Sentences with phrase «enhance learning effectiveness»

In addition to that, this eBook provides case studies and best practices on how to enhance learning effectiveness as well as how to validate it.
Deeply enhance learning effectiveness.
And micro learning, blended with mobile technologies, can enhance learning effectiveness by making learning contextual and personalized.

Not exact matches

«Clergy psychologists and others who have to deal with clergy health problems and burnout» now strongly caution pastors that to enhance their overall physical, mental and spiritual well - being and maintain effectiveness as pastoral leaders, they must learn to maintain boundaries, particularly between church work and private time.»
Training shouldn't cease when you leave the classroom or exit the eLearning course and moving learning into the workflow can enhance its effectiveness and improve productivity.
If you use a Learning Management System (LMS), you know the power the platform has to enhance training effectiveness for organizations.
In the second part of this article series on must - have Learning Management System features, we will explore 3 features that play a critical role in enhancing training effectiveness.
This is the final part of an article about what features your Learning Management System absolutely must have to enhance training effectiveness.
The project, called «Re: Learning», will enhance the effectiveness of school - improvement projects and enable them to spread more rapidly, the officials said.
Instead, schools should shift to blended learning while enhancing teaching effectiveness, through:
Finally, as a learning professional, I have a responsibility to myself to make sure I am fully up - to - date with current best practice and evidence - based learning theory, that I am constantly reflecting upon and looking to improve my skills, and that I am conversant with the latest technologies that could enhance learning in terms of its effectiveness or efficiency.
If you use a Learning Management System (LMS), you know the power the platform has to enhance training effectiveness for...
In this article, we will start with the basics before going into the details: First we will discuss about developing a mobile learning strategy, and then about how to enhance the effectiveness of your mobile learning course.
Additionally, Higgins is studying the conditions that enhance the effectiveness of senior leadership teams and organizational learning in large urban school districts across the United States.
They hope this work will inspire future research on the conditions that enhance the probability for team effectiveness in district teams and, in particular, on the ways in which sociostructural conditions such as positional diversity may enhance or detract from the likelihood of learning and sustainable organizational change.
In education, she studies the effectiveness of senior leadership teams in large urban school districts across the United States and the conditions that enhance organizational learning in public school systems.
This project opens the door for future research on teams in education by examining the conditions that enhance the probability for team effectiveness — here, indexed by team member learning.
I hope this article provides cues on how you can use our framework to measure and enhance the learnability or learning effectiveness of your online courses, how you can validate the predictive Learnability with your learners, and see if you are on target or what further measures will help you hit the bull's - eye.
intends, above all, to show education leaders how to achieve «an intense focus on improving practice» — not on the details of budgets, legislation, or placating city councils and parent - teacher organizations, but rather on ways to enhance teachers» learning and their classroom effectiveness.
PISA helps governments to further understand and enhance the effectiveness of our national and state based educational systems and to learn from other countries practices.
Along with it (and as businesses better understand the benefits and limitations of existing learning tools), several supplementary technologies and approaches grow as well to further enhance the flexibility and effectiveness of enterprise learning and Talent Development.
«A learning and performance ecosystem enhances individual and organizational effectiveness by connecting people and supporting them with a broad range of content, processes, and technologies to drive performance».
The purpose of the Learning Club is to improve student learning by enhancing the effectiveness of tLearning Club is to improve student learning by enhancing the effectiveness of tlearning by enhancing the effectiveness of teachers.
Through the LEGO Education Academy, free online learning courses are available for some LEGO Education solutions and are designed to help teachers enhance the student experience and learning effectiveness while using LEGO Education solutions.
Training shouldn't cease when you leave the classroom or exit the e-learning course and moving learning into the workflow can achieve enhance its effectiveness and improve productivity.
Engaging Schools works with school and program leaders and educators to support students in developing and strengthening social - emotional learning competencies and qualities of character that increase interpersonal effectiveness, reduce aggressive and antisocial behavior and intolerance, and enhance academic achievement.
Galileo provides educators with continuous efficiency and effectiveness data in support of enhanced student learning.
The project documents the effectiveness of instructional practices that are likely to enhance multistep reasoning, systems thinking, conceptual and spatial understanding, and motivation for learning while learning to work with maps to solve problems involving geography and ecological awareness.
