Sentences with phrase «engaged modes of being»

His practice incorporates sound, moving image, installation, performance and participation, and explores socially engaged modes of being and creating.

Not exact matches

The best time to engage your audience is when they're already in content consumption mode, which is why every page on your site should offer plenty of links to further content.
Tesla Motors, however, has repeatedly said that drivers should remain alert and ready to take control of their vehicle at all times while Autopilot mode is engaged.
He criticizes textualism (a mode of judicial interpretation) by citing the author's attempt to «show how lawmakers are engaged in the creative work of ensuring that natural law... is given effect in our human living.»
I'm working on a hypothesis that atheism at root has nothing to do with belief or lack of belief, but rather results from refusing to engage with certain modes of cognition and behavior.
Their economies should be labor intensive rather than energy intensive; produce more durable goods to reduce waste; use local materials in building; consume locally grown foods; engage in organic farming; utilize organic garbage; depend on perennial polyculture, aqua - culture and permaculture; favor trains as well as human - powered machines such as bicycles; employ solar power and other on - site modes of producing energy; and in various ways operate on self - nourishing, self - healing, self - governing principles.
Because of Percy's explicit engagement with Kierkegaard, we may justifiably interpret the ending as a representation of the ethical / aesthetic choice... Binx, that is, begins the novel in the aesthetic mode, but by the end, he has given up moviegoing and committed to society by becoming a doctor and getting engaged.
As someone who is committed to increasing political participation and passionate about Christians engaging with what politicians actually say, rather than what we've heard them say, I believe it can be helpful when a politician chooses direct modes of communication rather than allowing their words to be mediated through the press.
The ego mode, which correlates with the mode of presentational immediacy, is engaged with the given, actively seeking to create a solution to the problem, defining the self through identifications and alienations (self vs. not - self).
Finally, there are those in varying degrees like Rowan Williams who inhabit mainstream orthodoxy, though without appealing to one dominant theological voice; they engage in intensive conversation and critical discourse and appreciate the «celebratory» mode; their main concern is not so much cognitive coherence or invulnerability as fulfillment of a range of complex responsibilities within academy, church and society.
My use of such an extreme illustration as the Bali incident was so that any of us who wish to engage culture with biblical truth will see the realistic end of modes of contextualization that inadvertently let culture lead in the dance between text and context.
The goal of yoga is to get you out of your «fight or flight mode» which is your sympathetic nervous system on full alert, and to get you into your «rest and relaxation mode» which engages your parasympathetic nervous system.
Instead of ignoring your kids until they're in full - blown meltdown mode, stay actively engaged with them through the entire flight.
The dialogue that ensued engaged the authors with a series of questions surrounding the book's central thesis: despite the real progress in racial equality achieved by the 1960s civil rights legislation, the United States political institution has been caught in between two modes of conceptualizing, and enacting policy, about race — both of which have failed to close the tremendous gap in racial disparities in social and economic welfare that are a legacy of American history.
Adler and Maslow saw active and engaged «social interest,» or a sense of oneness with all humankind as a more mature and fully realized mode of being.
Alda: I have, it's kind of an experiment that I am doing, partly because I realized how much it benefited, most of the scientists to get engaged in the conversation and not to go into lecture mode; [it] made them so much more appealing and easier to understand and make their work easier to understand.
Activity in one RSN, the default mode network, drops when someone is engaged in a task, and it may be involved in introspective activities like envisioning the future — what some would call a facet of consciousness.
System 1 runs automatically and System 2 is normally in a comfortable low - effort mode, in which only a fraction of its capacity is engaged.
The signal transduction mechanisms of Eph receptors are intriguing, and complex, because these receptors engage in multiple modes of signaling.
Time - series analysis of default - mode activity provides a measure of the degree to which a task engages a subject and whether it is sufficient to interrupt the processes — presumably cognitive, internally generated, and involving episodic memory — mediated by the default - mode network.
New standout features: GPS - enabled, this device not only has multi-sport modes, allowing for the ability to track up to 19 different activities (think running, biking, tennis, weight - lifting), but if you are engaging in one of these activities for 15 minutes (the default time, but you can change this), this wearable will automatically recognize that you are exercising.
This engages your brain in a constant mode of impulse and suppression, and when you turn off the TV, all of this built up impulse must be released, which may make it difficult to fall asleep.
Since you are reading this blog I would assume that you are not the average person sitting in front of the TV after work but rather switch on your boss mode to regularly engage in movement practice or pump some iron (if not stop reading this and start moving!).
I guess that now the overwhelming excitement of getting engaged has died down ever so slightly, I am now in full wedding planning mode for my upcoming wedding this year, and it is certainly a rollercoaster ride.
In the year that it was away, NBA 06 included a new story mode that's rather engaging, but hampered by the mini-game presentation that advances the plot of the game.
