Sentences with phrase «enigmatic works»

"Enigmatic works" refers to artistic creations or pieces that are puzzling or mysterious in nature, often leaving the meaning or message open to interpretation. Full definition
She creates enigmatic works of biological specimens meticulously drawn from observation in the sanctuary of museums.
Exhibited as silver gelatin prints, Saunders» enigmatic works on paper are created by projecting light through a drawing or painting to expose a sheet of photosensitive paper.
Taking ecological, social and personal points of reference as inspiration, he creates enigmatic works exploring the intersection of libidinal economies, capitalism, and the body.
In contrast to Helen Marten's enigmatic works made of disparate elements, Mary Weatherford (b. 1963, Ojai, California) works with a sparer set of materials — paint and often neon — to create pieces that reference her experiences.
Born in Lakewood, Ohio, and based in Paris since the 1990s, Sturtevant has made challenging and enigmatic work since her first exhibitions in New York in the mid 1960s.
She started to exhibit her groundbreaking and enigmatic work in the mid-60s.
Wura - Natasha Ogunji's enigmatic works consist of delicately stitched and illustrated scenes on tracing paper involving the human form and abstracted scenarios.
Spanning a vast emotional, technical and narrative range, this rarely - seen selection of sheets from Botticelli's most ambitious and enigmatic work represent an absolute embodiment of Renaissance achievement.
Known for enigmatic works dealing with the «production, distribution, and consumption of imagery dealing with current global affairs,» the Irish artist returns to Lora Reynolds Gallery for his fourth solo exhibition with the gallery since 2007.
This book foregrounds Bader's writing and provides a key to his humorous and sometimes enigmatic works.
Come view this vibrant and enigmatic work on our opening night, Thursday, June 2nd from 6 - 8 pm.
This show features four artists who each create enigmatic works that call on viewers to decipher unexplained narratives and fill in the blanks.
The exhibition will include over 40 of the artist's enigmatic works of spare interiors and illusionary landscapes — which have been referred to as «psychic self - portraits.»
Born in Lakewood, Ohio, and based in Paris since the 1990s, Sturtevant has made ground - breaking and enigmatic work since her first exhibitions in New York in the mid-1960s.
Widely recognized for her significant, pioneering contribution to sculpture, Genzken's prodigious oeuvre also includes paintings, collages, drawings, films, and photographs, and frequently incorporates seemingly disparate materials and imagery to create characteristically complex, enigmatic works.
Ultimately, all art historical references and attempts to verbalize the phenomenology of this enigmatic work fall short.
This enigmatic work by Francis Alÿs (b. 1959, Belgium) lends its title to the exhibition, which considers the question what do our possessions say about us?
Inspired by his journeys in the wilderness, Richard Long's enigmatic work is at its best when he keeps it simple, says Adrian Searle.
«The results are enigmatic works that hint at being functional but are ultimately abstract.»
Bearing Owens's trademark wit, her enigmatic works also respond to visitors» texts.
This exhibition will be a welcome opportunity to rediscover his enigmatic works on paper.
In addition to sculpture and installation art, her prodigious oeuvre includes paintings, collages, drawings, films, and photographs, and frequently incorporates seemingly disparate materials and imagery to create characteristically complex, enigmatic works.
It's been said that this enigmatic work was actually a self - portrait — a sign of his rootedness in the countryside of his childhood and also a symbol of druidic wisdom.
One of Europe's most technically accomplished painters, the Belgian artist's enigmatic work is full of contradiction, humour, horror, beauty and a cautious approach to truth.
Remington's Phunky or Dacia (1956) is an enigmatic work sitting right on the edge between abstraction and figuration; it almost anticipates late Philip Guston.»
Aleana Egan's art is predominantly intuitive and subjective; she uses simple materials, assembled or barely transformed, to create enigmatic works that have a restrained tone and structure.
With an immense material power beyond their tiny scale, these enigmatic works will be a surprising discovery for many and, along with his paintings, reveal Pollock's extensive practice.
Rui Chafes» enigmatic works are often placed in romantic gardens (Sintra), palaces and churches.
In his enigmatic works and architectonic installations, Reuter often explores the function of rooms, which he subtly or remarkably transforms and restructures, and whose utility and perimeters are consequently altered.
Her prodigious oeuvre frequently incorporates seemingly disparate materials and imagery to create complex, enigmatic works that range in medium, including sculpture, painting, collage, drawing, film, and photography.
This solo exhibition brings together the intimate and enigmatic works of artist Günther -LSB-...]
Elaine Sturtevant (1924 - 2014) born in Lakewood, Ohio, made ground - breaking and enigmatic work that anticipated, yet distinguished itself from, appropriation art.
Devine's enigmatic work has a palpable sense of dread combined with humor; it deals with mortality, desire, and loss while also addressing the painter's formal concerns.
His enigmatic work, conjuring the dry, flat surfaces of 1940s easel - size abstraction, incorporates fragmented pieces of text, code, and other symbols.
«Colored Sculpture» has some of the stark neutrality of Bruce Nauman's enigmatic works.
It is this commitment to rigorous research, saturated with the possibility of an imaginary narrative, which makes the enigmatic work appealing.
His enigmatic works defy easy categorization and have influenced generations of younger artists through his ability to show us the symbolic power of ordinary things.
«This show features four artists who each create enigmatic works that call on viewers to decipher unexplained narratives and fill in... Continue reading →
Each enigmatic work balances between humor and horror, seduction and repulsion, abstraction and figuration.
Pablo Vargas Lugo's enigmatic works — colorful collages, formalist drawings and site - specific installations — explore such diverse themes as the extinction of dinosaurs, natural catastrophes and flying machines.l
Here's a 60 - second intro to the enigmatic work of Clyfford Still, one of the leading Abstract Expressionist painters.
Simon Wilson deciphers the enigmatic work of American artist Robert Rauschenberg, as a major retrospective opens at Tate Modern.
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