Sentences with phrase «enough as a deterrent»

Toronto criminal lawyer Graham Clark says the government's plan to reintroduce a bill that would boost the maximum fine for distracted driving to $ 1,000 is by no means «draconian» and may not even go far enough as a deterrent.
For most people, fines will be all they see and that will act enough as a deterrent.

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The large size of this pillow may be a deterrent for a lot of women, as this pillow is actually large enough to be a kid sized mattress, but the «Legs» on this U-shaped pillow are the saving grace and can be positioned in any which way to provide you with utmost comfort.
The fines and other things are not heavy enough to serve as a deterrent that we all want.
It should have the power to impose fines on papers «that are large enough to act as a deterrent» and it should have the power to ensure that apologies and corrections are given due prominence.
The case ended with the first group of suspects being set free after payment of a GH cents 1,800 per head fine, heavily criticized by some lawyers as «paltry» and not deterrent enough.
If we choose to reduce our arsenal to what is viewed by many as a credible deterrent, maybe 300, 400 weapons, which is vastly fewer than 10,000, but would still inflict, you know, horrific damage to anybody foolish enough to challenge us on that front, well then we'll be living in a slightly different world; or we could, as George Shultz, et al argued, «Try to work towards a world free of nuclear weapons in their entirety and put this destructive genie back in the bottle.»
Analogs — if potent enough — that could find use as ant deterrents, Schulz says.
[edit] Sizeweigh approximately 50 - 70 pounds, being active and agile enough to perform well, while not too small to function as a physical deterrent, retriever or hunter.
Another good deterrent is to get a water bottle drink all the water of out it and then but some pebbles in the bottle enough to cover the bottom lets say an inch deep and cover it back as soon as the puppy is doing something that you don't want shake the bottle this will startle the puppy so that she stops her bad action.
Soon enough you'll have livestock such as chickens, and even a dog or two which can act as a deterrent against wild foxes.
«However as much as more police presence on the roads will act as something of a deterrent, there simply are not enough police officers to be able to crack down on a problem of this magnitude.
A total of 28 recommendations are provided by the IAG report, focused on four key areas: transparency in contract assignments and providing incentive and commission information to clients; the perception that the council was administrating with a «light hand» and penalties are not severe enough to serve as a deterrent; education requirements that made it too easy for unscrupulous entrants; and too many industry and association organizations that confused the public.
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