunities, financial resources, willingness to engage with new people and cultures, openness to new experiences, and more.
Students who are engaged in their work are energized by four goals success, curiosity, originality, and satisfying relationships.
According to Donaldson (2006), «people joined in a leadership relationship will engage in working together to improve their effectiveness both individually and collectively» (p. 50).
Tribes will always be innovative because it considers the whole individual and their ability to learn, grow and work with others The process fosters the building of strong relationships, engaging us all in our learning and thoughtfully considering the needs of all learners.
Engage current partners and building relationships with new partners to support the work of local communities, Regional OST Networks, and statewide organizations serving Texas children and youth in the hours outside of school.
Research confirms what teachers and parents have claimed for decades: a safe and supportive school environment, in which students have positive social relationships and are respected, engaged in their work and feel competent, matters.
Much of Mike's work supports school and district leaders in planning and implementing large - scale improvement initiatives, visioning, understanding change and its effect on people, evaluating school improvement progress, designing exceptional professional development, and engaging people in productive, relationship - rich, results - based conversations.
Better action happens when educators have the courage and skill to resist the easy answer and superficial solution, engage in racial identity work, and embrace the challenge of digging deeply into the uncomfortable, persistent, inequitable conditions and relationships that exist in too many schools.
• Identify specific student groups whose needs are not being met; • Work closely with principals and teachers to change adult behavior and provide conditions in which students who have historically struggled can thrive; • Change system policies and practices that are barriers to students» success — school discipline and access to culturally relevant pedagogy are two key areas; • Engage parents to become involved in their children's education and empower them to be advocates; • Work with students through teachers and mentors to cultivate deep relationships and trust; • Provide students with leadership and advocacy opportunities to build agency.
(4) Conduct a program for end - stage and renal disease research, to include support of projects and demonstrations for providing special services (including transplantation and dialysis), artificial kidneys, and supplies * necessary for the REHABILITATION of individuals suffering from such disease and which will (A) insure dissemination of research findings, (B) provide encouragement and support for initiatives and new approaches by individual and institutional investigators, and (C) establish and maintain close working relationships, with other governmental and voluntary institutions and organizations engaged in similar efforts, in order to unify and coordinate scientific efforts, encourage joint planning, and promote the interchange of data and reports among investigators in the field of end - stage renal disease.
(3) Conduct of a program for spinal cord injury research, to include support of spinal cord injuries projects and demonstrations established pursuant to section 303 (b), which will (A) insure dissemination of research findings among all such centers, (B) provide encouragement and support for initiatives and new approaches by individual and institutional investigators, and (C) establish and maintain close working relationships with other governmental and voluntary institutions and organizations engaged in similar efforts, in order to unify and coordinate scientific efforts, encourage joint planning, and promote the interchange of data and reports among spinal cord injury investigators.
Instead, according to John G. Gunderson, a psychiatrist at Harvard, they tend «to engage in solitary activities which often involve mechanical, scientific, futuristic and other non-human subjects... [and] are likely to appear increasingly comfortable over a period of time by forming a stable but distant network of relationships with people around work tasks.»
The second Poets & Writers Live event was held on June 21, 2014, at Scandinavia House in New York City, and featured agents, editors, and authors engaged in panel discussions and conversation about how to sustain the writing life, the many reasons why we write, the author - agent relationship, and how agents and editors work together on behalf of writers.
Inspired by the model of working detection dogs, K9 Nose Work ® classes engage dogs in the game of nose work and teach owners how to read their dogs and build a team relationship, all while having Work ® classes engage dogs in the game of nose work and teach owners how to read their dogs and build a team relationship, all while having work and teach owners how to read their dogs and build a team relationship, all while having fun.
However, it makes up for in part with simple gameplay, challenging scenarios and an incredibly engaging two - player relationship in with both parts have to work independently and rely on each other to accomplish their goals.
Instead, it's about engaging the person in death and decay — via their body and imagination — in a situation that would affect the listener's relationship to their body, and their body's relationship to the places they are listening to the work.
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