Sentences with phrase «engineering jobs out of state»

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Bruce Logan, an environmental engineer at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, says that ICP seems to offer one clear advantage over reverse osmosis: it does a better job of sifting out charged pollutants and could be more efficient at removing bacteria and some industrial waste compounds.
By the time State Road 64 straightened and leveled out, the Saturn sedan had me convinced that the engineers did a superb job of improving the second - generation of the SL series.
The report states that Fitbit has already sent out job offers to around 40 percent of Pebble's software engineers, with the majority of the interface designers and hardware team being shown the door and only being offered severance packages.
Stating your experience of the job in your resume will strengthen the resume as employers can see that you have previously carried out the duties and responsibilities of an architectural engineer, and so will be able to perform effective on the new job if hired.
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