Sentences with phrase «engagement standard mean»

What does the new review engagement standard mean to your firm and clients?

Not exact matches

That level of engagement with the VA loan program means the company is better - prepared and more knowledgeable in this specialized area of home financing than your standard mortgage lender.
That level of engagement with the VA loan program means the company is better - prepared and more knowledgeable in this specialized area of home financing than your standard mortgage lender.
3.1 - 1 1 «Competent lawyer» means a lawyer who has and applies relevant knowledge, skills and attributes in a manner appropriate to each matter undertaken on behalf of a client and the nature and terms of the lawyer's engagement, including:... (j) pursuing appropriate professional development to maintain and enhance legal knowledge and skills; and (k) otherwise adapting to changing professional requirements, standards, techniques and practices.
Interestingly, we found that adolescents are less likely to be involved in problem behaviour when they are more satisfied with life, have strong relationship with healthy adults and peers (i.e., bonding), have a sense of purpose and meaning in life (i.e., spirituality), and have clear standards for prosocial engagement (i.e., prosocial norms).
The means, standard deviations, and bivariate correlations among the model variables are summarized in Table I. Correlations among the predictors of engagement were modest and do not suggest the presence of multicollinearity.
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