The primary purpose of teacher supervision and evaluation should be to enhance teacher effectiveness through the growth, development, and support of teachers to increase student learning gains.
The right narration can increase the effectiveness of your project and enhance the overall learning experience.
It is used to enhance teaching and learning, support school improvement, and to provide data for accountability to help ensure the effectiveness of schools, programs, and staff.
The Student Support Team Association for Georgia Educators provides leadership through collaboration, learning, and advocacy to enhance educator effectiveness and student success.
They are common in other countries including Australia and New Zealand, and are said to offer teaching staff opportunities to enhance their own learning and effectiveness.
Meta - analyses, like The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K — 12 Classrooms: A Meta - Analysis, and Evaluation of Evidence - Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta - Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies found that blending technology with face - to - face teacher time generally produces better outcomes than face - to - face or online learninLearning: A Meta - Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies found that blending technology with face - to - face teacher time generally produces better outcomes than face - to - face or online learninLearning Studies found that blending technology with face - to - face teacher time generally produces better outcomes than face - to - face or online learninglearning alone.
Here are the 5 templates designed using drag and drop activity or functionality to enhance the content effectiveness and learning experience.
Results indicate a common vision and mission, clearly defined goals for all types of planning (interdisciplinary team planning, grade - level planning, and professional learning communities), and effective building leadership were primary factors to enhance effectiveness.
Novice teachers» use of student thinking and learning as evidence of teaching effectiveness: A longitudinal study of video - enhanced teacher preparation.
Prior work the first author has conducted found that preservice teachers who participated in a video - enhanced course were better able than a control group to identify evidence of student learning that was both relevant and revealing when assessing the effectiveness of teaching episodes portrayed in brief video clips (Yeh & Santagata, 2015).
However, PDPs for such activities may be awarded for school services personnel (e.g., school counselor, social worker or psychologist), provided the district determines participation in these learning activities will enhance the educator's effectiveness based on current job duties.
This role is fulfilled, primarily, by asking the right questions, spending time on the things that will have the greatest impact on student learning and enhancing the effectiveness of collaborative teams.
Under his leadership, substantive educator preparation, certification, and ethics reform efforts were initiated, including tiered certification, Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures (PPEM), performance - based educational leadership, enhanced ethics instruction and assessment, and the current work in job - embedded professional learning.
Our primary focus is the development of technology - based systems and professional learning opportunities that promote and enhance educator effectiveness.
Dr. Trover is a Project Consultant for the CEC, working as a facilitator in the Teacher and Principal Effectiveness Core and as a facilitator for the current Growth Through Learning Enhancing Professional Practice Component.
Mobile learning videos are a support tool that enhances the effectiveness of your compliance online training.
Christina Russell is a Managing Director at Policy Studies Associates, Inc., a Washington - based firm that conducts research and evaluation in education and youth development, specializing in the assessment of strategies to improve student learning in the elementary and secondary grades and to enhance the effectiveness of out - of - school time programs for children and youth.
The objectives of the capstone technology course are that the preservice teachers will learn to employ computer - based technologies for analyzing mathematical content from secondary school curricula; that they will design, present, and assess the effectiveness of technology - enhanced mathematical learning activities; and that they will analyze mathematical content from secondary school curricula to interrelate topics, construct critical concepts, discover why relationships exist, discover why certain algorithms work, and apply useful topics to address real - life problems.
The KIFs are associated with the highest levels of effectiveness for technology integration for enhancing teaching, learning, and financial savings.
Using these teacher - centered, no - fault, strengths - based approaches, they can improve teacher effectiveness and enhance the dynamics of their professional learning communities.
Explore research - based steps and strategies you can use to increase the effectiveness of collaborative teams and enhance professional learning communities.
In this updated and expanded second edition of her best - selling book, Susan M. Brookhart offers enhanced guidance and three lenses for considering the effectiveness of feedback: (1) does it conform to the research, (2) does it offer an episode of learning for the student and teacher, and (3) does the student use the feedback to extend learning?
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