Sentences with phrase «enough body parts»

Step 4: Once Natal has determined it has enough certainty about enough body parts to pick the most probable skeletal structure, it outputs that shape to a simplified 3D avatar [image at right].
Once Natal has determined it has enough certainty about enough body parts to pick the most probable skeletal structure, it outputs that shape to a simplified 3D avatar.

Not exact matches

At the Victoria and Albert Museum's elegant Lydia and Manfred Gorvy Lecture Theatre, surrounded appropriately enough by smooth stone curves of sculptural forms, West delivered a series of lectures on this theology of the body as part of HTB's Leadership Conference this year.
Now, assuming the Vatican selects enough saints, every church and cathedral will have their own saintly body part to worship.
I guarantee that, if you wait long enough, endorphins will come to your brain from where they were secreted by another part of your body, and you will feel good.
But, perhaps most significantly to the point at hand, I have the oppurtunity through my «organized church» to connect with and find resource in a community that is large enough and diverse enough to actually represent the Body of Christ, with all of its critical parts!
Pressure sores usually develop on the bony parts of the body where there is not enough fat to protect the skin.
If an unhealthy, unproductive New York squad is swept again before the month is out, they'll have themselves a hole to climb out of, and no one with enough working body parts to do the climbing.
The Snoogle Chic Total Body pillow also features a very thick and longish bottom part than the Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow, and so it works well enough for the taller women as well.
It has all the features you need to relieve pain in your neck and shoulders while being flexible enough to use on other parts of your body.
Infants don't have many body parts that are strong enough to withstand crash forces, so the rear - facing car seat distributes the crash forces along the entire back, neck, and head, putting less stress on any one part of the body.
They are comfortable enough around the belly, which is great news for moms who never wear belts or anything that feels too constrictive around this part of the body.
A big part of it was limiting my sugar and general caretaking of my body — getting enough rest, getting enough fruits and vegetables.
Note that some have such view for religious reasons, some have such view for purely scientific ones (e.g., for a fetus in a stage late enough that it would have survived in nICU if delivered prematurely, it's hard to make an argument that merely being attached to a placenta and not to nICU life support somehow turns the fetus from a live human being to «perfectly fine to surgically excise part of mother's body».
Hence the «1 % is not enough» campaign which the three bodies have launched to demand that 100 per cent of professional lobbyists are part of the UK's statutory registration regime.
He explains that during the process of dehydration, the blood plasma (the liquid part of blood) becomes depleted of water, forcing the heart to push the blood cells through the body without enough fluid.
Too much contact and the reptile can't lift the other parts of the body high enough to reach up the slope.
In other words, the team reports this week in Science, the 4.565 - billion - year - old meteorites once were part of bodies that were either big enough or hot enough to produce central, molten, metallic cores.
The most widely accepted theory of the origin of the Moon speculates that a giant object smashed into the proto - Earth at just enough velocity that part of both bodies broke off and formed the moon.
The active molecule of most drugs can not discriminate between the diseased parts of our body and the healthy parts, resulting in unwanted side effects that can sometimes be severe enough to cause new diseases or even death.
This is often enough to halt the infection but the second part of the immune response is adaptive immunity, when dendritic cells activate T lymphocytes and trigger a cascade of immune reactions, such as the formation of antibodies and killer cells that clear the infection from the body and form a memory of the invading pathogen.
Our food regulatory body, FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand), will only allow such a health claim after they have decided that there is enough scientific evidence supporting this, so it's safe to say that we're going the right way by tucking into oats as part of our regular diet.
Some of us are predestined to have excess fats, others are fairly thin but have patches of stubborn fats, some have problem in gaining muscles, others are muscular enough but with weaknesses in some body parts.
Each of the exercises is simple enough to do anywhere, and can target almost body part (fingers and toes included!).
No matter what your goals are, including enough protein (along with your other nutrients) is an important part of supporting your body, sculpting your physique and creating optimal health.
Although it's true that since it's vital to both upper and lower body training, the core gets a certain amount of work during many routines which target other body parts, that's usually not nearly enough to tap into its true strength potential.
Because I was born with all these parts of my body and believe that they're there for a reason, I didn't want to go through premature menopause (a result of hysterectomy), and I've read enough to know that removing the womb doesn't always mean a cure.
And part of maintaining healthy bones is promoting positive bone turnover — making sure your body deposits new bone tissue fast enough to maintain or boost your bone density.
In your 3 day routine or most of others routines, you will do body part once a week, somewhat not enough for natural trainees, here you do it three times.
If it's once or twice a week, go with a full body routine because you need to maximise your workouts in the limited time you will be there.If you go 3 or more times a week, split your workouts because it will give your body time to recover while allowing you to train other body parts.If you split your routines and don't workout enough, you might only be working part of your body once a week and that's not enough to see gains.Full body workouts are great for building functional strength, mimicking real life movements and having a cardio workout at the same time.
For most of us, it's difficult to plan a leg training routine that falls somewhere in between overtraining and not training hard enough, even though we've learned the drill when it comes to training all other body parts.
Bravo to you for taking the time to nourish your body, learn about the food that supports optimal health and caring enough to figure out how to make this a part of your (I'm sure) busy life.
If you're looking for more aesthetics / body building etc a split routine is the way to go as you can divide up body parts and give them enough rest time in between training sessions.
Iron is an essential mineral that enables our bodies to produce enough hemoglobin (the oxygen - carrying part of red blood cells).
Every muscle in my body felt like it was on fire and I could barely get enough oxygen by the time the bell rang to start another, «HARD PART
Aging occurs chemically when we have too much oxidative stress on our cells, we don't have enough access to key micronutrients required for all parts of the body to function optimally, and when we start to make smaller concentrations of all of our hormones.
If your goal is to build muscle and see more definition in your individual body parts, you should be eating enough calories to maintain your weight at a minimum.
People can install blue light filters on smart devices starting at 7 or 8 pm so that your brain and body starts making enough melatonin as part of your sleep - wake cycle.
Without adequate amounts of protein daily, the body can not make muscles, break down foods so that they can be delivered to other parts of the body and or have enough energy to function.
My delts are lagging body part and just Shoulder pressing isn't enough for me to spark some growth in them.
Leslie also discusses why a strong pelvic floor isn't enough, we must also keep this important part of the body flexible.
So you can split the different parts of your body up, one day do legs and back, next day do chest and triceps, and the next back and biceps this way you can work out on consecutive days and still have enough time for your muscles to recover.
You want your body to have all the fuel it needs to perform its best; part of that is not overdoing it on the exercising, and making sure you eat enough calories.
Not enough good bacteria in the gut leads to not enough good bacteria in other parts of the body?
Whenever some part of my body is not looking right, I immediately know my diet is to blame — it's not because I haven't been going hard enough in my workouts.
It's a hard fact to face, but a huge part of the reason so many of us are not getting enough sleep is because our eyes are glued to blue wavelength screens for hours before bedtime, which according to research, decreases our body's natural melatonin secretion and sabotages our sleep.
Bacteria play a key part in keeping intruders out of your body by physically occupying space in your body so that bad bacteria can not establish themselves and multiply.2 When you have an imbalance of good - bad bacteria, this means that your immune system's barricade to the outside world is not strong enough.
I was a part of it for over 15 years; and finally my body said «enough
Beta - carotene is an important part of the diet because of it's anti-oxidant properties which protect the body against free radicals but it's not a good idea to use it as your only source of Vitamin A since studies show that many people do not convert beta - carotene into retinol well enough.
Of course, the first time out, it's unlikely that six minutes will be quite enough time to cover all six body parts, but this routine becomes more fluid once you get used to it.
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