Sentences with phrase «enormous problem»

Then there's just the small / enormous problem of money.
That does not mean we can't see enormous problems with the health of British politics currently.
We have enormous energy needs as a country and as a globe and we have enormous problems associated with those energy needs, climate not the least of them.
The primary current problem is that the climate alarmists are creating enormous problems in the generation and use of reliable energy necessary for the development and even the continuation of modern civilization, with adverse effects on the economy, human welfare, and even the environment, all for no significant benefits to anyone except vendors of renewable energy facilities.
Holes in your «screen,» or lining, allow for «bugs» (toxins, etc.) to seep into your bloodstream and create enormous problems for your overall health, internally and over time; externally as well.
You may notice that when one form of spirituality decays and creates enormous problems, a different form, responsive to those problems can arise.
«There are enormous problems facing our country,» Bernie Sanders (I - VT) said on CNN in early March, «and what are we talking about over and over again?
Also, the Cuban infrastructure desperately needs improvement: The ground transportation system requires major repairs and upgrades, and an antiquated electrical grid poses enormous problems.
Fellow Tory MP Nicky Morgan, the Treasury select committee chair, said the «Max Fac» plan relied on «future technology» and would»cause enormous problems on the island of Ireland».
In a promotional video, Kelleher says the film is about the «power of human creativity to solve enormous problems like climate change or an energy crisis.»
To a Harry Potter - obsessed child they're still going to want to see it through to the end, and that is going to present enormous problems for their parents.
«The hotchpotch attitude to class actions in Europe causes enormous problems for Europeans seeking redress.»
In fact, non-native speakers have enormous problems learning to speak English correctly — because we can not teach our language using rules.
And yes, YouTube videos, computer games, blogs, websites, street demonstrations, college student movements like the one started at Middlebury College in Vermont, all these contribute to raising public awareness of an enormous enormous problem, and we aren't even halfway there yet to full global conciousness.
It is clear that if Sanchez comes back with an injured hamstring then the Gunners have enormous problems in the striking department ahead of our vital clash with Man United next weekend.
But Best threatened the legislation would cause «enormous problems for the city,» including preventing police from using basic racial descriptors as they search for criminals.
And Haley says the boat - captain incident has further diffused local opposition to American forces on Okinawa, and has strengthened Japanese public support for stronger ties to the U.S. «Japan has enormous problems with its aging economy and aging population,» she notes.
In Philadelphia, enrollment declines are creating enormous problems.
By contrast, rural schools have been, until recently, quite homogenous, just as the communities in which they are located often rely on a single industry (which in itself causes enormous problems, such as when factories close and there are no alternative jobs).
«Discrimination, exclusion and unconscious biases are enormous problems that no one has mastered,» Parker said on the airline's quarterly earnings call on Thursday.
While this is technically true - the nature of the American business world makes it possible for anyone to find financial success - the concept of chasing the dream has ultimately fostered an enormous problem: an addiction to work.
Even though we'd like to just not think about it, it's an enormous problem.
To help address this enormous problem, we launched the Women Startup Challenge.
That being said, while Ripple is attempting to tackle an enormous problem and is perhaps the best - suited company to do so, there are some major drawbacks (in my humble opinion) investing in it for the long - term.
Austbrokers, however, is threatened by the opposite principle: one enormous problem that will cause many more.
This is an enormous problem because students overwhelmingly prefer to learn in a live setting.
This may be remembered as the year California's leaders finally grasped that a lack of housing was an enormous problem, driving up the cost of homes and rent to such an extent that the Golden State has become the epicenter of U.S. poverty, with more...
This may be remembered as the year California's leaders finally grasped that a lack of housing was an enormous problem, driving up the cost of homes and rent to such an extent that the Golden State has become the epicenter of U.S. poverty, with more than one in five households living paycheck to paycheck.
Speaking to the German newspaper Die Zeit, he talked about the current shortage of acceptable priests being an «enormous problem,» so much so that he would consider changing the rules of priesthood, which normally call for celibacy based on parts of the Bible and the mission to be just like Christ, who was celibate.
«Will my message have a positive, negative, or no effect on their illness» «Do I dare speak as though I have answers to their enormous problems
This lack of transparency to a consumer seeking out «shade coffee» or coffee that is grown using field - tested approaches to maximizing the value of agroforestry to biodiversity is, in my opinion, an enormous problem.
That's 1 million children or, in other words, an enormous problem which we, up to now, have silently condoned.
This country and our planet face enormous problems.
Our fuel bills are going through the roof, while the Big Six net huge profits: encouraging consumers to find out about better tariff rates is a laughably weak response to such an enormous problem.
«The simple fact is that the UK Border Agency is having enormous problems, not of its own making, but of its political masters, who then choose to redact the report.»
George Lee added: «There is still an enormous problem with the condition of our local roads network and the severe winter weather, over the last few weeks, will exacerbate that problem and raise a range of new financial and operational challenges for councils and maintenance contractors.»
Maybe with some additional mellowing on the outside, he can return again someday to impart his smarts on helping government and the state with the enormous problems ahead.
Blake stressed multiple times throughout the press conference that the only reason he was recognizable Monday was that he had been recognized on Saturday, which he viewed as an enormous problem.
Meanwhile, Former Conservative minister Nicky Morgan told ITV's Peston on Sunday that the max - fac solution presented «enormous problems» on the Irish border and was a «way off».
That presents an enormous problem for the Lib Dems, who rely extensively on student support in major cities.
Today's headlines are not going to help the enormous problem of public cynicism about politics.
Nonetheless, fraud remains an enormous problem for HB.
Let's be clear, the Governor doesn't need a wage board to make a bigger dent in this enormous problem and show he's really serious about income inequality.»
«He stepped into a department with enormous problems.
Addressing Parliament in his first state of the nation address, the President noted that, the sector has enormous problems that must be addressed urgently.
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