Sentences with phrase «engineering workforce»

The phrase "engineering workforce" refers to the group of people who are employed in engineering jobs or are involved in activities related to engineering. Full definition
Nearly every decision the company takes is data driven — and that's representative of the culture in a majority engineer workforce, too.
Regardless of when disabilities were acquired, persons with disabilities are underrepresented in the science and engineering workforce as compared with the population as a whole.
Saxenian found that immigrants accounted for one - third of the scientific and engineering workforce in Silicon Valley, and that Indian or Chinese CEOs were running a quarter of its high - technology firms.
The International Linear Collider (ILC) took another small step forward yesterday when Japan's High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) released a plan for getting the country ready to host the $ 10 billion project by tripling its relevant science and engineering workforce over the next 4 years.
New plan would dramatically expand the available science and engineering workforce so Japan can handle its share of the $ 10 billion project
In the science end engineering workforce, women made up 37 % of the group holding the most advanced academic degrees, according to National Science Foundation data from 2010.
Workforce Development ASME is committed to fostering a broader, more competent, and more diverse engineering workforce to improve retention in the profession over all career stages.
As little as 10 per cent of the UK engineering workforce consists of women, which is the lowest in Europe.
The proportion of young women studying engineering and physics has remained almost static since 2012 and the number of women working in engineering has remained under 10 % of the total engineering workforce since 2005.
However, women make up only 29 percent of the science and engineering workforce in the United States.
Only 15 % of its engineering workforce is women, a number on par with Twitter but below many tech companies.
Clair Mowbray, chief executive of the National College for High Speed Rail, says: «With women accounting for just 9 % of the UK's engineering workforce and only 4 % of rail engineers, there is a clear need to encourage more women into the sector.
Only 7 per cent of the engineering workforce is female, highlighting that the UK has a persistent problem in encouraging women into the engineering and IT sectors.
Meanwhile, the average age of the engineering workforce continues to increase, with 56 per cent over the age of 40.
«The IET's 2012 Skills and Demand in Industry Survey shows that for the first time since the recession, companies are more confident in expanding their engineering workforce.
The social stigma of entering a male - dominated field with a macho culture, the fear of intimidation and discrimination, and the lack of mentors and role models in positions of power are commonly cited reasons for women exiting or failing to enter the engineering workforce.
NSF, for example, uses the question that has been proposed for elimination — which asks respondents to identify their college major — to create a sampling pool for a more detailed survey that illuminates trends in the science and engineering workforce.
Global figures on diversity in the science and engineering workforce are hard to come by, but what we know is not flattering
Socioeconomic Background: A report made for the British Royal Society recently analyzed data on the U.K.'s science and engineering workforce and found a strong correlation between socioeconomic background and pursuit of a science - related field.
In addition, you must understand the easy availability of foreigners in the scientific and engineering workforce has had the effect of depressing wages for American citizens.
The science and engineering workforce in the U.S. R. Freeman and D. Goroff, Eds.
Hayden points to a new effort to help GEM Fellows enter the science and engineering workforce.
In the report, Taylor examined non-profits, government agencies and grant - making foundations and found that non-white minorities comprised no more than 16 percent of staff in these institutions, in spite of constituting 29 percent of the U.S. science and engineering workforce and 38 percent of the American population.
Among the immigrants in the science and engineering workforce, the largest share (18 percent) worked in computer and mathematical sciences, while the second - largest share (8 percent) worked in engineering.
Immigrants went from making up 16 percent of the science and engineering workforce to 18 percent, according to a new report from the National Science Foundation's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES).
«Her letter, signed by 87 MPs from across parties, calls for the new Design and Technology GCSE to be part of the Ebacc and highlights the inequality of only 6 % of the UK's engineering workforce being female and that we face an annual shortfall of 69,000 engineers.
According to WES, the Women's Engineering Society, only 9 % of the engineering workforce is female and only 6 % of registered engineers and technicians are women.
To address these growing concerns over skills gaps in the engineering workforce, particularly among graduates and school leavers, 91 per cent of companies agreed that to improve the supply of engineers and technicians, more employers need to provide work experience for those in education or training.
The letter, initiated by Americans for Energy Leadership and Associated Students of Stanford University, noted that the country's energy - engineering workforce is rapidly graying, while «only 106 of the country's over 6,500 post-secondary institutions offer focused courses in renewable energy technology and efficiency.»
A major reason for this skills gap is due to the ageing engineering workforce — a large number of engineers are expected to retire in the next 10 years and not enough younger people are entering the profession.
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