Sentences with phrase «enormous advances»

Most psychological theories were cast long before the advent of enormous advances in the technology of communications.
Smaller publishers probably have to try harder to build these authors because they don't have the rich uncle to fund enormous advances particularly for celebrity non-fiction.
His message focused on the fact that most people on earth aren't benefiting from technology's enormous advances over the past few years.
Solar energy technologies will require enormous advances to make a dent in emissions of greenhouse gases, many experts say.
Axel Strotbek, a member of Audi's board of management for finance and organization stated that the automaker is «currently in a phase of enormous advance expenditure for the mobility of tomorrow.»
The great achievement of the Enlightenment, says Mary Midgley, was to build a theory of the rights of man that made possible enormous advances towards social justice (Midgley 1983, 51).
Keep Ward on board Since taking the helm of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in 2008, Chris Ward has shown strong leadership throughout a rocky economic period, and has made enormous advances on some of the thorniest issues that had been impeding downtown and World Trade Center development.
Businesses worldwide will be transformed over the next few years by enormous advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).
There have also been enormous advances in research on «what works» to improve schools that we wanted to synthesize with what has been learned from practical experience.
He celebrates the seventeenth century as the age of genius, and he notes that also in the following centuries there have been enormous advances in the sciences.
They remain so to this day, despite the enormous advances in our understanding of many of the processes from a mechanistic standpoint.
The combination of two factors, namely, the enormous advances made in electronic technology and the widespread use of the English language, has greatly increased the range and strength of globalization today.
And enormous advances are being made in understanding the molecular genetics of major disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression.
However, an enormous advance in the ability to culture bacterial species has taken place in just the past couple of years, an advance not available to the LysoSENS researchers.
Peter D. Olson, a researcher at the Natural History Museum in London who helped the CDC interpret its results, said that the finding represents «an enormous advance in our knowledge and raises questions about the conditions under which cells may become cancerous.»
Franck Finance Madureira, founder of the Queer Palm — an award sponsored by our parent company, Hornet — says of Almodóvar, «This Spanish filmmaker has made an enormous advance in cinema on the representation of LGBTs on - screen.»
But sanctuaries are now established as a critical tool for reducing shark mortality, and in the South Pacific, the combined efforts of small island nations are adding up to an enormous advance in marine conservation.
«It will be no surprise to learn the central point of their essay, ironically titled «Dangerous Assumptions» is «Enormous advances in energy technology will be needed to stabilize atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations at acceptable levels,» which is otherwise known as the technology trap or the standard «Technology, technology, blah, blah, blah» delayer message developed by Frank Luntz and perfected by Bush / Lomborg / Gingrich.»
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