Sentences with phrase «enormous amount of effort»

Most entrepreneurs wouldn't come close to describing their business as passive income since enormous amounts of effort and «sweat equity» are put into the business.
He poured an enormous amount of effort into ensuring he was able to return before the international break, then did likewise in an unforgiving, lone striking role at Chelsea.
I'm glad the kids get to see the enormous amount of effort that goes this flash of magic that's over in a few hours, only to be torn down and put up again in the next city.
It's difficult because we've had to spend an enormous amount of effort fighting what I consider an unnecessary fight to preserve the programs that are doing the right thing.
I've realized that running around Los Angeles everyday takes an enormous amount of effort.
Enormous amounts of effort and money have been expended trying to address this — to leave no child behind — but the challenge persists.
One of the biggest deterrents to self - publishing is not the enormous amount of effort it will take to edit, format and market your own book, but rather the stigma surrounding self - publishing and the closely linked «vanity» presses.
When it comes to writing a PhD thesis, you should put aside anything else and invest an enormous amount of efforts and time.
An enormous amount of effort went into its design and construction with the goal of bringing the essence of Bali to Costa Rica.
It's a discipline that has to be learned and mastered over many hours, something that will take an enormous amount of effort to conquer and pays you back with an immense feeling of accomplishment when you do.
Well, we put an enormous amount of effort into recruiting people — we go all out to make sure we've got a really broad range of skills and experience in the team.
I noticed that in order for Ryan to have lit one of these photos, he would have to have gone through an enormous amount of effort.
Given the amount of support SR has in observation and previous experiment, I would predict that an enormous amount of effort would have been devoted to finding the flaws in the concept or execution of this experiment and only after far more work had been done would people slowly come around to the idea.
And if they do manage to win for ever, that would represent an enormous amount of effort.
So is that really the most effective use of that enormous amount of effort?
That is an endgame worth spending an enormous amount of effort to accomplish; it is an endgame that has a chance of averting catastrophe.
I had put an enormous amount of effort into learning real - estate and there was no way I was going to just stop investing.
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