Sentences with phrase «enormous cloud»

At dozens of points throughout the outer disk of the galaxy, we see knots of light representing the emission glow from enormous clouds of hydrogen gas.
Stars form within enormous clouds of gas drawn together by gravity.
MAUNA KEA, Hawaii — The normally bland face of Uranus has become increasingly stormy, with enormous cloud systems so bright that for the first time ever, amateur astronomers are able to see details... Read more»
MAUNA KEA, Hawaii — The normally bland face of Uranus has become increasingly stormy, with enormous cloud systems so bright that for the first time ever, amateur astronomers are able to see details in the planet's hazy blue - green atmosphere.
Around the same time, volcanoes a million times bigger than Mount Saint Helens erupted, spewing enormous clouds of dust and gas into the sky and covering the ground with 2 million square miles of molten lava.
About every three years, a huge dust storm over China sends enormous clouds across the Pacific.
In a last spasm of activity, they swell up, brighten tremendously and shed enormous clouds of gas.
The lunar cycles of the Gladden Spit Marine Reserve bring enormous schools of fish to the area to spawn, releasing enormous clouds of eggs that attract top predators like whale sharks.
Climate specialist Osvaldo Canciani added in talk with C5N TV station that, «Waterspouts are formed from huge amounts of energy that destabilize the atmosphere and generate enormous clouds.
Her intelligence comes via Bing, which has access to Tellme's natural language processing (which Microsoft acquired in 2007), the Satori knowledge repository and Microsoft's enormous cloud processing power.
The map, which was published in the journal Nature last January, confirmed a central prediction of modern astrophysics: Galaxies formed in, and remain bound to, enormous clouds of dark matter.
The pattern which this visionary sees in the history of Israel is analogous to an enormous cloud that has emerged from «a very great sea... full of waters white and black» (53:1).
Enormous clouds of these tiny grains scatter and absorb some of the radiation emitted from the stars — especially visible light — limiting what can be seen by telescopes here on Earth.
About 4.6 billion years ago, an enormous cloud of hydrogen gas and dust collapsed under its own weight, eventually flattening into a disk called the solar nebula.
This approach could also lead to another doomsday weapon: Shoot an enormous cloud of chaff into a stable spot between Earth and the sun and you could dim the whole world, possibly triggering an ice age.
When such a star explodes as a supernova, says astrophysicist Richard Lingenfelter of the University of California at San Diego, «the whole thing sort of blows its guts out,» forming an enormous cloud of material that streams out at thousands of miles per second.
This enormous cloud of ionized hydrogen is the largest known nebula in our galaxy.
Images produced by the Planck satellite have revealed an enormous cloud of electrons traveling near the speed of light in the heart of our Galaxy, the Milky Way.
The Cone Nebula is part of an enormous cloud of hydrogen gas that cradles many brand - new stars, which vary drastically in brightness because many are still cloaked in cloud and dust.
«Normally, this area is really quiet and we only see bright clouds in the mid-latitude bands, so to have such an enormous cloud sitting right at the equator is spectacular.»
It is part of an enormous cloud of molecular gas and dust obscuring background light from nearby emission nebula IC 434, producing the silhouette.
Convoys are spotted by the enormous cloud of dust in their wake, but as you close in on them, the game just chugs along.
To identify malware, Trend Micro Antivirus + compares suspicious programs against an enormous cloud - based database of known malware.
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