It proceeds to full thriller mode, and an engaging kind it is in its over-familiar way, no small thanks to saving infusions of soap opera.
The lobby system is the only downside of this game, but other than that, the gameplay is super solid, the voice acting is amazing and the plethora of modes make it both engaging for fighting game veterans, and fun and accessible for newcomers and fans alike.
I'm a little disappointed by the lack of special modes such as the «Scenario Campaign» from the last game but that doesn't make the core gameplay less fun or engaging in any way.
This new Collection — on Xbox One, PS4, and PC — is great for a bunch of reasons: a new rewind feature that lets you perfect speedrun strats or just cheat your way to the end; Time Trials and Boss Rush modes that offer new ways to engage with each game; and an assortment of digitized relics that give you a peek behind the scenes.
As far as I can tell, there's no ranking system yet, which may hinder how newcomers perceive multiplayer mode farther down the road, but right now it's one of the most engaging parts about Brass Tactics and can really be a blast if you get in with the right competitor.
After the massive, continued critical and commercial success of GTA V's multiplayer mode, GTA Online, it stands to reason that Rockstar would want Red Dead Redemption 2's online mode to be substantial and engaging.
The online mode for the game is one of the deepest and engaging ones on the PSP so far, but once again is held up by the extremely frustrating controls.
Players will be able to engage in more than 150 levels with a variety of worlds and games modes including: Arcade, Puzzle, Zen, Time Challenge and Retro modes.
After convincing the boys that the visitor is safe, Lem engages them to help find a way to sneak past the heavily armed soldiers that are barricading Chuck's mode of transportation.
So far the multiplayer matches I've played have pretty much all been the same, which makes sense as there are limited game modes to engage in each day of the beta.
Transformers: War for Cybertron takes players to the final moments of the grand civil war that will determine the survival of the entire Transformers race. Fans will be able to explore the Transformers war - ravaged home planet in full 3D environments for the first time, armed with a diverse arsenal of high - tech weaponry and the ability to convert instantly from robot to vehicle form at any time as they engage in heart - pounding battles on land and in the air in this gripping, third - person action shooter. Complete with several multiplayer modes,  Transformers: War for Cybertron allows gamers to play through story missions with their friends in drop in / drop out online co-op, and also create their own Transformers character for competitive head - to - head multiplayer modes, choosing among four distinct character classes, personalizing their characterâ $ ™ s look and selecting from a huge variety of weapons, skills and abilities. Additionally, the game introduces Escalation, a four - player online co-op mode that allows gamers to fight together as their favorite Autobots or Decepticons against increasing waves of enemies utilizing strong teamwork to survive.
There are frequent glimpses of what could have been a truly great game drawing us in with engaging solo and multiplayer modes, but they're often obscured by preventable problems.
The career mode although it may not seem it, is quite a long and engaging mode that will definitely keep most of us occupied for a long while.
A spine - tingling payoff, hinging on her iPhone's airplane mode, arrives later in the film, but it's the ubiquitous modern experience of engaging one stranger, surrounded by other strangers, that resonates.
By far the most engaging mode in the multiplayer lineup of Battlefront 2 is Starfighter Assault.
This is a video to accompany my article for the TES Magazine («Dotty Thinking») that offers up a simple, fun idea to get students engaged and making meaningful data comparisons, including mean, median, mode, range and a whole host of statistical diagrams including cumulative frequency, histograms and bar charts.
As the Evergreen Education Group notes, thousands of students «are attending these schools because they have medical or behavioral issues, are engaged in a time - consuming pursuit such as arts or sports, or have not been academically successful in a physical school and are seeking a different mode of instruction.»
Students» lackluster attitudes towards such traditional modes of teaching are enough to highlight the need to continue to pursue methods for more effectively engaging students.
It may be true that the future calls for engaging participants through online, offline and hybrid experiences and perhaps it will be the normative mode in which communication takes place.iv And even if there has been a great shift from a rigid top - down hierarchical approach to social change characterized by an increasing reliance on mobile, inclusive, and interactive tools, where a wealth of information gathered from locals and those outside the traditional development, humanitarian and peacebuilding communities, is this how a peace process should be addressed?
By addressing the multiple intelligences or learning styles of their students, the teachers in the school are differentiating their instruction, helping to engage learners in a variety of modes, and providing choice and control for the students over their learning.
These modes of engaging students in authentic learning experiences should increase as more technologies are developed or become accessible.
Every school should be in a continuous mode of improvement; every single improvement effort should seek nothing less than to engage students.
Students are guaranteed an engaging learning experience through the ability to build from any source or mode of content, including textbooks, Open Educational Resources (OER), and real - time media.
An active sports exhaust provides the soundtrack, which is variable depending on which of the three driving modes (Normal, Sport, Track) is engaged.
The seven - speed gearbox has new software to maximise the engine's new performance output and there's also the latest version of the company's Inertia Push technology that, when in Track mode, harness the built up kinetic energy to deliver a wave of torque when the next gear is engaged.
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