Sentences with phrase «enjoy following the trends»

I definitely enjoy following trends, and like others here I integrate those I like and believe will work well in my own home.

Not exact matches

If you don't know what you're looking for and just want the thrill of discovery, tap the magnifying glass and you'll find new people to follow, places to add to your virtual or IRL itinerary, trending tags and posts Instagram thinks you'll enjoy.
Throw it on nonchalantly or belt and cinch at the waist - you'll find this the easiest trend to follow and enjoy!
You get good at what you focus on, part 2: I found myself enjoying going on Twitter and finding out what was trending, and following new people.
The modern cut for poodles is probably the most suitable for owners who love following recent trends and enjoy watching canine beauty competitions.
If this game mode follows previous trends then we very well may see it around for a week or two and given the time that clearly would have gone into a project of this scale it will not just be live for a day for limited people to enjoy.
Those who follow the trend of driving complex sports cars may enjoy being the center of attention, but time will come when their center of attention will fall on premium prices they have to pay.
I like to follow trends but not be so influenced that I'm actually chasing every new thing but rather adding a few trendy pieces to my base look... thanks for reaching out to your readers, I'm enjoying reading all the comments..
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